7:00pm Jun 22 2011
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((True, love, thank you for clearing that up. I Like them all :3. I'll post my intro, and responce soon.))
7:08pm Jun 22 2011
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Angel- I nod in respect of my alpha, or, soon to be mate. I am ready and excited to fight, but, I shall play the game fair. I pad down the camp, as my den is closest to the Alpha's. I greet Starr ann Sovia, and walking inot my den. I am exhausted, and ready to pull my fur out with all this nonsense of winning and losing. I circle around my usual spot to rest, as always, and lay down with my tail curled around me. Starr- I look over to Sovia, my ears layed back. " Oh, uh..I want t-to be alpha when I'm older... " I say, expecting her to taunt me. My tail curls around me as Nomen comes to us. I lick his cheek as a sign of affection and smile. Taro-
I smiled at my Alpha's words and stretched. I was glad to be in this pack. I'm the lead warrior, great respect comes to me. I yawn and pad back to my den, nodding towards Angel, my sister.
7:18pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
((Taro is not the lead warrior yet, and Sovia wants that position, so be prepared to fight for it.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:18pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Oh. Sorry, that position was his on another rp. My mistake. But, he'll fight for it.))
7:23pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 224
((Whoah, left behind much! =P Can someone give me a quick catch-up please?))
7:27pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
((Like I said earlier, Nomen first, Sovia last.)) I laugh as Starr licks my cheek. "Why thank you Starr. That was very kind of you." I say. 'Sovia and Starr seem to be getting on great. That's good becauseby midnight tomorrow, Starr will be my kid. She may be small, but she is sure mighty at heart.' I think, looking down on the two. "We'd better get you too bed then! The future Alpha Pup needs her beauty sleep!" I say, picking up the pup. I nod to Sovia, and mumble something like "I tis putih teh pup toh behd, ce yah latah (I am putting the pup to bed, see you later)" and then totter off toward the pup den. I lay Starr down carefully, and say "Good night little one!", before turning to my own den. I plod down inside, and wait for the dreams of Fenris to catch me. ~~~ I wander around camp, not quite sure what to do. I'm not exactly tired, but I can never get to sleep anyway. I suffer from Insomnia apparentely. 'Starr has gone to bed. Nomen has gone to bed. Everyone has gone to sleep! And I'm still wandering around. Pity...' I think. There's no snow undre my paws, but the ground is as hard as a rock. I sit down, and gaze up at the stars, trying to see if I can spot Hoole, the great Owl Constellation. I quickly do, and then i move onto Ursa, the Bear Constellation of the North.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:01pm Jun 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Star- I whine in refusal, but, I am tired. As Nomen walks away, I notice my vision getss blurry, telling me its time to sleep. I curl my fluffly tail around me, and drift to sleep. ((I'm so sorry, for this short thing, I just didn't have much to work with.))
4:31am Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Nyeh, I'm gonna stick to third person. ^^ First just doesn't work for me at all. Bakkun The large juvenile wolf visibly relaxed, relieved, as the rest of the pack disassembled into their sleeping-places. The claustrophobia of being in such a tight throng of other wolves was beginning to make Bakkun feel uncomfortable; he was still trying to get used to being part of a group again. And one so big, compared to his blood-family... Once he and Noolu were left almost completely alone in the clearing, save for Sovia (who appeared to be stargazing), Bakkun turned and stood. He, too, felt too edgy to sleep. "I think I'm going to go and explore a bit," he said to Noolu quietly, but with a rare confidence. "I'm not tired enough to sleep." Noolu Noolu seemed to agree, and her yellow eyes gleamed an unusual green in the darkness - like all wolves, her eyes were a set amber or orange, but when night fell, their colour would change depending on the angle of her head and the positioning of the moon. "I think I'll join you," she said warmly, contrasting to the chilly air. "It's a quiet, nice night for a walk, or a hunt." The red wolf and the grey discreetly trotted away, after passing a brief glance of farewell to Sovia, and soon the pair were two dark shapes melting through the trees.

11:36am Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 496
((Sorry about abandoning you guys, but I've caught the flu, and may not be on for a few days, although I'll try. For now, Nomen is asleep and after wandering around, Sovia went to bed too. Wolfeh is in charge.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:56pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ohnoes. D: Get well soon, Nommy! That must suck. Take your time recovering, don't come online if you don't feel up to it. I'll summarize whatever happens when you return.
3:46pm Jun 26 2011
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OOC: Bump. Anybody else want to post?
