Sing me a story [Warrior Cats] Tell me a tale

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12:11pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 9,641
[I can't figure out what stretched the page. o_o Full, you just posted, but nothing on your post would stretch the page. D8 Oh well, I'm editing the first post. <3]


12:13pm Mar 27 2011 (last edited on 12:14pm Mar 27 2011)

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Posts: 6,296
((That's wierd. I don't have a stretch. and aww, none of my cats are in the beginning group! D:< Everyone else has at least one cat in it but meee! I'll survive. ))


12:14pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I noticed that. I'd switch some cats out but if you can live with it, they won't be loners for long. <3 I'll make the beginning move as quickly as possible so you aren't left out.


3:14pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 6,296
((Could I have Pippen be in the group? The rest can join later.))


4:26pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 9,641
[If you like. XD It's growing. Anyways, I'll get my intro up so you guys can post. <3]


4:44pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 9,641

Mara's back bristled as the hot morning sun hit it, warming up her entire body in a few heartbeats. Rolling over she blinked her pale green eyes lazily and yawned, body tensing as she felt movement around her. No doubt it was her small band of believers waking up and prowling around, but even so she felt her heart beating faster with anticipation and a small spasm of fear. Slitting her eyes Mara pushed herself into a sitting position, curling her oddly striped tail around her paws as she surveyed her surroundings. The light was bright for an early morning, heralding the beginning of greenleaf. Having curled up the previous night beside a small garbage can and derelict wall of an old two-leg house which had sheltered her from the wind. Now that the sun had risen in the east she was in it's line of site, and she growled irately as the light blinded her for a few moments as she attempted to get used to the brightness.

Stretching out her body Mara crawled out of her small corner and meowed loudly, calling her group to her. It was strange. During the night an odd, glowing ghost of a cat had greeted her warmly, whispering strange things in her ear. She could remember only snatches of it, but one sentence stood out to her imperatively.

"You will renew the forest," the tom had mewed gently, his flame-red pelt glittering with a thousand stars as he weaved around Mara. She had whirled around in confusion, but the tom simply melted into the darkness and she had woken up. Lashing her tail slightly she padded over to a small pool of metallic tasting water, licking her jaws with distate.


Fang growled and batted at his morning meal irritably. It was a mouse plump on the grains of summer but even so the enticing scent couldn't bring him to eat it. The piece of prey only reminded him of his starving kit-hood. Scowling he flicked his whiskers before swallowing the mouse, eyes narrowed as chewed it quickly. I can't even enjoy a good meal, he sighed, thinking of his littermate Lea. She'd been so sweet, so giving, only to die when she hadn't received enough to eat. Muttering under his breath he stood up and leaned against the tall blindingly white fence that was next to him, his brown pelt rippling over taught muscles as he sighed and lashed his tail.

Today seemed like it was going to be a promising day, bright sunlight filtered down from a cloudy blue sky and the weather was warm and dry. But Fang was too pessimistic to enjoy it and instead looked at the dark lining of the cloud. "It's probably going to rain," he growled. 


6:20pm Mar 27 2011 (last edited on 8:18pm Mar 27 2011)

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Posts: 6,296

Pippen followed her leader's voice, weaving her way through the paths and alleys with ease. She knew the place by heart, and she was always the first to know about a good place to sleep.
She walked with her tail up and a mouse in her mouth. She had caught it earlier, but had planned to give it to Mara instead of eating it herself.
"Mara," Pippen dipped her head and bowed respectfully in front of Mara. "I've brought you a mouse. I caught it myself." Her eyes glowed with pride. It was her third catch.
Once a kittypet, Pippen abandoned her old life for a new life in the alleys. She had loved it, but she never learned how to hunt, so she had to wail in front of twoleg homes. She never had stuff thrown at her, because she knew each house that would throw stuff and each house that would give food.


Thunder and Frost stayed huddled together in the old cellar. Brother and sister, they had been rejected by their mother, and thrown out to live as they lived now. Thankfully, they survived, because they had found a strange old tom named Moon, who had taught them how to hunt fight, and also had taught them about the Clans of old.
Frost didn't believe it, but wouldn't disagree with his sister, who believed it wasn't just an old queen's tale.
Sadly, Moon had died a moon ago, and Thunder and Frost had done a Clan-like ceremony of his death.
"Frost," Thunder murmured to her brother, "I think it's morning. Your turn to hunt."
Grumbling, Frost got up and went outside. He looked up at they sky and shook his head. He'd better be quick. He didn't want to get rained on.
In his rush, he missed the mouse he tryed to catch, and only managed to catch two before he headed back.
He handed one mouse to his sister, and they ate in silence.


