9:05am Feb 13 2013 (last edited on 5:21am Feb 15 2013)
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Posts: 2,895
"As you all know, this is one of the government's latest experiments."
An old man with a pointy nose and a round body announced to the crowd of students huddled in the auditorium.
"Here you will each be assigned a partner," he paused, changing his mind,"No, I think a better word for them is slave."
He turned around to glare at the row of battered children bound by chains.
detest these creatures, and I'm sure you do as well. However, it was
demanded by the government to take on this assignment to control these
grotesque beings.
"They are your slaves, treat them as you wish. Just keep them in line.
"Come forth as I call your name, you will receive your...kid."
- - - - - - - - - - Plot:
The newest government experiment is to train vampires to behave in
society. They believe with this academy, they can lower the death count
slain by vampires. Each student is assigned a vampire child to look
after and to donate blood to.
Vampires live off of human blood to
survive. They are stronger, quicker, and more intelligent than humans,
but they are bound by their desire for human blood.
Each vampire
has different blood intake needs. The more physically weak a vampire is,
the more blood is needed. As a vampire matures it needs less blood. A
strong vampire child needs less blood than a sickly vampire child. Some
need blood three times a day, when others only need blood once a month.
It all depends on their physical state.
As for the sunlight, the time they can stay in it depends on how strong
the vampire is and how recently they have taken in blood. You can make
up the time, but it can't be too long since they are vampires. The sun
sucks out their energy and can kill them if they are in it too long. That is why they will go to school at night and sleep during the day, the
humans must adjust to this as well so they can be with their partner. School uniformMale:  Female:

1 Please don't join if you are not literate. 2
To join you must ask before you post your bio. I know most here on res,
but if I don't and ask for an example of your skill level, please don't
argue. 3 When you join, you must join as a human and a vampire. Not
just a vampire. The number is unlimited, however, for every vampire you
make create a human as well. 4 Your human and your vampire will not be assigned together, I will assign them later. 5 This is an academy, your partners are roomed together. (vampire x human) 6 Keep everything Res appropriate. 7 These vampires can't transform humans into vampires, they were born just like humans. 8 Please have original characters, don't copy anime characters. 9 I will be selecting someone to be in charge when I am absent, so listen to them when I am gone. :)
Vampire NumbersYukiya Yanase Number 13 Human NumberKaisuke Tsuganami Number 4
Name (First and Last) Age (13-18) Gender Grade (9-12) Personality (this is not optional) Appearance (pictures are accepted, but desc[injection]ription is preferred) Vampire Number (I will assign it later, please edit once I give it to you) Other (any talents or fears?)
Vampire Bio
Name (First and Last) Age (no older than 18) Gender Personality (this is also not optional) Appearance (Same rules apply) Master Number (Will be assigned) Blood intake (how often does he/she need blood?) Other (Talents, fears, or something else?)
*note: These vampires have no special powers. Please keep that in mind.
12:54pm Feb 13 2013 (last edited on 5:23am Feb 15 2013)
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Posts: 2,895
Human BioName Kaisuke (Kai) TsuganomiAge 17Gender: MaleGrade 12Personality:
Kai is a seemingly self-absorbed boy who doesn't care about anyone
else. He spends his free time alone, reading. No one approaches him
because of his cool, yet scary, aura he lets off. Although he has never
punched anyone, rumors spread about him beating up delinquents and
anyone who gets in his way.In truth, he can't
express his feelings well, causing misunderstandings. Although, it is
his fault for not trying to clear them. He is also rather intelligent and likes to learn at a fast rate, so others often think that he doesn't have friends because he thinks he is better than everyone else.Appearance:
Kai is tall and slender. His features are on the small side, at a
distance you would wonder why anyone would be scared of the dark-haired,
green-eyed boy. Although, once you take a closer look into his
mysterious eyes, you can understand. Despite his build, he is quite
strong, which just invite the rumors others have of him. Vampire Number: 4Other: He is good at martial arts.Vampire BioName : Yukiya YanaseAge 14Gender: MalePersonality:
Yukiya is a klutz. He isn't too strong physically and he constantly
trips and drops things everywhere. He also looses himself in thought,
occasionally bumping into others.He tries not
to be a burden, even though he is a vampire he is as weak as the humans.
