6:20pm Aug 9 2011
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((Accepted full! I'll add your characters to the first post, and I'll post an intro, so that everyone else may as well. :) I'm working out what classes everyone is teaching in a moment!))
6:24pm Aug 9 2011
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((Before everyone freaks out that I took the name Hedwig from Harry Potter, I actually did not. XD Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedwig ))
7:37pm Aug 9 2011
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((Everyone who plays teachers is to rmail me ASAP to learn about the details of what they are ordered to teach about! The first few posts will be socializing before class, but everyone already has their dorm assigments and are situated with their dragons and any other pets they might have.)) Kevia slid her sunglasses on in the mirror with a smile. The first Monday of a long series of learning at the Dragon Academy. She fluffed her hair to give it more of a wild appearance and then replaced her sunglasses on the table. Her eyes looked too good to be ignored today, and sunglasses gave off the 'don't talk to me' sort of vibe. No, Kevia wanted to make a good impression today in the Gathering Hall before class, maybe make some new friends. She had already talked to Kourga too; no socializing in public. She wanted to make her own friends, maybe even really good friends, and she didn't want anyone to think they were dating. She laughed out loud at the thought of dating Kourga, and how awkward it would be as she clipped the leather leash onto her dog, a Siberian Husky called Shasta. The Gathering Hall was too close to the girl's dormiories for it to be appropriate to fly there on her dragon, so he would stay here until class started. Shasta seemed excited to finally be going out and meeting people. It wasn't too long ago that Kevia got the dog from a "Free puppies" box, but she seemed to be warming up to her nicely. She seemed aggressive around other dogs though, so Kevia kept in mind to be careful when it came to keeping her close. When she got to the Gathering Hall, there were a few other students already there, and Kevia felt special to be one of the first. She wondered if any of them were anything like her... ---- Kourga Wilds spotted Kevia instantly when he got to the Gathering area, his dragon peering inquisitively down through the open rooftop, most likely perched on one of the stoney walls that bordered it. Kourga would have approached Kevia, but he remembered last minute what she said before leaving, At the Dragon Academy, I don't know who you are, Kourga. Tell anyone where I'm from, and I'll hunt you down. Kourga rubbed his shoulder in memory of the friendly punch in the shoulder he had received as an afterthought, and sat on one of the stone benches along the edge of the Gathering Area. He wondered if the Headmaster would come and announce the start of classes, or hand out schedules. He wasn't very familiar as to how the Dragon Academy would work, but he figured it would be similar to college or highschool.

8:54pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 9:19pm Aug 9 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Is trying to work out if Sam should crush on Kev....))
Talia sat in the gathering Area, her hands in her lap. Today she was wearing a silky gold dress up to her knees, with frilly bluebell-looking shoulders. A sash went across her stomach and it was tied up in the back in a nice bow. She'd done nothing with her hair, as it looked fine as it was, down in soft curls. She was excellent at making clothes, but she lacked in the hair-styling department. Talia waited, but she wasn't exactly sure what she was waiting for. The headmaster, I guess? Her kitten, Samuel, sat in his cat-carrier, looking grumpier and fatter then usual. Talia looked at him and broke into a fit of mirth. He looked perfectly silly, and grumpy. Talia gently put her fingers in and tickled the cat's nose. The change was immediate. He started purring, and looked very happy. But he was still fat. She glanced at everyone's clothes. Most had dressed up for this. She noted a few things and accessories, and made a mental note to draw them in her book. She noticed a girl with wild-looking hair. She liked it. Talia put her hand to her own hair. She thought it was okay, but other people had more pretty hair then she did, even though everyone tried to convince her that her hair was by far the prettiest. She remembered that one of her friends were going to the Academy. she was going to cry, but then Samuel purred and pressed his nose into Talia's hind. Her frown turned to a smile. She remembered her dragon,Milky Way , and couldn't wait to go to the stables to see her. She would as soon as she got the chance. ((Sam's intro is comin soon, I need to have dinner, I think, and I don't want to be in the middle of writing it when Dad calls. ))
Sam entered the Gathering Area with a bagel in his mouth, his hands still putting on his jecket. He finally managed to get his jcket on, hoping no one had noticed. He stuffed the bagel deeper into his mouth, and choked. He hoped no one had seen that either. He sat on a bench beside a pretty girl wearing a gold dress with a fat, grey, angry-looking cat. He stayed as far away from the cat as possible. he girl didn't even notice him, so it was easy enough to stay away from her. He hoped they'd breed here. Well, it did say stuff about eggs in the Academy rules (Sam hadn't read it properly, just kind of skimmed it), so he hoped they would. Dad had said Lady Lucie would produce fine offspring, no matter who the sire.