8:06pm Mar 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Oops. Er, Det, I meant Thornfire to be the Deputy xD Not Warrior. My bad ono
Wait, what beginning group? o-o ]]


8:38pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 5,279

The sun was warm on the dark fur on Flare's back as he trotted into the open. The night before, he and his brother, Hail, had ventured away from Mara and the others to try and find an end to te labrynth of twoleg homes. Unfortunately, the pair of cats had gotten lost and couldn't find their way back under the darkness of the new moon and took shelter in the cellar of a twoleg home. It was a hard night, and a large rat attacked them in the morning, causing Flare a slight wound on his back leg. He sniffed the air curiously; there were no humans wandering around, so he ventured into the open. He caught Pippen's distinctive scent almost imediately. He wasn't sure why he recognized her and not other cats, but he figured it was because Pippen was the first cat to tell him and his brother about the clans of old, and he could never forget it. (If this isn't alright, let me know, full :3)

Hail padded solemnly after his brother, watching the area carefully. "You have a scent?" he ventured, seeing Flare's reaction after smelling the air. Hail did the same, but smelled nothing other than the promise of water. He shuddered in discomfort and followed Flare to where Pippen was. She had a nice fat mouse with her, presented to Mara, but Hail could only feel contempt for the small prey animal. He and Flare had been hunting for themselves for a few moons now, and they had feasted on a pidgeon just the other day when looking for an end to the twolegplace.


Jayda came out of her home with out a sound, sliding out of the little cat door made by her housefolk. She ignored the sound of her name behind her and the sound of pellets of food shaking in a bag and leaped onto the wooden fence post at the corner of her garden. She raked her claws against the wood, tracing over clawmarks from the past, and the smaller ones from when she first came to this place. She liked this spot because it had a good view of the whole garden as well as the bustling streets beyond. Every once and a while, another cat would come along; but most of them went by too fast, or were only looking for a mate.

Savanna was surprised when Jayda left the house. She was naturally more social with the housefolk. Either way, Savanna kept to the routine. The twolegs knew better than to ask her to come out from under the bed. 


8:55pm Mar 27 2011

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Posts: 3,828

"And that's the story of StarClan," finished Silver as she proceeded to rasp her tongue over her paw. An ignorant snort came from the mound of white fur that was Silver's sister. The silver cat rolled her eyes at Frost and proceeded to shift her gaze back to her kits and her sister's kits that sat looking up at her with gleaming eyes.

"So StarClan are our Warrior ancestors?" asked Shimmer in amazement. She glanced up at the clear morning sky and Silver twitched her whiskers in amusement.

"Shimmer, you can only see the StarClan warriors at night. They live in Silverpelt," remarked Silence, Shimmer's sister. Ivy, Ice, and Blizzard remained silent, but their eyes gave way to their growing curiousity. Once Ivy had had enough, she piped up softly.

"Silver, will the Clans ever come back?" she mewed, feeling rather foolish for asking. Silver's tail swished in the air as she thought about the possibility of the clans returning. When she opened her mouth to speak, Frost cut her off.

"There will be no more talk of the clans, Silver. Ivy, the clans were never real and they're not coming back," hissed Frost.

Silver puffed out her chest, distraught with her sister's behaviour. "Frost, you know as well as I do that the Clans were real. Our ancestor, Silkwhisper was one of the warriors and now resides in Silverpelt," she said stubbornly. Frost rolled her eyes yet again and lashed her tail crossly. Ice, Blizzard, and Ivy bowed their heads down while Silence and Shimmer looked on with interest.

The quarreling between the two sisters never ceased to end. Though the two sisters fought a lot, their kin had higher hopes for a peaceful future. The half-sisters and brothers got along quite well with each other.

"Enough of these kit tales. I'm hungry," muttered Frost as she stood up. She stretched out her shaggy tail and cracked her back as she stood up. She let out a soft purr of content and padded forward, leaving the small band of cats to follow her through the alley-ways.


Ember glanced up at the tall tom-cat that was whispering promising words into her ear. "You are destined to be a medicine cat, Emberfur." the star-pelted cat said to her and Ember shook her head, confused. After all, this was only a dream.

