4:06pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey wraped his arms around Alex too, "Seriously I'm fine." He said his voice held a hint of a chuckle in it. He didn't want to let go though. He was fine but he didn't want to let go. He could still smell the fain smell of the soap that she used the first night at the new school and it smelled sweet and calming. He closed his eyes and hugged her a bit tighter.
4:10pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex smiled when Kasey hugged her tighter. She buried her head into his neck, and smiled. She liked the way Kasey smelled. He smelled like the woods, which was something very familiar to her. She felt calm in his arms, like she belonged there.
Love is all we need~
4:16pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey broke the silence, "Uh..yeah...so..." He pulled away a bit so he could see Alex's Face but his arms were still around her. He had an urge to kiss her but he knew Alex and knew what she would proabaly do if he did kiss her. But he didn't care right them either. He dipped his head so his lips touched hers and kissed her gently. He pulled back quickly and turned away, "Er..sorry" He said looking at the ground. He cursed to himself under his breath.
4:20pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex was a bit taken back by Kasey's kiss. She then found him turned away from her, standing up. What on earth? One minute he had kissed her, and the next he turned his back on her. Alex was confused, but she liked the kiss. She was speechless. After a few long seconds, Alex got up, too, and got in front of Kasey. "Don't be." She stood on her tippie toes, and put her lips on his. She pulled away after a few seconds, but didn't move away from Kasey.
Love is all we need~
4:28pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey felt Alex's lips on his again and he got caught up in the moment untill she pulled away. He loved the feeling of the kiss. To him it felt right like they were ment to be. He looked into her eyes. He took her gently by the hands and just held them.
4:32pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex smiled and put her head on Kasey's chest, and then noticed the time. "We probably should get going," Alex said reluctantly. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay like this forever, and to never move. She looked at the setting sun, but didn't move her head from Kasey's chest.
Love is all we need~
4:40pm Jun 24 2011
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"Yeah." He said. He unfurled his wings. "Ready?" He asked. He pulled away a bit his hands on her shoulders. He looked at her a smile on his face.
4:53pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex nodded. "Yep." She unfurled hers, and jumped into the air, flying in the direction of the city. She wondered if the scene that happened with Kasey was real. Had she just imagined it? No. Her lips still tingled from the kiss. She looked back and waited for Kasey to follow.
Love is all we need~
4:58pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey flew after Alex his wings flaping rythmicly. They flew over the forest that they had gone over not to long ago and back to the edge of the city. He landed in the same area that they started out in. He looked up and waited for Alex to land next to him.
6:04pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex landed beside Kasey, stirring up some leaves. She pulled her hoodie over her head, messing up her hair. However, she didn't mind. It was already tossed by the wind. Her wings were perfectly hidden. Alex looked over at Kasey and said, "Time to find a hotel?"
Love is all we need~
6:09pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey put his jacket back on, "Time to find a hotel." He took her hand and walked with her back in to the city. By now the anime convention had ended but their were still some people walking around in their costumes. He looked down the street trying to see if he could spot a hotel from where he was standing. Nope. Oh well. He walked with Alex down the street looking for a hotel.
6:13pm Jun 24 2011
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Alex noticed that it was dark now. She looked up at the moon and at the stars. All of it was beautiful. She was distracted by a glowing neon sign. It was a casino. Score! Alex tugged on Kasey's arm. "Look. Casino." She pointed to her head. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Love is all we need~
6:18pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey smirked, "I think so." He walked with her into the casino. They got pased the security pretty easly. Inside was loud and bright and smelled strongly of beer, wine, and vodka. "So which one do you think is a good one?" He asked having to lean in to say it in her ear.
6:21pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"What do you mean?" Alex asked. She looked over at the poker tables. That was her destination. That was where she belonged. She would win everything if she went over there. She felt herself blush when Kasey spoke in her ear. Why was she blushing so much.
Love is all we need~
6:34pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey noticed that she was looking at the poker tables. "I mean wich one do you think you would win at?" He said again having to talk into her ear because it was so loud. He noticed her blush as he spoke into her ear. He smiled a bit but didn't say any more.
8:27pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Seven card stud. Easiest game ever." Alex made her way over to the table. She played the game for a few minutes, and came out with over double the money that she had came with. The only other players at the table were men, and they were simply astonished as she got up and walked away.
Love is all we need~
8:47pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Well for you it is any way." He knew that Alex could read minds and that stuff but the way she just kept racking the cash amazed him too. "How much money do you think that is?" He asked sifting through the chips as they set them down on an empty table in a less crowded part of the casino.
9:10pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Well, the white ones are worth about a hundred, and I have about nine of those, and some other chips. Let's go cash them in!" Alex's hands were on the hems of her shorts, gripping them excitedly. She couldn't wait to see how much money they actually had. She hoped it was over a thousand. That would be awesome. Alex, being as excited as she was, jumped up and pecked Kasey on the cheek. "We're gonna be able to afford a nice hotel!"
Love is all we need~
9:19pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Sounds great." He picked up the chips and cradled them in his arms and brought them to the counter. His cheeks redned as Alex pecked his cheek but he just set the chips down in front of the booth where the person would count the chips and hand them their money. "A very very nice hotel at that." He said turning to Alex. He turned back to the lady on the other side of the counter and waited to see how much money Alex won. The lady sorted the chips by color and then counted how much of each and added the amounts with a calculator.
9:26pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex waited impatiently as the lady counted the chips. The lady looked up and smiled. "One-thousand six-hundred and fifty dollars," the lady said. Alex already knew, though. She couldn't help it. Alex jumped up, and gave Kasey the biggest hug she'd ever given anyone. The woman gave Alex her money, and Alex paid for one of the nicest hotels that they had. The woman handed Alex the card key to the room, and went back along her business. "Room 643." She hooked her arm in Kasey's and made her way to the elevator.
Love is all we need~