9:51pm Aug 9 2011
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Garrett adjusted his shirt, tucking it in tighter, so it lay smooth across his chest and stomach and checked to make sure his pants were tucked properly into his boots. Shrugging into his leather bomber jacket, he left the room and joined the stream of other new students heading towards the meeting hall. He laughed a little to himself, realizing that he stood head and shoulders taller than most of them. Inside the hall, he scanned the faces, searching for a friendly one, untill he noticed a girl with wild hair also scanning the crowd. He smiled and made his way over to her. "It looks like there's a big crowd starting. I wonder if they're all first years," he said, standing as unthreateningly as he could. "I'm Garrett. Nice to meet you." ((Aria coming soon))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:57pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((LOL I love it how kevia's instantly popular. XD I guess Sam might not get to crush on Kevia because of the crowd that might engulf her, wanting her autograph for no apparent reason.))
10:09pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Well, Kevia is pretty BA XD You never know who she'll crush on. ;) I'm going to wait for everyone else to Intro in before replying though ;) ))
10:09pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((Garrett's not crushing on anyone. Though if anyone wants to crush on him, that's cool. He's just friendly!)) Aria finished running the brush through her long hair and tied it up, this time with two bubblegum pink ribbons. Slipping into a little sundress that matched the ribbons, she gave a sigh and ran her hand over her hair again, just in case, and made her way to the meeting place. She entered, unobserved, and scanned the room for friendly looking people, before realizing that she was too shy to greet anyone with confidance. Deciding on her course of action, she sought out a seat in a place, not front and center, but not hidden either, and hoped that someone would come and talk with her.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:47am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Triston finished buttoning up his jacket and walked into the Gathering Hall. There was a ton of people, more thatn he liked being around. He spotted a bench with only one person sitting, a girl with white blonde hair. He looked around for any open seats but didn't spot any. Sighing, he walked over to the bench and sat down on the opposite side of where she sat. He slouched over and started to fiddle with his watch, hoping the girl wouldn't bother him. --------- Forra had thought hard on what to wear to the meeting and settled something simple. She didn't want to stand out and attract any attention, due to her shyness. She looked at Kumori and asked her, "Do I look ok?" The dragon nodded her feather covered head. Forra smiled then took one last look at herself in her mirror. She saw her self wearing a loose green T, with a black vine-like pattern on the left side. Her favorite black cargo pants and her new white and black tennis shoes. Kumori nudged her away from the mirror and to the door. Forra patted her head then took off towards the Gathering Hall, hoping she wouldn't be late. Forra was happy to see that they hadn't started yet and looked around for a place to sit. She wandered around for a spot to sit but didn't see one. So she stood over by the wall and waited to see what would happen. She was kind of hoping, whatever it was, would happen soon. ((Sorry I took so long. My sister took me floating and I got sun burned...))

1:20am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 11:28am Aug 10 2011)
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Name: Amelia Anderson Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Shy and sweet, though she's still a bit depressed over the loss of her brother, though it happened many years earlier. She hides this fact, though it's evident in her dark blue eyes that she's still sad.
History: Amelia originally had an older brother named Nolan, but he died when she was little. Nolan had always been sick and stuck in bed, but he was always wearing a smile. He always made her feel better...and the reason she cries in the rain is because Nolan died during a thunderstorm. Looks:
 Made by me in a dressup game thing that I forgot the name of. x.x Usually wears pants and such, but todays the anniversary of her brother's death. :< Dragon(s): Almon ----
Name: Almon Age: 5 years? Gender: Male Looks:
Sethani are a race of dragonoids that, rather than scales, have feathers and are more gentle and nurturing in nature. A Sethani's feathers can be just wings, or they can cover the whole body. Their coration ranges from pure white to black like a raven, and can have intricate markings such as swirls or tribals in any color. Their eye color can be absolutely any color in the rainbow, or even more than one color. can be absolutely any color in the rainbow, or even more than one color.
Almon is a pitch black Sethani with feathered wings and a few feathers atop his head, his eyes colored a deep red with orange rings starting from around the pupil to the outside. His black body is covered in purple tribals a, the color of the tribals on his head a deep, rich red. He is about the size of normal adult male dragon, but he is lighter, meaning he can fly faster.
