5:38am Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 11:06am Jun 22 2011)
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Posts: 496
There is no real plot for this RP, although there may be one later on. It really depends, but it will incorporate all of the wolves that join the pack's histories. One thing is for certain, none of these wolves have the same story to tell.
RULES //No complete sob-stories. You can't have everyone in your family being dead before you learn how to walk (example as I have seen that before). Let me be the judge.// //No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues.// //No Power-Playing.// //Please try to be Semi-Literate, and use First or Third Person in all Posts.// //Correct Grammar and Spelling is applied, although OCCASIONAL Typo's are allowed.// //Don't post if you are short on time or have a valid excuse. Please rMail me if that is the case.// //Being Brain-Dead or with No-Muse does not count as a Valid Excuse for the rule above.// //Try to post every other day unless you are still waiting for a reply or have a valid excuse.// //My and Wolfeira's, my co-author/creator, word is law. Do not try to disagree with either of us. All decisions in this RP will be diplomatic.// //Please do not make the whole Plot your idea and creation. This is not fun and other members have idea's too.// //You may not join as the rank your wolf wishes to acheive. Ranks are acheived, not given.// //Try to have fun, and don't get too serious.//
Name: [a name, of course :P . Try to pick something original. Names like "Cocoa", "Fifi", and "Max" are considered Pet Names, and are not allowed. Also, no names like "Dust Fire", or "Silver Wind". Both I have seen before and they are not original. I don't see this as being too hard.] Gender: [male or female] Age: [an age.] Rank: [the rank your wolf hopes to acheive. There are special guidlines for any Alpha or Beta positions.] Looks: [pictures are allowed, but deions with the pictures are my favorite. Just saying ;) ] Personality: [a paragraph or two about your wolf's personality. Try to include details!] History: [this is mandatory. Please have a history unique to your wolf.] Other: [anything else. Please delete if not in use.]
PACK RANKS Alpha: Nomen Alpha Female: Alpha Pup's: Beta: Beta's Mate: Oracle/Healer: Oracle/Healer's Apprentice: Storyteller: Storyteller's Apprentice(s): Hunter's: Warrior's: Sovia Mentor's: Subordinate's: Ebony, Adler, Bukkan, Noola, Taro, Angel, Zynia (Please note that all joining wolves will be put in either the pup if apprentice or subordinate if older until they earn a higher rank or choose to stay in Subordinate) Pup's: Starr (future Alpha Pup), Firryth MENTOR'S::PUP'S [mentors and their pupil pups will go here]
MATES [mates will go here]
Season Winter::Spring::Summer::Fall
Prey Scarce::Average::Abundant
Weather Snowy::Sunny::Rainy::Cloudy
Mating Season On::Off
PACK RULES 1. Alpha's and Alpha Female's word are law. 2. Alpha and Alpha Female must be the first to bear pups, so their's will be the first born and the healthiest and the biggest. 3. Alpha and Alpha Female get first pick over the kills. 4. All decisions will be made at a Pack Meeting which will be held when either of the Alpha pair howls it to. All decisions made are diplomatic. 5. No fighting without reason. 6. No fighting over ranks except for Alpha or Beta positions. 7. Pups, Mothers, the Alpha pair, and any Injured get food before the rest of the pack. 8. Respect is to be shown at all times, to any of any rank.
*more pack and RP rules will be added over time*
Here are my Bio's: Name: Nomen Gender: Male Age: Four Years. Rank: Alpha Looks: Nomen has a sleek coat of jet black fur which is lengthy and shiny as it coats his body in smooth locks. His legs are logn and his build is strong. His flanks and shoulders have nice muscle tone which stands out, adding dramatic affect on his pelt. He muzzle is quite long, and his ears, black with pale pink insides, are rounded at the tips. His tail is long and silky smooth. The fur on his chest and belly curls in an unusual way, making him look slightly cute, like he did when he was a pup. Nomen has Jet Black eyes with an Ashy-Gray Iris. Personality: Nomen is an all too serious wolf, who care's about everyone, and is a natural leader. He is kind and generous, but he can seem solitary. He can be hard to get to know at times, but he's a good friends to have. He believes in diplomacy, and will always try to be just and fair. He can get frustrated when he feels overwhelmed, but this can be quickly calmed by his younger sister, Sovia. History: Nomen's father was killed in a storm when he was struck by lightning. The strike, was fatal, hitting his father Rector, in the head. Nomen, was sad, but he was too busy ruling his little sister to be worried about such things. Nomen's mother was a kind wolf, but she found raising two rambunctious youngsters hard, and it took it's toll on her. Nomen ended up caring for the whole family, until his mother finally died when Nomen was a few months passed his Yearling Mark. He then lead his little sister, Sovia, out into the world. Nomen has been meaning to make a pack to lead for some while now, but only now have things been just right.