"My name is Ember, not Emberfur," she said and the tom barked out a laugh.

"Your true name is Emberfur. Now you must begin to find the other cats of the Clan. Trust your instincts, Emberfur," the tom whispered and Ember called out, wanting the tom to stay and explain a bit more, but he was already gone.

A sharp paw was prodding Ember's side and the young she-cat let out a mew to stop. She opened her jade green eyes and met her father's gaze, his whiskers twitching with silent laughter.

"Come on up, sleepy-head. You're worse than a bear in the middle of winter when it comes to sleeping," he said to her playfully. Ember shook out her fur and stood up to meet her father's gaze.

"Father, I had a strange dream. I saw a cat that seemed to have silver shining from his pelt. He called me Emberfur," she said and felt her tail twitch.

Flame's eyes widened before he closed them softly. "The Clans must be returning," he said to his daughter. "Ember, did he say anything to you?" he asked his daughter, his tone soft.

"Er...yes. He called me a medicine cat and told me to look for the other cats of the Clan," she said to him, her jade green eyes blinking with confusion.

"Well, let's get to it," he said and Ember blinked before scrabbling after her father.

Ooc; Uber fail. Sorreh D:

And I think I added some more characters...Oh well.

hello my name is elder price

10:05pm Mar 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((Oh sure. :3 Do I detect crushy-ness emmiting from Flare, or is it just me? XP ))
Pippen glared at Hail, seeing him look at her catch as if it was a pile of bones.
"What was your third catch? a deer?" she hissed in contempt, and then she nodded at Flare in a friendly way.
"Did you guy get lost?" She teased, her eyes sparkling a little. "you could have made me come along, then you guys wouldn't have got so lost!" She wasn't the best prey-catcher, but she was certainly a better tracker. Maybe because she had lived in the alleys long than them.


7:33am Mar 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ wait, I see it now.
Gee, I wonder why my Coalpaw is in the group, DETTERS :I ]]
Apotraic blinked his eyes open in the sunlight, only to see that he was one of the last cats to awake.
"Huh, what did I miss?" He mewed instinctively, seeing the other cats up and about. Apotraic scrabbled to his paws, as-suming a sitting position near Mara, their leader whom Apotraic had great respect for. Apotraic cast his eyes down at the mouse Pippen had caught, though he didn't have much interest in it. The new life Mara had promised them had excited Apotraic, and he couldn't wait to start.
Reisen was already up, sunning herself happily on the window ledge. A faint chiming of metal made the dappled she-cat turn her head towards the open window. She saw the familiar ginger pelt of her brother, Kiryu. 
"Up and about so early, brother?" Reisen mewed with a sigh, stretching out and peering at him with lazy amber eyes.
"Just come out, Reisen." Kiryu retorted with a sarcastic roll of his eyes.
"Fine, fine." Reisen said melodramatically, landing gracefully on the gra-ss below. "Well, what's the special occasion? You don't come to visit me everyday."
"Not like you visit me." Kiryu growled, quickly padding to the fence and beckoning Reisen with his tail to follow.
 Dove lolled around in an open garden, the Twoleg too busy tending to its duties in its large nest to bother about her. The silver she-cat was bored, lying down on her back and facing the sky. Dove raised her paws in the air and watched them with slight amusement, nothing too fascinating, but it was entertaining enough for awhile. She had spent so many days alone, or being chased away from grouchy territorial cats.


5:56pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 5:57pm Mar 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((Should I make two male characters, balance the gender ratio a teensy bit? c: Oh, and just to spark up more stuff hapenning, could Frost and Thunder see Dove and say hi, and they know eachother from a while back?))


7:33pm Mar 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((Frost and Thunder could see Jayda. She needs a cat that lives next door :P))


7:54pm Mar 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((That werks. c: but Thunder and Frost aren't kittypets, so I guess they secretly live in the basement of the twoleg house next-door to Jayda's. They get in through a broken window.))

After they ate, Thunder nudged Frost. "Let's go out and explore some more." they moved around a lot, but they had found this place fairly good, because it was warm and there was drinkable water in this strange water-holding thing.
Frost grumbled. "fine, but just a little."
They exited their possibly-permanent den, and they saw a cat sitting on a brow fence.
Thunder froze, unsure what the cat would do.

((You also need to reply to what Pippen said.))