Personality: A bit gruffer than most Sethani, but is still pretty peaceful. c: Ability (if any): Alright, he can breathe a cloud of shadows to asphyxiate his enemies. :D
Sire: Unknown Dangers Dam: Silken Shadows Offspring: Pffft no. Name: Altair Esmiro Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: Can be quite blunt, but usually puts thought into what he says beforehand so he doesn't insult anybody. Most often, is a very kind, sweet young man, but at other times he can be quite beastly. But it's difficult to push him past his limit, so most people have yet to see him snap. History: Uhh...I'll edit in something when I think about it. Looks: He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. |D As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes. He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm.Dragon(s): Ren ----
Name: Ren Age: 5 years? Gender: Female Looks: Ren is pure white Sethani with colorless milky eyes that have a ring of blue around the outer edge to make them look kind of like diamonds. She has bright red swirls that start at her front legs and end on her wings that are accompanied by light blue swirls that begin on her hind legs to intertwine with the red. Her feathers are limited to her wings and the tip of her tail, making her look like an angel-dragon to the humans. She is of average adult female size. Personality: Kind, sweet, gentle, motherly, nurturing...Your classic Sethani. C: Ability (if any): Uh. I dunno what to give her so none I guess. :U Sire: Unknown Dangers Dam: Silken Shadows Offspring: Pffft. ((For the moment only two. x.x Both are middle-weights. Heavy enough to pack a punch, and light enough to zip off when they have to.))

1:40am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 1:41am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,248
((lol. Almon sounds a lot alike to my Kumori. Maybe they'll get along.))
4:32am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I missed so much. Just because I was gone a day. D: Oh wells. xDD)) Willow glanced boredly around. She had been one of the first to arrive at the Academy. She was sitting under the shade of a tree, staring tranfixedly at her dragon, Gavaar. Acid bubbled in his throat, and he spat it out at a nearby mouse, scaring the tiny creature away. Purple smoke drifted from his nostrils, and an acrid scent hung in the air, burning Willow's eyes as she caught a whiff of the smoke. Sneezing roughly, Willow stared at a rather good-looking boy talking aimlessly to his companion dragon. She saw the brown-haired boy grin radiantly at her when he caught her eye, his brooding golden eyes making her inhale sharply. Rolling her eyes slightly, Willow resumed gazing intently at Gavaar, whom was now yawning, his bright, sharp, dagger-like fangs having an almost evil glint to them in the bright sunlight. --- Seth stroked his dog, Quincy, gently, his glittering eyes resting on Tamara. He smiled widely, gently stroking his ice dragon with his fingertip. His finger turned pale from the cold scales. His breath clouded just being near Tamara. He shivered, imagining just how tough it'd be to ride her when she grew older. He caught the attention of a pretty girl with dark hair, her heart-shaped face and high cheekbones giving her a pretty face. Her stormy gray eyes were endless and emotionless, almost like you were drowning in their depths. Her expressionless face was almost scary, and it made you want to look away. She looked to have less feeling than a rock. Blinking, Seth resumed thinking about Tamara. He whistled, and Quincy leapt to his feet. Tamara stretched luxuriously, her blue eyes shockingly clear and bright. Quincy blinked like an owl, and he dutifully followed Seth, barking a greeting to Tamara. She blew out a spurt of fog from her nostrils in reply, the chilly cloud embracing Quincy and making the young dog shiver in complaint. When Seth saw students filing into the Gathering Hall, he followed suit and raced after them, Tamara letting out a sharp scree as she dashed after him, but Seth paused. He murmured to her quietly, and Tamara's bright, intelligent eyes fell a little, her face saddening. She trudged over to the dragon enclosure, Quincy following after his dragon friend. Seth noticed the girl he had seen earlier motioning to her dragon to do the same, and she got up. Seth immediately strode over to her, being the friendly Australian he was, and gave her a huge smile. "Hello," He said cheerily, his glowing golden eyes friendly and expectant. There was no response. The girl's cold eyes ignored him completely. "I'm Seth," Seth said, a little unsure now. The girl finally looked at him, her eyes serious and calculating. She was one cool customer. "Willow Egentine," She replied, her voice was light and kind, but her face contradicted her sweet, musical voice. She shouldered past him, hesitating and throwing a backward glance at Seth. But she continued forward, her fast pace bringing her to the Gathering Hall faster than Seth could ever walk. By the time Seth arrived to the Gathering Hall, he saw many students. He paused, unsure of where to sit. He forced a grin to the other students and brushed some bangs out of his eyes. His messy, short, wavy hair had bangs that occasionally hung around Seth's eyebrows. His bright eyes spotted Willow, and he strode over to her, sitting next to her because she was sitting at a completely different table, all the way at the end, as far away from everyone else as possible. "Hello again," Seth said cheerily. "You never give up, do you?" Willow asked, her eyes softening a fraction, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "Australians are quite persistent, aren't they?" "I guess," Seth said, unsure of what to say. He honestly didn't know. He had lived in America since he was a young toddler. He had been raised in America, but his parents had lived in Australia. They moved a few years after he had been born. Willow didn't say anything after that, simply brushed some curly hair out of her eyes. Her pink, Cupid's bow lips were pursed slightly, and her eyes were thoughtful. She soon resumed her neutral ex pression, and she tilted her head, her long ringlets falling to her elbow. Seth gave up talking to her after that, and instead investigated the rest of the room, boredly glancing at other people. His handsome, tan face had a permanently playful ex pression that was always happy. His eyes were golden and they had an endless depth to them, a brooding shine to them that always got him pegged as a trouble-maker, which he was. His dark-gray T-shirt from American Eagle wasn't exactly formal, what with the lettering "AE" across it as well as a jet-black eagle soaring in the chest area. His dark denim jeans didn't scream ceremonious either. Yawning, his bright white teeth glinted, and he flashed a wink at Willow, attempting to get her to talk again. She aimed a glare at him, her gray eyes making his shudder from fright.