Name: Sovia Gender: Female Age: Four Years. Rank: Warrior and Mentor in the future. Looks: Sovia is a strong and sleek wolf, who is slim, yet not scrawny. Her pelt is ashy gray in color, being almost as dark as her big brother's. Her belly is a pale silvery white, and her paws also sport this color. Her tail is long and bushy, and her fur is average length, being smooth. Her muzzle is of average length, and her ears are rounded like her brother's. She would appear, an average wolf, except for her pale eyes. Sure, she has a black Pupil, but around that, her Iris is pale silver, with flecks of Rain-Gray here and there. Personality: Sovia is a kind, but slightly silly wolf. Less up tight and serious than her brother, Sovia can take a joke, and often makes one. She loves hanging around with other wolves, and being lazy, although she loves her work. She is kind and gentle, and wouldn't hurt a fly, except if that fly was trying to hurt someone she cared about. Then it was Ninja-Sovia time. History: Sovia wasn't really affected by her father's death. She didn't really know him to well, and she spent all her time playing with Nomen, or caring for her mother. Sovia's always been one to follow, and Nomen was her perfect Role-Model. They might of gotten on each other's nerves every now and then, but that happens, and they always seemed to work it out. Even when Nomen came up with the plan to start a pack, and Sovia thought he was joking, she still went along. Name: Ephliam Age: One Year Gender: Male Species: Raven or Rook as I call them Looks: [LOOKS] Personality: Ephliam is a very serious, yet extremely curious young Raven. He loves nothing more but finding new and interesting tidbits of new information for him to blurt out in Ravenspeak in a random conversation that usually has nothing to do with what he just said. Ephlima loves listening to stories, and will often sit for hours being entertained by the poor storyteller. He can understand Wolfspeak and Owlspeak very well, but he has not yet mastered to art of speaking in it. He only speaks Ravenspeak, and he needs a good translator to help him get his endless questions answered. History: Ephliam was raised in a scientific lab for animal testing. The lab was shut down, and the birds were all given to aviaries and flaconry centers, including Ephliam. A young falconer took an interest in Ephliam and bought him. He trained Ephliam to scare out the prey for the trained falcons and hawks that would then dive for the escaping prey. On a hunt, Ephliam was flying over a group of pheasants, cawing and diving at them as he normally would in the hopes of getting a treat. Then, the Goshawk that he was working with that day dived, but the target wasn't the pheasants, by Ephliam. The Goshawk grabbed Ephliam, but missed the death hold around the neck and body, and got him by his right wing. Ephliam managed to escape the Hawk's grasp, and flew away. He never returned. Not soon after he found a dying loner wolf. The wolf entertained Ephliam while Ephliam tried to hunt for food, each day without success. Ephliam had never been taught how to survive in the wild, or how to hunt, or that most of his kind scavenged kills. He thought it atrocious to eat from another's rotting kill. He still can't hunt for himself to this day, and has had to live off the random berries and such that he finds. The loner wolf entrigued Ephliam so much, that when he died, Ephliam began to wonder what it would be like to live in with a pack of wolves, and went out in search of one. Other: He only speaks Ravenspeak, although he can understand Owlspeak, Hawkspeak, and Wolfspeak well.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:04am Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Holy goodness gracious me, a decent-looking wolf roleplayer!! D8 Please... may I join?
