5:30pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((It says Usdername: Sugarsnow...))
 <-- Click me
5:39pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Oops. XD I thought I edited that part out of the bio, but apparently not. ))
5:44pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Why did it say her name.))
 <-- Click me
6:13pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((@Feyth- it hardly matters. She used SugarSnow's bio layout is all, if you must know. You need another character still, FYI, as you can't just have one. You have to keep the gender scale equal. @fullmoon- Your bio is accepted, but make a girl character to balance the ratio. (Yes, I know Feyth's character would technically balance yours, but it's in the rules, and I prefer it this way) ))
6:40pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Oh yes, sorry again. Res killed my other bio. Let me remake it.))
 <-- Click me
7:30pm Aug 8 2011 (last edited on 5:06pm Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,248
Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Forra is kind of a loner. She is a bit shy and has become very seclusive. She doesn't let many people know much about her. She's also very stubburn and tends to ignore you if you make her mad or upset. Can hold very long grudges. She's a tom-boy. History: Forra was abandoned at birth and put in an adoption agency. She was adopted, by a kind women, when she was six years old. She raised Forra with love and kindness, even giving her a dragon egg when she adopted her, trying to prove that she loved her. Forra warmed up to her quickly and soon called her Mom and thought of her as her mom. Kumori hatched when she turned seven. They bonded like sisters and became very close, completly inseperable. She had a pretty normal life after that. When her mom told her she was sending her to the Dragon Academy, Forra was shocked and happy. Appearance: Forra stands at 5ft, 7in. She has snow white hair, that goes to her shoulders and sticks up at the ends. She has amber eyes. Forra is thin and has a slightly curvy figure. Her skin is darkly tanned. Forra usually wears a loose, dark green, T-shirt with a black vine like pattern on the left side. She wears either blue jeans, black cargo pants or white kaprees. Dragon: She has a ten year old, female, feathered dragon named tle="Kumori">Kumori. (She has smaller horns, wings and shorter feathers and she is smaller then in the pic.) ------------------------- Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Triston is one of those dark and mysterious types. He does hate it though, when people ask him questions or put him on the spot. He also hates his last name. (I geuss he's just shy) History: Triston doesn't really talk much so no one knows. Appearance: Triston has short, dark red hair, that sticks up in places. His eyes are a light forest green. He stands at about 5ft, 9in. He has slightly tan skin. Most people see him wearing a pair of black boots, a jacket or cloak of different colors, a loosly white buttoned-up shirt and a pair of baggy pants, usually gray, black or dark blue. Dragon: His dragon is a female feathered dragon that's four years old, that's named tle="Anaria">Anaria. (Her horns, wings and feathers are smaller. She usually doesn't wear the saddle and reins or the tail thing.) ((Sorry I took so long. I had to make Anaria and Kumori on their flash programs. Both owners of the flash programs say in their rules that we can use these in rp's and such. But are they ok?))

7:33pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Actually, I think I have to drop this roleplay. School is starting and I only can keep a few that I am in.))
 <-- Click me
7:37pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((OMG you totally gave me the word I was looking for. xD Whatever, I was searching for a word to use for Gavaar's peculiar breath powers, and I couldn't find the word. So I had to go primitive and use toxic sludge. Acid was definitely the word I was looking for. That's was I meant. :P Thanks for clearing up my brain spazz. ^_^ Would we be able to start soon? *is eager*))
7:41pm Aug 8 2011 (last edited on 7:43pm Aug 8 2011)
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Posts: 5,279
((@Tigerfrost- Very nice Bios! Accepted~ @Feyth- Alright then, maybe another time ;) EDIT:: @SugarSnow- Yes, I'll start soon, as soon as I get a teacher application from fullmoon, who's interested. I'll play the third teacher if no one else wishes to, and if someone else does, I'll take him off the list and let them have it, since I'm playing headmaster~))
7:44pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I would RP a teacher, but I'm very bad at RP'ing teachers and headmasters and such. Believe me, I'm doing you all a favor by not volunteering. :P I'm just not quite used to RP'ing teachers and adults. O_O" But, if you really need someone to RP the teacher, I will definitely give it a shot, if you would prefer it.))