11:23am Aug 10 2011
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((Just to clarify on Rika's Sethani- They aren't a seperate race of dragon, entirely, but rather a breed of dragon that has been secluded from other dragons through their program, and have been bred specifically for the traits that they carry. Also, Rika, I like your creativity on the Sethani's powers, but they're a little too supernatural. Either a breath weapon or not please. Also include what size they are. There are five different sizes of dragon: Miniatue (12-100, cat/dog size), Lightweight (101-300 lb, See Venus's size in my bio), Middleweight (301-500 lb), Heavyweight (501-999 lb), and War-size (1000+ lb) Your human bios are accepted! @SugarSnow- at most, everyone simply posted their intros. If you can't handle reading it all, you might not want to stay. :P I would love it if you did stay, but I don't want you to do anything you can't handle. There might be times where we'll go a whole page XD)) Kevia looked up at Garret, but didn't seem to be paying much attention, still examining the other students who were coming in. "My name's Kevia," she answered, taking a moment to examine him. It struck her first how tall he was, at least a full foot taller than she was. She went pale for a second. His stance wasn't threatening at all, but his simple size made her sort of nervous. She would need to stand on one of the benches just to make level eye contact. She didn't want to comment, for the sake of being polite (though it has never stopped her before), because she wanted to make a good impression her first day. She looked away instead to see if anyone else would approach to save her from the awkwardness of taking some time to think of a response. "Well, you're certainly a tall one, aren't you?" she said finally, giving up on the politeness thing. It was her first day, and she wantd people to see how she really was, not any way else. She gripped Shasta's leash steadily, so that she could barely reach Garret. There was no need for bloodshed today. Kourga chuckled when he saw a tall guy go over to Kevia. He wondered if she was playing it polite, or speaking her mind, which always got her in trouble. He shrugged, deciding to mind his own business, and walked over to two people sitting at a table near the back of the Gathering Hall, close to where the teachers would arrive if they ever decided to show. He paused before sitting down. The two people were as different as the sun and the moon, with bright, golden inquisitive eyes and stormy gray and emotionless. It struck him how supernatural the eye colors in question were, and he wondered if he had made a mistake by coming over here. He swallowed his superstitions and put on a charming smile, "Hi there, my name's Kourga Wilds, it's nice to meet you both."

5:47pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I like reading the posts. So nicely written! It's just that it's so time-consuming because they're so long and deive. xDD And sometimes when I spend too much time on a computer it hurts my eyes. D: I will never leave! 8D I love this RP too much, even though it just started. :3 My dragons are babies. I can't do anything with them except feed them and talk to them. xDD And to make everything all cleared up because I'm a little fuzzy, the dragons are all supposed to stay in the dragon area, no matter what, right? So I'm like, not allowed to have them be in the Gathering Hall...? :P)) Willow rolled her eyes at Seth, her face slightly annoyed. "Don't you have someone else to bother?" Her voice wasn't as musical as before, with a hard edge to them that clearly signaled she'd prefer to be left alone. "There's a whole roomful of students. Why don't you have yourself introduce yourself to everyone, if you're so friendly?" Her eyes were sharp and clear, and she crossed her arms, her navy-blue blouse accenting her gray eyes. Seth didn't reply, but he did shift his gaze over to Willow. "You're not very nice, you know..." His voice had a teasing lilt to them, but still retained a harsh truth. Willow raised an eyebrow as Seth turned his attention to Kourga. "I'm Seth," He replied, sticking out his hand. He gave Kourga a wide grin and motioned to Willow. "I doubt she'll give you her name though. You'd have better luck making small talk with a pebble." His brooding golden eyes looked thoughtful, but they were quickly replaced by curiousity. "Did you get a scholarship? I didn't. Much too stupid for that." He let out a dry chuckle, shifting his position in the chair. "This fool here is too much," Willow muttered darkly. "Do you hate all Australians, or is it just me?" "Just you," "Nice to know," Sighing, Seth ran a hand through his thick hair. He glanced helplessly at Kourga, amusement in his eyes. Willow turned her back on them, her lonely gray eyes staring aimlessly at the ceiling.