10:28am Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((Sure ^^. Just post your Bio{s}.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:20am Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 4:39am Jun 24 2011)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ta. Name: Noolu Gender: female Age: 4 and a half years Rank: aspires to be the Oracle/Healer Looks: .JPG)
Since Noolu is a red wolf, not a grey, her fur is notably much more orange than that of the commoner wolf species. She is smaller, too, but has longer legs in proportion, and lighter, which allows her to be quicker on foot. She can catch rabbits with relative ease, but hares are a struggle. Height: 29", Length: 50" including tail. Personality: Cunning, decisive, observant, foresighted and compassionate, Noolu is gentle at heart but has grown timid of the grey wolf - a bigger and more diverse species. Despite her faint misgivings about greys, Noolu is prepared to be in their company so long as they do not threaten her. The single exception to her trace of mistrust is Bukkan, a long-time friend of hers. Noolu trains herself to maintain an open mind, and avoids being judgemental at all costs. History: Noolu has grown to be wary of human beings due to the persecution of her race - but at the same time, had it not been for the generosity and devoted vigilance of certain Men, she would have not survived her first year in a red wolf reserve. This allowed her to live a wild existence, but after being re-situated in another sector of red wolf conservation land for breeding purposes, she left after being chased out by grey wolves. The biologists searched for the missing red wolf, but she was gone. Noolu trekked onwards until he met Bukkan, a friendly and homeless juvenile grey wolf. Since the first introduction, Bukkan and Noolu partnered to become roving wolves themselves, seeking out a territory to call their own and keeping together for strength in numbers. Name: Bukkan Gender: male Age: 2 years Rank: would like to be a Hunter Looks: 33 inches at the shoulder, 57 inches in length, and is still growing! Being so heavyset, Bukkan has tremendous strength but is a poor sprinter, the opposite to Noolu, which makes them a formidable hunting team. He often uses his weight to overcome his prey, an advantage when bringing down bigger animals like deer. Personality: A flighty and nervous immature wolf, Bukkan struggles to trust others. He even fails to believe in his own abilities, and were it not for his giant size, Bukkan probably would have been killed by coyote packs and cougars in the early months of abandoning his homeland. His mental weakness, however, it being strengthened by Noolu's patience and loyalty to him as a friend. Bukkan is reproachful, withdrawn, bashful and unauthorative, but also honest, trustworthy, good-natured, and well-meaning. History: Bukkan became lost from his tiny pack - consisting of his parents and two other siblings alone - after he set out to assert his own territory, but when he changed his mind and tried to return, his family was out of earshot for howling. Distressed and lonely, Bukkan wandered aimlessly around until coming across Noolu, a red wolf, who decided to use the massive grey as a companion and protector against other wild predators. These images are not mine. Please credit the original photographers. Name: Ticryp Species: Eurasian eagle owl Gender: female Age: 8 months Looks: No stealing this photo - I took it myself. ^^ Please, please, please, for any reasons at all, do not steal this last character. She is a real OC of mine, rather than a quickly-made character like Bakkun and Noolu, so please don't take Ticryp's name or other details for yourself! I'm sure you wouldn't like the same happening to you.

12:07pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 87
{Devil says thanks, and she'll be joining soon!} Name: Ebony Gender: Female Age: Elder-Adult (Somewhere in between) Rank: Aspires to be the story-teller. Looks: Ebony has soft white fur, with a small spot of gray among her muzzle. She has bright green eyes, always watchful, always wise. She's a bit underweight, very unnoticeable, and she's very short for the average wolf of her age. Although she may look pathetic, she hasn't lost all her skill. She can still run pretty well and she can still fight, if she's willing to risk a broken bone and cracking disks. Personality: Ebony is smart and cunning, usually speaking in riddles. She's got a strong voice, almost man-like. She's sweet and has a soft spot for pups. She's wise and watchful; when others have a problem, they usually come to her for advice. History: Ebony has had it easy. She's lived as a pack wolf her entire wolf, always having people there for her. The only deaths that she had suffered were her parents, and that was just because of old age. As a pup, Ebony would spend most of her time at the previous storyteller's den, asking an endless amount of questions. She probably would have stayed there all day every day, but her parents would eventually come to drag her out. Name: Adler Gender: Male Age: Adult Rank: Warrior, hoping to be a mentor. Looks: Adler has midnight-black fur that sleekly covers his muscles. He stands slightly taller than most wolves, though not by much. He has kind ocean-blue eyes that shine with warmth and contains no hostility. Personality: Adler is kind and humorous, and makes many friends wherever he goes. He's patient when it comes to teaching others and has a unique style of fighting. Though he doesn't show it, he truly hates fighting. He hates being responsible for other wolves' injuries, and perhaps their deaths. That's why he created his own unique style-- techniques to scare and not to injure. History: Adler used to be a ruthless fighter, though one time in a battle against his enemies, he accidentally killed another. After that, he was afraid to pick up fighting for a year, but then got over it with the help of Ebony.

12:25pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( May I join as an Alpha's pup, a healer, an apprentice, and a warrior?))
1:42pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Mercy - I'm already in line for the Oracle/Healer role. Sorreh.
