Silently Screaming Into the Night

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6:54pm Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey sat up in the bed and yawned one more time, "OK then." He said. He got out from under the covers and cracked his neck out of habit. He was excited to finally see what fairs were like. They sounded fun and slightly creepy at times but still fun. Oh, maybe he could even try his first deep fried twinky. It's deep fried. Everything good is deep fried.


6:57pm Jun 26 2011

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Alex shivered. "You know I don't like you cracking your neck." She got up, too, and pointed her index finger at him, her cerulean blue eyes staring him down. She unfurled her wings, and shook them out.

Love is all we need~


7:08pm Jun 26 2011

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"Sorry." He said feeling kind of guilty then. "Force of habit." He concluded. They had this descution every time he does that. He doesn't mean to annoy her and he knows she knows that it's just that he forgets sometimes. His shoulder didn't hurt at all from last night which was good and from what he could tell he didn't have any bruises. The upside to being a mutated freak. He said to himself.


10:27pm Jun 26 2011

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Alex couldn't help but smile. The corners of her mouth lifted into a genuine smile. She then said, "I think that we should get going." She looked at her feet, which still had her shoes on them. She had slept in them.

Love is all we need~


10:35pm Jun 26 2011

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"Yeah. Ok so you got the money?" He asked thinking of what else they brought in besides the giant wad of cash. Probably nothing but he was just making sure. "We didn't bring anything else did we?" He asked out load. He looked at Alex which made him smile. "You slepted in your shoes?" He said a hint of a laugh in his voice.


10:49pm Jun 26 2011

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Alex patted her pack pocket. "Yep. It's all still there." She smiled. Her smile turned into a friendly glare when Kasey asked her a question. "What's it to you if I slept in my shoes," she said, sticking her tongue out at him playfully.

Love is all we need~


10:52pm Jun 26 2011

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"It's just funny." He said. "Ready to go?" He asked making a loop of his arm for Alex to pu her hand threw so they could walk back dow to the front desk to get checked out. He couldn't wait to go find a fair. It sounded like so much fun.


10:56pm Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex hooked her arm through Kasey's. "Of course I am." She began walked out of the room, and into the hall. She took the elevator, taking Kasey with her all the while. For some reason, the elevator froze up on the second floor, and wouldn't go any lower. All of the lights were still on. Alex had gotten over the claustrophobia factor. If there were other people in there besides herself and Kasey, she probably would've been freaking out. Instead, she just sighed impatiently.

Love is all we need~


11:00pm Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey looked around from where he stood in the small box when it stoped ubruptly, "What the.." He was confuzed. The lights were still on so he didn't think that the elevator was broken but he didn't know what else would be the problem. It was highly unlikely that someone was holding up the elevator from underneath, one because it was too heavy, two because no one would be tall enough, and three, he didn't think anyone would have a reason too.


11:04pm Jun 26 2011

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What Kasey didn't know was that Alex was purposefully holding the elevator down with her telekinetic powers. She was wondering how long it would take for him to notice. Plus, she kinda liked being in here with Kasey, seeing him confused. Alex couldn't help but giggle.

Love is all we need~


11:08pm Jun 26 2011

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Kasey looked at Alex when she giggled, "What?" He asked. He had no idea what was so funny. They were stuck in an elevator, Kasey couldn't find anything funny with that. He ran his fingers threw his hair as he went back to thinking what could be happening. He wasn't panicking but he wasn't acting like nothing was happening either.


11:13pm Jun 26 2011

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"Kasey, calm down," Alex said calmly. "It's not that big of a deal." Alex giggled again, but this time it turned into a fit of laughter. "Well, we're not going to get out of here until someone identifies the problem." She smirked, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

Love is all we need~


11:18pm Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"I'm calm..." He said all to quickly, "well fairly calm anyways." He corrected himself. What was there to indentify? The elevator was stuck. Maybe a rock. Yeah a giant rock twoand a half stories high that wasn't there last night. Or a really  strong rock wedged inbetween the elevator and the wall. Who was going to indentify the problem anyway? Tye magical Geeni that was here to fix the elevator?

 Kasey looked at Alex who was now laughing hystariclly, "When we get out of here I think I might have to send you to a loony bin or something." He said looking at her like she was off her rocker.


11:21pm Jun 26 2011

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"Kasey, think about me. My powers." She wiped her eyes, which were pouring out tears of laughter now. "You're so oblivious." Alex let the elevator go down another two feet, and then she stopped it, hoping to give Kasey a hint. "Let's just say that a rock isn't making the elevator freeze up."

Love is all we need~


11:25pm Jun 26 2011

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Kasey had to think a moment before he finally got it, "Oh...Yeah..I knew it was you all a long. Pft...duh" He acted like he knew the whole time but didn't actually beleive that Alex would buy it. He chuckled a bit at himself. "Wow. How did I not figure that out." He shook his head a smile of embarassment on his face.


12:38pm Jun 27 2011

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Alex smiled. She released the elevator, and it stopped on the first floor. She clenched her fists, popping her knuckles. She hooked her arm back through Kasey's, and walked out of the casino area into the streets of the city. She looked around, and there was a sign that said, "Come on down to the Louisiana State Fair!" In smaller print, it read, "Being held in Shreveport, Louisiana this year." She smiled.

"Looks like we found our fair, Kasey," she said. 

Love is all we need~


12:47pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"YAY!" Kasey said nearly jumping up and down. He couldn't wait. He walked with Alex towards the fair grounds. It was pretty easy to tell where the fair was because the sign had pointed them in the direction of a giant slow moving fairist wheel and other various sky high rides and games. They weren't even in the fair yet and Kasey could smeel the carmel corn and hear the shill screams of laughter that were coming from the fair. Each booth, ride, and game was outlined in brigh flashing neon lights trying to convince evryone there to come and 'Ride the Largest Ride in America', or 'Eat the Worlds Best Corn on the Cob'.


1:10pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex smiled, knowing what was going on inside of Kasey's head. He was amazed at all of this. But Alex was too. She pulled out the money from her pocket. She still had a good six-hundred dollars left. She looked at all of the booths selling food, and approached one that said, "Funnel Cakes!" She bought one, and it was massive. It was even too big for a bird kid to eat. She then walked back over to Kasey. "You're gonna help me eat this. This is like, huge." The funnel cake had powdered sugar, chocolate syrup, cinnamon, caramel syrup, and honey on it. She pulled off a small piece of it, and put it into her mouth. It left her speechless. Her eyes got wide. "Oh my god. This is delicious."

Love is all we need~


1:16pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kaseye's eyes grew wide as she brought back the funnel Cake, "Yes I will help you eat that." He said taking off a peice and sticking it into his mouth. As soon as it hit his taste buds it could have sworn that headr angels singing from up in the hevans. He took another peice and eat that too, "It's beypnd delicious." He said, "It''s...something allright." He took another peice and poped it into his mouth. He closed his eyes and savoured the taste of the funnel cake. It was so good! He didn't even know these kinds of things existed. Well, he didn't know that a lot of things existed but not the point. This stuff was more than amazing.


1:32pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409
She put another piece of funnel cake into her mouth, smiling as she chewed it slowly and swallowed. Alex devoured about half of the huge funnel cake, and left the rest for Kasey to eat. "After you finish this, you want to do some rides?" She was hoping to save the ferris wheel for later in the day, that way they could get a good view of the city at night.

Love is all we need~

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