7:51pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 5,279
(No worries, Tigerfrost sent a bio to me as well, so as long as fullmoon sends me one, we're good to go. ;) ))
11:58am Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 2:04pm Aug 9 2011)
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Posts: 5,279
((Alright! I'll start when someone else is online to reply! Post and OOC if you're online! @Fullmoon- Edit your first post to include your female character, and rmail me your teacher, because you told me you were interested. I hope you don't mind us starting before!)) Students Name: Kevia Bane Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Kevia is rough and not afraid to assert her opinion anywhere, even though it's not always good for her. She's quick to throw a punch at someone if she's hurt or offended, and has once gotten arrested for K-Oing someone who tried to shake her hand. She hates physical contact over anything else, unless she is close to someone emotionally. She also tends to throw insults at people, and is a total drama queen when it comes to people crying in public. Don't be put off by this though, it's her way of saying 'You need to learn how to stand up for yourself.' History: She was born in the town of Hinter, better described as a bandit camp in the middle of a jungle, Everyone there had a price on their head, and there were few children other than those held for ransom. Both of her parents were infamous for several crimes, but she, herself never learned of them in great detail. As a result, most of the criminals came to respect her, and they treated her like an apprentice. She became adept in swordplay and marksmanship, but always dreamed of taming a might dragon. When she turned ten, the worst possible thing happened to Hinter: it was discovered by the outside world. The king at the time ordered it to be burned and all of its inhabitants to be executed. Hinter was taken by complete surprise when mercenaries on dragonback came and attacked. The children, however, were spared and returned to their parents. They figured when they were attacking that Kevia was just another kidnapped child, and took her away shortly after she witnessed the death of her own parents. When they discovered her real identity, she was dropped at the nearest church and left to become a nun. For two years, Kevia suffered in that place, since she is a firm athiest, before she escaped, living with a close friend in the village and his parents, who unofficially adopted her. She signed herself up for the Dragon Academy, as well as her friend, Kourga Wilds, though he didn't win a scholarship. When his parents realised that their lowly servant was going, they had no choice but to send Kourga as well. Looks: Portrait is in progress, but for now: She stands at 5'5" and weighs a mere 110 lbs, causing her to be long and lean. She has short blonde hair that was once a pixie cut, but has grown to be about to her chin. Her eyes are emerald green, and she typically wears sunglasses (though not always). She'll also wear a white tank top with a cut shirt that's green with yoga pants, because it's comfortable and stylish, as well as easy to fight in. Dragon(s): Venus --- Name: Kourga Wilds Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Kourga is bold with his words and actions, but he really does care about other people. He doesn't usually associate with people who are deliberately mean, but he understands Kevia and her scenario. They're only friends though, Kourga would have a difficult time putting up with Kevia and her dominant attitude. History: Kourga was born in the city of Auberdeen with his parents. They bought a family dragon when he turned 11, and she laid a clutch of five, of which two hatched. Though they were both awarded to him by his parents, he secretly gave one to Kevia, because it was her dream, with the claim that he wouldn't be able to manage two dragons. Looks: Sandy brown hair, slightly shorter than Kevia's. He has grey eyes and usually wears a bandana around his neck. He wears neutral colored shirts with cargo pants (or shorts, depending on the weather) Dragon(s): August Child (August) ---- Dragons Name: Venus Age: 6 years Gender: Male Looks: Drawn by me, don't steal please ;) http://whatever6551.deviantart.com/gallery/30335438#/d3flbii Personality: Venus isn't the smartest bulb in the bunch, but he has his strengths and weaknesses Ability (if any): Spitting Acid Sire: Armed & Dangerous Dam: Almost Illegal Offspring: None ---- Name: August Child Age: 6 years Gender: Female Looks: Coming Eventually- She has pale green scales with darker speckles on her scales. Personality: August is smarter than her brother, Venus, and is very protective of Kourga. She is a lightweight, just like him, but she's likely to grow bigger because she lacks an ability. Ability (if any): None Sire: Armed & Dangerous Dam: Almost Illegal Offspring: None

2:03pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Heyyy. Can I possibly join? :D))
2:18pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((100% Yes! *shoots the part that says no one else may join* The rules are unworthy of Rika. XD *bows*))
3:25pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 3:27pm Aug 9 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
((^////^; Ehehe. Could I use two dragonoid creatures for my characters' dragons? C:))
3:28pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((What do you mean by dragonoid creatures? As long as they are mostly like dragons, that's fine. There's no teacher spots, I promised one to fullmoon. :c Sorry))
3:29pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Want me to Rmail you their deions? o3o))
3:34pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Feel free ;) Post your bios here though! ))
3:35pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((This post is for my bio. o3o))
6:16pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality:Talia is a very moody person, and switches from sad to excited very, very fast, and is usually hard to keep up with. She's usually very gay and gleeful, but sometimes she starts crying her eyes out or becomes a tigress. Although she does this, Talia seems to be one of those love-magnets. People just love her for who she is. Talia doesn't have many enemies, probably because she has the ability to switch her ears off completely. She likes to curl up inside her head whenever she doesn't like what a person is saying. So pretty much, to sum her up, she's a very confusing, ditzy person.
Appearance: Talia is a mid-size girl, standing at 5'5 feet tall and weighing 120 pounds. Talia lkes to dress in her own clothes that she's made. Talia is an exellent dsigner, and that is likely what she does when she shuts her ears off, designs more clothing. Her hair is natural golden blonde, and she has light, creamy brown eyes, usually full of curiosity.
Dragon: Milky Way, a cream-and-brown common dragon.