He can't make it for more than a minute out in the sun. He
wishes he was human, that way he could enjoy the sun. He wonders what
the warmth of the sun feels like and often stares outside at day and
daydreams. He wants to go outside during the day, but he knows he is
weak and he wouldn't last. Yukiya has a
boy-phobia. He is often mistaken for a girl and boys fall for him and confess to him. He
sticks around girls, not getting close to boys. Appearance:
Yukiya is a frail little boy with a tiny frame and a short height. He
has soft blonde hair and huge blue eyes. His fangs are small compared to
the other vampires and he is often mistaken as a girl.Master Number: 13Blood intake: Three times a day.Other:
He enjoys singing. Yukiya often sings a little song his mother used to
sing to him when he is confused about something or sad. He is pretty
good at singing, as was his mother, although his singing is high-pitched
for a boy, which make him seem even more like a girl.Other than that, he has no talents. He is terrible with academics and sports, he isn't very strong either.:He fears boys.
2:50pm Feb 13 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[May I join Kake?]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
11:02pm Feb 13 2013
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Posts: 827
[[This seems like a very interesting role play. I haven't rped a school role play in quite a while, so this shall be fun. With that said, may I join?
5:15am Feb 15 2013
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Posts: 2,895
((Unique-chan may join, I also place said person in charge during my absences, which could be whenever I am not present within a day's time. Spirit-chan: I remember you, but I forget how literate you are. Could you show me an example of your writing, or remind me what thread we shared?))
9:47pm Feb 16 2013
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Posts: 2,895
((Don't forget to bookmark this thread if you join. :) ))
10:52pm Feb 16 2013
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Posts: 827
[[Thanks, I have been meaning to post my bios but I have been very busy. I will get to this within the next week]]
12:37am Feb 17 2013
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Posts: 698
7:47am Feb 17 2013
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Posts: 2,895
((Sure wulf-kun))
1:34pm Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 6:25pm Feb 22 2013)
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Posts: 827
Human Bio
Name: Cecily Nyota Age: 17 Gender: Female Grade: 12 Personality: Cecily is a very quite girl. The saying looks can be deceiving works against Cecily, for she appears to be very fragile and shy. You will hardly find her with out having a lost look in her eyes, for she day dreams quite a bit. However, despite the accusation of being fragile and shy, she is actually very feisty and has an uncontrollable temper. She may be quite, but she will never be shy. Cecily is very conceited, she doesn't think anyone deserves her brilliance and her input because her words are far too im.portant for unworthy people. It is true that Cecily is a bright and intelligent girl, but she isn't the wisest. She believes too much in fairy tales and her own day dreams that the closest she will be to wise is in her dreams. Now, as to being fragile, the accusation is due to her appearance. She has very soft and gentle features and her ex.pressions always display themselves as a different emotion; a scowl on her would appear to be a gentle and vulnerable ex.pression, sorrow possibly. Cecily hates how innocent she looks, and she hates how her personality doesn't match up with how she appears to others. And on top of all of this, Cecily is also very possessive over her belongings and things that are her "own". Appearance: Her face is round and has a pristine look to her porcelain skin. Even though she is already in her seventeenth year, people still mistake her for a child. Cecily never knows why, but she assumes that it is because she has such a round face and her cheek bones are low. Perhaps it is because her hair is as dark as the night sky and her eyes as pale as the moon. Or perhaps that is where her fragile look comes from. From her short dark hair that lay in puffy curls down to her shoulders, and her big pale eyes that hold a faint blue tint. They shine with innocence but hold a stubborn glow to them. Back to the child likeness of her persona, it might be the smallness of her shoulders or perhaps the smallness of her being. She stands a little taller than 5 foot. She may be small and child like and look like a miniature celestial fairy, but looks can be very deceiving. Vampire Number: 10 Other: Cecily has always been good at school work, but what she lacks in is her social skills.
