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10:34pm Mar 30 2011

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8:31pm Mar 31 2011

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Fen scowled and turned away from the strange two-leg food, wondering why the other two cats were bothering to eat it. "You could try hunting," she pointed out quietly, scratching at the earth in a distracted manner. "You have no idea what's in that 'pizza' of yours, and besides, how could it possible be healthy?" Done with her mini-rant, however soft-spoken it was, Fen curled her tail around her paws and shifted her gaze on Savanna and Jayda, tilting her head slightly. "And how do we look sick?" she asked curiously, flicking her whiskers to show she as simply asking and not judging.


8:35pm Mar 31 2011

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Posts: 6,296
"Are you saying you think we can't hunt?!" Thunder hissed, her tail fluffing. "Frost and I knowhow to hunt, and we can probably do it better than you can!"
Frost stayed silent, but his hackles raised.


8:43pm Mar 31 2011

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Fen huffed and gave them a small scowl. "Excuse me?" she meowed coolly, her gray gaze turning hard. "I never suggested you couldn't hunt. I only said you could try hunting instead of eating two-leg food." Her tail swishing with irritableness Fen realized that it actually felt rather good to be rude once in a while. The nice-kitty act got tiring after a while, and this argument was truly refreshing. Standing up she stretched out her back, feeling the bones crick. "If you have an issue with what I said," she meowed in a frosty voice, "you can try talking diplomatically. Don't hiss at everything that meows at you."


9:36pm Mar 31 2011

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Posts: 6,296
"Sorr-ee!" Thunder mumbled. "I do try hunting once and a while. Like today, I caught to pretty decent size mice!" Thunder tried to keep the pride out of her voice. "where do you live? Kittypet? rogue? loner? Hmm, never figured out the difference between loners and rogues... Well, I guess I'm a rogue. It suites me better."


12:53am Apr 1 2011

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Posts: 6,948
"I'm a kitty pet I guess. Mean, I don't want to be, but I was born a housecoat and lived in a house until today." dusk had been just listening to the conversation, but now she felt it was tme to speak up...

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7:32pm Apr 1 2011

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((Born as a housecoat. XD))


7:42pm Apr 1 2011

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"What's wrong with being a housecat?" Jayda demanded, angered at the offensive name of 'kittypet'. "Savanna and I are given real meat every other day, our fur is brushed regularly to keep it clean for us, we have entertainment and sometimes guests, and other cat friends in the neighborhood."

Savanna flicked a tail nervously. "Pray don't be offeded, Fen, it's just that you look sick. I don't know why I think so, but it's just.... magical. As if I know." 


11:53am Apr 2 2011

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Posts: 9,641

"I'm not offended," Fen mewed mildy, purring to let them know she wasn't lying for their sake. "It's just...I guess I wonder how some cats could manage to live such a pampered life. Not knowing the thrill of the hunt and so on." Pausing, Fen licked her paw and tilted her head in realization. "Though," she meowed thoughtfully, "you can't miss what you've never known."

Turning to Savanna Fen shrugged again, seemingly unconcerened by her anger. "Sorry if I said something insulting," she mewed apologetically. "But you probably see my life as wild and uncontrollable, and I see yours as easy and undesirable."

Glancing at Thunder Fen let out a small sigh, irritated by the she-cat's loud, obnoxious voice. "I'm a loner if you must know," she meowed. "And good for you," she added irately, her tail flicking.  


9:56pm Apr 2 2011

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Posts: 5,279

Jayda's fur prickled, not sure whether to take Fen's comment as an insult or not. It seemed insulting to her. "I can hunt plenty, my house is overrun with mice and sometimes rats, and the humans will give us a peice of hamburger for each we catch. Savanna is useless at hunting, but I know better." Her tail flicked with irritation, deciding to be insulted. Of course she could hunt! And at least she ate enough on a regular basis, rather than simply starving in the wilds, wondering whether or not you would survive the next day.

Savanna's ears flattened (or rather remained sagged under the weight of the earrings) in discomfort. She didn't appreciate fighting between her friend and someone so nice. 


11:59pm Apr 2 2011

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Posts: 6,296
"Yes, but do you eat the mice?" Thunder asked Jayda innocently. She inspected her closely. She was a rather good size for hunting, and seemed very well balanced.


9:41am Apr 3 2011

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"Alright, alright," Fen meowed with a purr of amusement. "I think we should pause this conversation since neither of us really wants to give in to the other's opinion." Ducking her head and licking her paw in thought Fen glanced up when Jayda mentioned she could hunt. "I think it's nice that you can hunt," she mewed, trying to be friendly. "And....I guess there's nothing wrong with two-leg meat, though you have to wonder where they get it from."


12:28pm Apr 3 2011

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Posts: 6,296
"Huh, well, it tastes pretty good. Not as good as grouse, though." Thunder sighed. "I love grouse. Not fond of picking off the feathers, though." she smiled. "have you had grouse before? At least you're not one of those totally-priss kitt-housecats that hates the words 'mice', 'streets' and 'cold'."


5:59pm Apr 3 2011

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"I ate the first few that I caught, and I decided that I never really liked mice. It must be more of an aquired taste," Jayda answered.

"I have never heard of grouse before!" Savanna said, interested in a new bit of fresh kill that she might be able to catch, and it might suit her tastes, "Is it a bird?" 


6:41pm Apr 3 2011

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Posts: 6,296
"oh yes, and it's very delicious, but of course, you have the job of plucking off the feathers. When they get prevoked, they foof out their feathers. It's really cool-looking. I haven't caught one in a while." Thunder frowned at Jayda. "You don't like mice?" she sighed. "oh well, people have different tastes."


1:54pm Apr 4 2011

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Posts: 5,279
((*counts posts* 1... 2... 3! *waits*))


3:08pm Apr 4 2011

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Posts: 9,641
[Guys, we seem to have lost half our members. XD Tld has quit and Shadow hasn't posted for a while. I'll nag Shadow, but I'm not sure if she's still in. :x]


4:02pm Apr 4 2011

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Posts: 5,279
((O.O Well that bites. All of the good warrior cats rps I'm ever in that aren't one on one, everyone quits. -_- I'm a bad luck charm you guys))


6:00pm Apr 4 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Nah, just Tld has the time zone issue and all. I don't know if I should continue this. :x I mean, we can't seem to get anywhere. D:


6:34pm Apr 4 2011

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Posts: 6,296
((-Thinks f Whatever and I's oneone- I agree.))

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