7:18am Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((I is back, and it doesn't look like anyone has posted. I'm going to start a whole new day, with Nomen waking the pack to get things started, OK? Sovia will be sleeping in for the moment.... :P )) I feel the light golden rays of sunlight land on my eyes and maw, bringing warmth and a sense of determination to me. My eyelids are tired and refuse to flicker open, but I make them as I bring myself up on my front paws. 'Time to go and awake the rest of the pack. Tonight is a special night after all.' I think, rising to all four paws, I shake my pelt, releasing little dew-drops of the misty morning around me. As I walk outside, I can hear the birds chirping loudly, the breeze blowing softly, and the leaves rustling in the wind. It is the morning, and there's nothing quite like it. I lean forward to stretch, as my muscles are still quite taut and need a good jog to get really ready. I move forward lackadaisically, and hop quickly up onto the Healer's Den--soon to be--. Letting a great, puppy-like yawn escape my great long maw, I sit on my rump, waiting for my pack members to be up. The early birds get to go and find the worms....
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:22am Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 33
(sorry I haven't been on! Did I get accepted)
12:37pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Starr rolled around in her sleep. As she felt Nomen move, she groumbled, and tumbled after him. Her little puppy paws slid on the ground. She tried to keep up with Nomen, but it was hard. She barked a little, to tell him that she was there. She was excited to have him as her father, and wondered who her mother would be. Angel was already up, watching the dawn appear. ((FAIL.))
3:19pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((@Devil, seriously. Just go and look through. It shouldn't be too hard!)) I watch as my two pack members who are already up perform their morning routines. Angel is calmly watching the sun rise, while Starr is efortlessly trying to follow in my footsteps. I chuckle slightly, watching her. "Hello Starr. Did you sleep well?" I ask remembering the pup. She had kept me warm during the night. 'She really is just a bundle of fur.' I think, laughing silently at my remark. (Sovia is over sleeping... That can only end badly....)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:23pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Starr kept her tail above the snow, barely able to see over it. She kept hopping up and down just to keep sight. " I..slept..really...good!" she said, pausing in between her jumping periods.Starr shook her fur. She was very small. Runt pup, as it were. A normal pup could easily see over this snow, but...not Starr. Angel smiled and saw Nomen. She padded over there calmly. " Hello, Nomen, Starr." she greeted. " Beautiful morning we're having." she said, smiling. Starr kept hopping up and down, trying to to see the snowy-white she-wolf. Angel saw her exhaustion from jumping. She looked at the ground for a second, and then had an idea. She used her paw to wipe away some snow, and there, underneath, was an old tree stump. She grabbed starr's scruff gently, and placed her on the stump. " better?" she asked, chuckling a bit.
8:35am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((Thank you for reawakening it mercy. I was so afraid that it had died. I'll wait and see if any one else posts before going again.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:20pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Okay, and its not a problem!I like this rp~ ))
5:27am Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 6:10am Jul 2 2011)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Sorry for the late reply guys. xD Bukkan Both he and Noolu had arrived by the time the pack was stirring awake. Wolf after wolf slipped out into the chilly open where snow had settled before. The grey wolf walked first, his snow-plough form carving an easier way for smaller Noolu, and on their way, they passed Angel plopping Starr onto a tree-stump that had been concealed underneath the white blanket. Shy Bukkan said nothing to them, but his ears perked up in a friendly way to the youngster. Noolu During Bukkan's pause to greet the others, Noolu overtook him, quietly appreciative of the path her bigger companion had created beforehand. But as she made her own way towards the alpha - half-bounding, half-pushing - Noolu found that the struggle was only a minimal one. She approached Nomen, at first uncertain of how to address him, but she wagged her tail respectfully at him still. If she wanted to be the Healer, she would obviously have to earn her place. "Good morning," she said quietly, but warmly, to him. After that, she found herself a little lost for words, doubtful of how to proceed.

5:53am Jul 2 2011
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Posts: 496
(Just Nomen) Nomen found more of his pack members awakening early in the shy morning light. "Good morning to you too Noola. Is there something you wanted to ask me?" he replied, peering down to the Red Fae's face, trying to see her ex pression in the dim, early risen sun light which was poor even at best. Noola looked unsure, like she meant to tell him something, but was holding back, for a yet as of unknown reason. It plagued her, Nomen could tell. 'Why doesn't she just tell me?' he thought to himself, 'Then she wouldn't be suffering all of this guilt and pent up energy.' Perplexed, Nomen lyed down on his cold Limestone rock that would be the future Healer's Den.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.