9:57pm Jun 22 2011
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"I'm gonna go to some place where the clothes fit me." He said with a chuckle holding up a shirt the was about I fourth of his curent shirt. He put the shirt back and walked to where there were big enough to fit him. He picked out a Dark gray V-neck T-shirt, a pair of stone washed blue jeans, and a nice sip up sweat shirt that whent from white at the top and darkened into black as it got to the bottom. He walked back to Alex holding the clothes he found byt their hangers. "Ready?"
10:04pm Jun 22 2011
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Alex frowned. "Uh, no. You have problems with clothes being too small on your muscular frame. I have problems with clothes being too big on me. And you know I'm not anorexic. I eat like a pig..." Alex sighed. She picked up another shirt, and held it up. Surprisingly, it fit against her frame perfectly. "Ah ha!" She looked at the label for the size. "Extra small... Holy crap. I'm scrawny." Alex then grabbed a pair of jean shorts that were quite short, but they allowed her legs to move freely. Perfect for fighting. She then grabbed a pullover hoodie that was a bit big, but at least it didn't completely swallow her. She grabbed a pair of converse, too. A size seven and a half. "Now I'm ready."
Love is all we need~
10:07pm Jun 22 2011
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"Yeah I do if I can't it over my head." He chuckled a bit and walked with her to the chashies desk. He put down his clothes on the counter and waited for Alex.
10:17pm Jun 22 2011
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Alex put her clothes on the counter, too, and watched as the cashier rang up their items. She grabbed the bags that their clothes were in. Kasey's were in one bag, and hers were in the other. She handed Kasey his bag, and handed the cashier the money that was required to purchase the items. She then headed towards the nearest bathroom, and changed into her new clothes. She dumped the white uniform into the trashcan. She never wanted to see that thing again. She walked out in her new clothes, and her wings were perfectly hidden.
Love is all we need~
1:36pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey went to the mens room and changed into his clothes too. He looked at himself in the full sized mirror that they had in the bathroom waiting room place right outside the actual stalls. He smiled, "I look nice." He said before walking out of the bathroom. He dumped his old clothes and the bag into a near by trash can. He saw Alex and walked up to her. "Hey you look like yourself again." He said with a smile.
2:02pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex smiled and hugged Kasey. "Thanks," she said. "You look like yourself again, too. We spent about fifty bucks on the clothes. Now it's time for ice cream!" Alex smiled, and pulled away from Kasey. She popped her neck, her knuckles, and her knees. She then felt like she could do gymnastics, which she would probably fail at. She hooked her arm in Kasey's, and began to walk towards the exit. She went back onto the streets, and looked around for an ice cream parlour.
Love is all we need~
2:10pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey spoted one not to far off and pointed to it, "There's one." He said and walked with her twords it. He looked at what flavores they had. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, peanutbutter, latte, and a whole bunch of others. He wasn't sure wich one he would like so he decided he would choose peanutbutter because from what he could remember he loved peanutbutter ice cream so why not. He looked to Alex, "You know what you want yet?" He asked.
2:16pm Jun 24 2011
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"I think I'll get the coffee ice cream. That sounds good." She reached into her pocket, and pulled out the fifty dollar bill. The ice cream was cheap, so it wouldn't be more than ten bucks. She whistled, and the cashier came to take their order. "I'd like the coffee ice cream, and he would like..." Alex concentrated on Kasey's mind, diving into it to see what he was thinking. "And he wants the peanut butter ice cream." She smiled, and the worker got their ice cream. She handed over the money, and grabbed both of their ice creams. She found a table for two in the corner, and sat down.
Love is all we need~
2:34pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey took his ice cream and sat down across from her. He licked his ice cream where it was starting to melt. He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh, "Oh my gosh I can't believe I forgot how awsome this tasted!" He said opening his eyes again to look at Alex's reaction.
2:37pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex licked her ice cream, and almost fell over. She closed her eyes. "Oh my god. This is like an expresso cloud," she said. After she ate the ice cream, she would probably be very, very hyper. She quickly finished it, eating the cone, and licking her fingers. She could feel the sugar rushing through her veins, and she felt like going for a fly.
Love is all we need~
2:48pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey finished his ice cream too and saw that look on Alex's face. He knew she was hyper allready. He smiled and got up. He walked over to her side of the table and pulled her seat out from the table and held out his hand for her to take, "Ready?" He asked knowing that she knew what he ment
2:58pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex smiled at what Kasey did. He was being unusually gentlemanly lately. Hmm... She liked that. She grabbed his hand, and pulled herself up. "Yep. I'm ready." She pulled some of her hair behind her ears. She didn't let go of his hand. She could already feel her wings wanting to fan out, to fly.
Love is all we need~
3:05pm Jun 24 2011
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"OK then." He said walking with her away from the ice cream shop. He walked with her to the outskirts of town and about half a mile into the woods. He took off his jacket and tied it around his waist and waited for Alex. He was a bit hyper by this point to. He unfurled his wings and flaped them a couple times.
3:09pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex pulled her hoodie over her head, and her shirt almost came off with it. Luckily, she held it down with one hand. She tied it around her waist, too. She unfurled her tawny colored wings, and flapped them at the same time as Kasey. The sun made her wings look a bit more red than normal, but she didn't mind. She hurled herself into the air, and began flying. She didn't look back for Kasey. She knew he would follow.
Love is all we need~
3:19pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey had to flap his wings as hard as fast as they would go to keep up with Alex but he finally caught up with her. His wing skimmed hers and he looked over at her. He couldn't help but think that the sun hitting her wing and hair made her look even more beautiful right now.
3:25pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex looked over at Kasey when his wing skimmed hers. She smiled at him. The sun was giving his black hair and feathers a blueish tinge. He looked very handsome, and Alex found herself staring. She soon looked away, her cheeks red. She noticed that there was an empty field in front of them. Time to show off, and to race. Alex looked back over at Kasey. "Can't catch me," she said, winking at him. No less than a second later, Alex had tucked her wings into her back, and was spiraling towards the grass. At the last minute, Alex unfurled her wings and felt her stomach skim the grass, adrenaline pumping through her veins.
Love is all we need~
3:33pm Jun 24 2011
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"Oh yeah?" He questioned pulling his wings in right after her and followed her path down to the earth. He tucked in his wings but it was too late. He hit the ground and instictivly curled up into a ball and tumbled to a stop. He groaned and curled a little bit.
3:51pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex looked behind her, only to find Kasey on the ground. She dove down, stopping beside Kasey. Alex tucked her wings in, and kneeled next to Kasey. "Kasey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice frantic. She had a tone of concern in her voice. She hoped that he was okay, and wasn't injured.
Love is all we need~
3:56pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey sat up and rotated his shoulders with a slight wince, "Yeah i'm fine just some bruises." He got up and dusted off his new clothes. He opened his eyes fully and looked at Alex.
4:01pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex sighed, and wrapped her arms around him. "You had me worried, Kasey. I don't want you to get hurt." She didn't let go. She seriously thought that he was hurt. It scared her beyond belief. She couldn't remember the last time that Kasey or her had been seriously injured, like a broken bone or something. And bullet wounds didn't count.
Love is all we need~