8:08pm Mar 28 2011

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Posts: 5,279

Jayda looked down ar the skinny cats, her collar tinkling softly as she shifted to look more regal. "Afternoon." she meowed, trying to be social. She figured they would just keep going, like most cats did when she greeted them as they pas.sed. Most of the homeless cats had no manners to speak of.

Flare stuck out his tongue and was about to make a witty reply, but Hail went on first. "You would only have made matters worse if you had been there, not being able to hunt properly. We would have had to feed you, and waste energy and good prey." 


8:15pm Mar 28 2011

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Posts: 6,296
Pippen bristled, about to say something nasty, but finally said, "Whatever. Go choke on a deer leg or something. It'll do me good to see the most rude, self-absorbed cat on the planet dead." with a glare at Hail, she dropped the mouse and left, then finally stopped walking when she was sure she wouldn't hear anything Hail said.

"Mornin'," Thunder replied back, before Frost could say something weird. "ah, you're a kittypet? I'd hate to be one, bt I guess it suits you fine, clean-fur." That's the term Thunder and Frost used for well-cared for kittypets. They still used kittypet, but used clean-fur as well.


8:20pm Mar 28 2011

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Posts: 5,279

"Kittypet?" Jayda said, confused. "It seems a bit rude of a name for housecats. I prefer to be called Jayda," Jayda meowed. "If you wait here, I could bring you some pizza. My housefolk had it for dinner last night, and I believe it's still sitting on the table, and you both look aweful hungry."


Flare trotted after the upset Pippen, leaving his brother to roll his eyes in peace. "Pay no mind to Hail, he's probably only joking." 


8:39pm Mar 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

[Rawr. Guys, try not to post ahead too much. XD Also. Gee Tld. :I What do you think?

Will post...if my mom lets me. o_o Stuff to do for tomorrow and so.] 


8:59pm Mar 28 2011

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Posts: 9,641

Mara glanced at the mouse uncertainly, wondering if Pippen was going to come back for it. Shrugging she took the proffered mouse and swallowed it down quickly before Pippen could come back and demand it for her morning meal. If she did that it was too late, Mara figured with a purr of amusement, licking her jaws. Yawning and flicking her ears she padded over to the center of the clearing, glancing at Apotraic absently. The tom had zeal, she had to admit with a sigh of pleasure, feeling an intense rush of pride as she looked at her as.sembled group of cats. It had been a few moons since she had began her journey and already a slew of cats had joined her cause. Nodding her head agreably she shot a glare at the typically morose Fang and padded over to Apotraic. "Good morning," she meowed politely, dipping her head at the coal-black tom. "Have you fed yet?" Already Mara's legs were itching to move and she might as well hunt with another of her group to bond with them. It was what a leader would do.


Fen growled and stretched out on the warm, her tail twitching. She was currently inhabiting the corner of some two-legs yard and she was waiting patiently for it to come out and start throwing objects at her. It was always amusing the antagonate the odd, clumsy creatures. Turning her head Fen caught a faint meow and her entire body swivled with curiosity. The two-leg place was certainly filled with cats, but most of them were snooty kittypets. Swiping a tongue around her jaws she meowed loudly and jumped onto the fence gracefully, looking into the next yard over curiously. There were three cats there. One smoothly coated kittypet, which was obvious by her well-fed appearance, and two scraggly toms. Purring she leaped down and mewed a quick hello, pausing a small distance away in case the two toms were hostile.

"Who're you guys?" Fen meowed cautiously, gray tail flicking from side to side as she settled down in the cool, ready for a long wait.


Fang's eyes narrowed at Mara's gaze and he huffed, turning away irritably. Getting up the brown-furred tom trotted down the fenceline and away from the main group, his tail lashing with annoyance. It was tough being around so many cats and he sought solace in his lonely walks through the two-leg place. Most kittypets didn't bother with him once he gave them a good his and a pawswipe. Fang was never in the mood to converse with milk-sodden furballs.

Letting out a low purr once he was on his way he glanced at the two-leg dens with an air of detached curiosity. It was always strange seeing how uniform they were. Each as unchanging as the next. "Don't two-legs have any imagination?" he meowed grumpily as he pas.sed by a particularly bland nest. The next one was more interesting, especially with the two kittypets sitting by an opening in the nest. Bored and hot Fang decided there was nothing better to do but tease the kittypets. Leaping over the fence with an easy surge of his powerful hindlegs he landed squarely in the garden, and settled down to watch the two, wondering if they would notice him. 

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