3:19pm Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
@Spice, all accepted @Mercy, sure, but yes, the Oracle/Healer role has already been taken @Wolf, all accepted
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:57pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 33
Name-Charity(girl),Xavier(boy) Nickname- Charity-Sweetums,Xavier-Mansom Age- Pups Gender-Female, Male Rank-Member Likes-Playing Dislikes-Jerk Heads Wants in a mate-We don't need mates right now >:( Personality-Funny, playful, exciting Looks-  
5:00pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 5:02pm Jun 21 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
Name: Angel Gender: FEmale Age: Young aadult Rank: Hoping to be alpha female or beta. Looks: I know it looks like a Cat but it isn't: Personality: Angel is outgoing and fun, but, she knows when it is time to be serious. She is very mature, and likes to check up oon things. She is always ready for a fight, aswell. History: Angel, and her brother Fang, were pack born, by the betess, but. They had an interesting pup-hood. After they had grown, they split their bond after a rather large argument.
Name: Taro Gender: [male Age: Young adult. Rank: Lead warrior, maybe? Looks: Personality: Strong-willed and alert. TAro can be easy-going at times, but tends to stay hinting and keeping the pack well. History:Look at Angel's history.
Name: Starr Gender: Female Age: Pup Rank: Alpha's runt pup Looks: Personality: Like her picture, Starr is EXTREMELY SHY. She isn't as social as her siblings, is scared of most things. History: She was born the runt pup of the alpha.
6:50pm Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
@Devil, OK, first off, you need to be way more deive, second, I have a different Bio Sheet, and third, you must create them as two different characters @Mercy, Taro and Starr are accepted (Starr will go into the Alpha pup's as soon as I have an Alpha Female), and Angel is accepted under one condition. You must have a back up rank if I don't choose her as my Beta or Alpha Female. Also, both ranks will be fought for when we get a few more applicants.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:55pm Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((Just want to make sure that this is clear, as soon as we get the RP up and running, the ranks which your wolves hope to acheive, will or will not be given to them, although until this is decided, no one else may apply for that rank (if it is a sole rank with only one wolf). The Healer/Oracle, Alpha Pup's, Storyteller, and Alpha Female will be filled pretty quickly. You may still apply for Alpha Female or Beta. Just so we're clear ^^ ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:35am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Hokai. ^^ Thanks for the reminder. One question, though - since they're all going to have to compete for ranks, does that mean they're all strangers to one another, joined together for the need to be in a pack? Or are they all already members and familiar with each other? Also, what's the character limit?
5:53am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 6:17am Jun 22 2011)
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Posts: 224
Name: Firryth Gender: Female Age: two years Rank: wants to be a warrior Looks:  Personality: shy, which often makes her seen aloof or rude, finds it hard to trust others, very loyal once bonded to her pack, can often be seen as heartless as she has no problems with killing History: As a pup her parents were ruthless, teaching her only what she needed to survive - thus her inmovability at killing. When she was old enough to care for herself her family abandoned her, leaving her to fend for herself. By pure luck she stumbled across this pack, though memories of her parents still haunt her. Other: has a secret crush on Bukken ;) ((Can Alder be Shadow's mentor? If Nomenaitrel and SpiceAndWolf don't mind?))
6:07am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
@Wolf, they all came together and they don't really know each other too well, and the limit currentely is five, although this will be expanded upon in the future. @Shattered, First off, Shadow isn't really a unique name, second, I can't access the Looks, so you'll have to make it a link or get a picture, and third, can you please be more deive? Thankies! ^^ And one more thing, the abandoned at birth thing doesn't work because she would be dead then, so you'll have to create a different history. Also, can you do a paragraph for your history, no one-liner's are allowed. Just so you know.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:11am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 224
OK very sorry *edits*
6:13am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Thanks, because I'm really tempted to add another wolf character... It depends though, really, I don't want to clog this roleplay up. xD Three's the number I'm normally best with, but I'll guess we'll see. ^^ Also, are we allowed minor non-wolf characters? For example, a named crow that pops up every now and then but isn't a constant character to be played? No worries if not. ^^ Tthat link be page-stretchin'! D: Can you remove it please, Diamond?
6:18am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 224
Aaagh! Sorry guys! D=
6:21am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
@Wolf, I ususally only allow Owl characters to be added, but I need to come up with a Bio Sheet for that. Maybe a rook wouldn't be so bad. We'll see, Ok? @Shattered, Firryth is accepted but is she still an apprentice or a full grown wolf?
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:23am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 224
Uh...apprentice, if you don't mind =)