Vampire Bio
Name: Robin Akmar Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Robin has always been a sickly child, and no matter what was tried, he would never be as strong or as capable as other vampires. Seeing as he is very sensitive to a lot of things that already count as weak spots for a vampire, Robin had no other choice than to think himself weak and pathetic, for that is what he was. Along side being a weak boy by nature and a pathetic vampire by self-criticism, Robin is also very optimistic and kind. He talks with a gentlemen's tongue and takes hatred as if it were candy. He has been though a lot in his life and a lot of uncontrollable circumstances that he would really not have cared to live though, however, Robin is determined to chose how he acts for himself and he won't let a little thing like his health decide how weak his heart is. Robin is the peace in a raging war, though he is too humble to acknowledge it to be so. And as much as he is weak, he is also wise. Robin figures that the more his health consumes his life, his personality should make up for it. And that is exactly the words he lives by. Appearance: The weakling boy has very light blond hair that is so fair, his hair almost resembles shades of white. It is an unusual contrast to his deep chestnut colored eyes. His eyes are always shining with a strong effort, though the rest of his body wants to give up. Give up on being so weak and give up on being a vampire. Though, aside form the contrast of Robin's un-kept hair that touches the tops of his ears and his eye brows in a wavy and bedhead like manner, in comparison his skin holds a sickly pale color to it and his posture and form hold weakness aurora. Robin is a lanky boy, being nearly 5'11 and always too thin because of his bad health. If he wasn't in such bad health, his form would be stronger, his posture more crisp, his shoulders more broad, and his face wouldn't look so strangely oblong and always tired. Most of the times, it's Robins warm and willing eyes that keep him from looking like a walking corpse, though his personality and manners do help the cause. Master Number: 4 Blood intake: Five time a day Other: Robin has always had a good memory, paying close to details and remembering conversations he has had. It is debatable topic: whether Robin has a photographic memory or an eye for the little things.

2:48pm Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 11:47pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 698
Human Bio
Name: Jaspar Smith
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Grade: 9
Personality: Despite his some what un-friendly stare, Jaspar is a friendly soul, incredibly loyal and strong willed. He, however, has an unfortunate habit of falling into the wrong place at the wrong time. Even then, he could be popular, save one thing. A ridiculous rule of siding with the weaker side. Almost every fight in the school contains him, on weaker side
Appearance Golden / blonde hair which has a slight curl to it, is trimmed in a tangled mess. It hangs, often too long, over Jaspar's eyes, hiding the dark brown eyes flecked with the same gold as his hair. A slight tan covers his skin, highlighted by the clothes he wears. A plain black long sleeved tee shirt and dirty rumpled skinny jeans, sometimes accompanied by a battered pair of black combat boots. Number: 13 Other [Nope]
Vampire Bio
Name Gender: Personality: Johnny is a firm believer in keeping himself to himself, and, almost as a result, is extremely moody. He judges people by how they look and act within minutes of finding them and doesn't have many friends because of it. Not having a friend only worsened the situation dramatically, making Johnny more prone to anger and very prideful. He has the stubbornness of a mule, and once had a staring contest with a fish, because it 'was staring at him'. Though he is moody, if he ever found a true friend, he is massively loyal and overprotective. Anyone who is kind to him makes him in a considerably better mood for the day, but unfortunately, most people aren't. Though few know it, Johnny actually is a real joker and kind person, buried underneath the mass moodiness.
Appearance: Short, disheveled,thick black hair, with a slight wave, tumbles down over crystal clear blue eyes containing a mirage of flecks, both green and gold. A natural surfers tan is maintained throughout the year effortlessly as is the appearance of not caring how he looks. Johnny wears dirty navy tee shirts which cling to his tall [ 6'5 ] fr[injection]ame. Despite being quiet lean, his fr[injection]ame has a lot of muscle spread over it, which he hides by slouching. Adding to the not-caring-about-appearance look, he wears paint stained black drill shots and combat boots. A simple Aztec necklace hangs around his neck and leather anklets adorn his right ankle. In small print, a tattoo takes it's place on the inside of his left forearm - 'The ride is far from over.'
Master Number
8 Blood intake:Other: Growing up on the streets of Spain made him an experienced and accomplished fighter, as well as a Spanish accent.