5:48pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I adjusted them. o3o))
6:13pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Accepted Rika! Go ahead and bring them in! @Sugarsnow- Dragons are your means of transportation through the Academy grounds (if your dragon is too small, the Academy provides you with a temporary companion). You are actually supposed to bring them to flying class and dragons class, and fighting class when reqquested to by the teacher. They are not allowed in your dorm, the Cafe or the Gatehring Area)) Kourga watched the two bicker with a frown. "I didn't mean to intrude on your little squabble," he said slowly, scratching his shoulder with nervousness. Seth seemed more amused than he was threatened by the girl. He had trouble understanding how she could be so cold-hearted to someone so friendly. "Miss, maybe you'd do best not to pick on people for no reason, it's a poor hobby, and reflects badly on yourself," he said, sneaking a glance over his shoulder at Kevia. Ha! They'd probably get along well if they didn't kill each other first.
6:22pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((I'm going to respond soon, I promise. I'm just waiting on Rika so everyone can have a chance before my characters (Garrett) start running their mouths.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:50pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Mmkay. Gotcha. Thankies for the info. :3 So... should I make bios for the temporary companions, or can I just make them up on a whim? You're very professional, whatever. ;D Quite a contradiction to your username.)) A ghost of a smile appeared on Willow's lips. "Miss...? Don't be so formal around me. How valiant of you to say that." Her light voice had a touch of sarcasm to it. She brushed a strand of jet-black hair out of her face, her stormy gray eyes calculating and cool. Dark-brown highlights decorated her dark ringlets, and she hesitated before saying, "Call me Willow. Don't call someone younger than yourself 'Miss.' It's unbecoming," She turned away again, briefly pausing to look at Seth, who was as cheerful and oblivious as ever. She snorted at his ignorance and blinked, her cool face softening for a fraction, but then resuming its neutral ex pression. Willow was only 15, but she had recieved a scholarship nevertheless. She loathed the fact that she seemed to be the youngest around. Seth was only a year older than her, but she believed herself to be more mature than Seth. --- Seth glanced aimlessly at Willow, a smirk spreading on his face. He tossed a wink at Kourga, sticking his tongue out at Willow. "I saw that, you imbecile!" Willow sighed, her voice tainted with annoyance. Seth merely smiled in response, taking the insult in stride. "Does nothing annoy you?" Willow asked sharply, throwing a glance at Seth. She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes. "I learn to just take it all in," Seth replied easily. "I recieve most insults as compliments. Oh um, by the way, thank you for calling me an imbecile. It's obvious you think very highly of me." Willow gritted her teeth, annoyed at Seth's childish happiness.

6:55pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Lawl XD I had my Nooby days :P *sits and waits patiently for Rika's intro*))
7:42pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Talia blinked her eyes and seemed to suddenly notice there were two boys on the benches around her, both looking quite bored, emotionless, and trying to keep as far away from her as possible. Talia frowned. What, did they think she carried some disease? She turned to them both and smiled. "Talia Rose is my name," she said politely. "What are yours?" Sam looked up, and noticed the girl was talking to her. "Oh," he said distractedly. "Uhm, Sam Young. Nice to meet you." He glanced at Talia Rose's cat, which was staring at him as if he was some sort of evil demon. It let out a hiss. "What's your de- uh, cat's name?" he asked, and the thing let out a hiss. "Oh, his name is Samuel." Talia smiled. "He doesn't like strangers too well. I wouldn't suggest trying to pet him." Talia turned to the other boy, with the button-up jacket. "And your name?" She asked. The crowd appeared to have gotten bigger. Some people had to resort to sitting on the ground. Some people were still milling about, looking like stupid ducks. There was still some space on Talia's bench, though. She guessed everyone wanted to sit with there friends, not make any. Talia frowned.