9:42pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey returned the hug and walked with Alex to the elavator. "I can't believe you won that much money." He said as they entered the elavator. There was a ding as they reached the right floor and he walked with her out of the elavator and down the hall towards their room. He swiped the key card and opened the door for Alex, "Welcome to our temporary home." He said.
9:48pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 9:49pm Jun 24 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
Alex smiled. Their 'temporary home' was huge. It had multiple rooms. She ran over to the window, which she found out was actually the entrance to their own private patio. Alex smiled, and walked out onto the patio. The view from the place was beautiful. She looked around the patio, and almost fainted. "Kasey! Oh my gosh there's a hot tub!" She jumped up and down excitedly, pointing towards the medium-sized hot tub.
Love is all we need~
10:04pm Jun 24 2011
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Kasey went out to the patio to see the hot tub. His eyes grow wide and then he turns to Alex and takes her by the shoulders, "This place is amazing!" He huged her tight and pulled back to look at the rest of the pace. This was certinly the biggest place he's ever slept in before.
1:33pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex once again blushed, but she turned away. She leaned on the railing of the balcony, and sighed. She knew that they were somewhere along the Mississippi River, but she didn't know exactly where they were. She sighed, and took off her hoodie. She shuffled her wings a bit, sending a feather or two onto the patio floor. The temperature was nice. It wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too cold.
Love is all we need~
2:13pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey turned to look off the patio railing as well. Dow below was the semi busy street where the anime convention was going on earlyer. The florecent signs in the shop windows were still bright in the windows even at this time of night. A soft breeze swept past them russling the leavs of the nearby trees and Alex's feathers a bit. Kasey wished that their lives could be like this forever. That they didn't have any worries. That they were free.
2:42pm Jun 25 2011
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Alex stepped away from the railing, and put her head on Kasey's shoulder. She sighed, knowing what Kasey was thinking. She rubbed the spot between his wings. She wished that things would be ideal, just like Kasey did. However, for life with wings, this was as perfect as it got for the two of them.
Love is all we need~
2:50pm Jun 25 2011
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Kasey looked down at Alex who was now leaning on him. A fainsmile came ot his lips as he wrapped one of his arms around her gently. He let out a yawn, "You getting tired too?" He asked. His eyelids felt like lead and his wings ached a bit from his tumble in the field plus he kind of just wanted to know what the beds here felt like. They looks like plush clouds brought back down from the heavens. Though that could just be because he was getting so tired.
2:54pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Mmhmm." Alex nodded her head. She hoped that they had more than one bed. Although, sleeping with Kasey wouldn't be that bad. Of course, she was notorious for being a reckless sleeper... She would toss and turn until the bed sheets were in knots, and she was known for kicking whoever was in the bed with her.
Love is all we need~
3:08pm Jun 25 2011
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He walked with her back into the room closeing the sliding glass door behind them. There were two king sized beds with a night stand up against the wall separating them. Kasey got a semi running start as he jumped up onto the bed and let his arms out into a 'y' shape, "TADA!" He said with a grin as he faced Alex. He droped down onto the bed into a sitting position with his back up against the head board. The bed was just as fluffy and cloud like as he thought it would be.
3:16pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex smiled. Two beds. Hallelujah! She layed down on the one opposite of Kasey and said, "This is nice." She felt like a little kid in the bed. Of course, it engulfed her figure. She put a pillow behind her head, and turned on her side so that she was facing Kasey.
Love is all we need~
3:25pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Like I said before. This place is Awsome!" He sat down indian style and turned so that he was facing Alex. He placed his hands on his knees. His eyes lightly scanned the room taking in some of the details of the place. He could definatly see why this was a five star hotel.
5:04pm Jun 25 2011
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Alex sighed, and soon found herself drifting off to sleep. She didn't want to go to sleep, though. She had the strangest feeling, but it wasn't a dangerous one. She wanted to drink about seven cups of expresso, and bounce off of the walls. She didn't want to go to sleep, and wake up, noticing that Kasey had been mauled by an eraser, or that he was missing. However, Alex couldn't fight the sleepiness, and closed her eyes. Her breathing slowed as she dreamed.
Love is all we need~
5:13pm Jun 25 2011
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Kasey noticed Alex fall asleep and layed down himself. He got under the covers and soon fell asleep engulfed in the fluffyness of the bed. He quickly started to dream. He was in a magical ice cream land where everything was made of icecream, ice cream toppings, and an assortment of ice cream cones. He just wandered around watching gummy bears go down a slide of whip cream, sour gummy worms burrow into the diffrent flavores of ice cream, and a forest of snow caps off in the distance. It all looked so yummy.
5:17pm Jun 25 2011
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((Timeskip to morning~)) Alex awoke to the sound of the mid-morning traffic. The bed sheets were all tangled around her small figure, and her hair was all in her face. She pushed her hair out of her face, and got into a sitting position in the bed. She yawned, and stretched. She then went over to Kasey's bed, and sat down on it. She gently shook his shoulders. "Wake up, Kasey."
Love is all we need~
5:22pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"5 more minutes mom." He mumbled before turning over to his other side. By now in his dream he was the mayor of the town and was decked out in a whiped cream crown, and one of those swirled cookie stick cepter.
5:32pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex got on the other side of the bed, and got up in Kasey's face. She smirked before saying, "It's Alex. Get up, Kasey. It's almost ten o'clock in the morning." She ruffled his hair, hoping that it would wake him up.
Love is all we need~
5:42pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Do I have to?" He asked his eyes still closed. His dream had driffted away but he didn't mind much. He had Alex and to him that was better than ice cream hands down. I mean you can't talk to ice cream now can you? Well you can but then people think your a freak.
6:03pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex sighed. "Fine. Ten more minutes." She walked over to the other side of the bed, and layed down. She wasn't going back to sleep, but she was relaxing. She ran her fingers through her hair, snagging a few knots as she did so.
Love is all we need~
6:06pm Jun 25 2011
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He turned over so he was facing Alex, "What should we do today?" He asked behind a yawn. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. He looked at her combing through her tangled hair.
3:03pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Well, we have to leave this place by noon. So, I say that we go to an amusement park, or a fair or something." Alex smiled. "They look like fun, or at least on television, they do."
Love is all we need~