3:48am Feb 19 2013
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Posts: 698
[Done with Bio's]
7:56pm Feb 19 2013
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Vampire Numbers Yukiya Yanase Number 13 Robin Akmar Number 4 Johnny Desperado Number 10
Human Number Kaisuke Tsuganami Number 4 Jaspar Smith Number 13 Cecily Nyota Number 10
8:31pm Feb 19 2013
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Posts: 2,895
August 18, the first day of private school. Orientation was being held in the auditorium of Kuntou Academy's main building. Students flocked their way into the area, already wearing the school's required attire.
Kaisuke Tsuganomi was no exception. He was dressed in the Kuntou uniform in its entirety, even wearing the restricting red tie he knew he would discard of later in the year. After all, it's all about making impressions the first day, especially on the teachers. Taking note in the fact that if graduated at a high rank from this prestigious academy, you are guaranteed a prosperous life.
The boy entered the auditorium along with the others, and was guided to his seat. After what seemed like hours, an old round man approached the stand on the court. Grabbing the microphone and clearing his throat, the man began his announcement, which lasted hours on babbling at how the school works and the disciplinary actions taken to correct disobedience. Losing interest, Kai buried himself in a leather-bound book he was carrying. It wasn't until the aging man introduced the real reason behind the school that Kai glanced up.
"As you all know, this is one of the government's latest experiments." The speaker with a pointy nose and a long mustache announced to the crowd of students huddled in the auditorium.
"Here you will each be assigned a partner," he paused, changing his mind,"No, I think a better word for them is slave." He turned around to glare at the row of battered children bound by chains.
"I detest these creatures, and I'm sure you do as well. However, it was demanded by the government to take on this assignment to control these grotesque beings. "They are your slaves, treat them as you wish. Just keep them in line.
"Come forth as I call your name, you will receive your...kid," the announcer shuddered as he admitted the truth, it left a bad taste in his mouth.
"....Number 4, Kaisuke Tsuganomi." Kai strode down the isle to retrieve the blonde-haired, weak-looking, vampire awaiting him with a name-tag that stated, "Hello my name is, Robin."
9:19pm Feb 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
(( Mind if I join? I may be late... ))
Love is all we need~
10:39pm Feb 19 2013
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Posts: 827
[[Alright, I finished both my bio's too, fully. I will try to have my intro up tomorrow.]]
5:01am Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 2,895
((Anything for you Wolfie-chan :) ))
8:18pm Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 6,409
(( Thanks, Kake-chan. ))
Name: Alec Marian Harris Age: Fifteen, almost sixteen. Gender: Female, of course. Grade: 10 Personality: She's very outgoing, with a sunny personality. She always seems to be cheerful, unless something really weighty comes to hand. Her smile is dazzling, and her frown is heartbreaking. She really has a lot of inner turmoil, but hides it under a happy face. She loves children and animals, and likes the idea of helping others. However, she sometimes pushes herself past her physical limits for the sake of others- wanting to help them. She's more clumsy than you could possibly imagine, which leads to lots of injuries. Often, when she's asked how she was hurt, she'll just say that she doesn't know. Which is usually correct. Appearance: With pale skin and bright blue eyes that rival those of a husky, Alec attracts a lot of attention. However, she's extremely short, standing at 5'1". Her short stature is petite, with noticeable curves that are a bit over the average. Her face is rounded, with a slightly upward-pointing nose, and full lips that are light pink. Her cheekbones and nose are lightly dotted with honey-colored freckles. They don't stand out, but accent the color of her eyes. She blushes easily, and burns easily in the sun, which explains why she's so pale. Her hair is a light blonde, though not platinum, and falls to her hips in slight curls. Vampire Number: ---- Other: She's terrified of thunder and lightning.
Name: Corey Maryse Holland Age: Sixteen. Gender: Female Personality: One would guess that Corey was... broken, at first. She doesn't speak. Doesn't offer conversation, or even reply to most questions. She just sits there and... stares, solemnly at the ground. Every now and then, she'll hum a tune, but she doesn't really remember much of where the tune came from. She has a strong maternal nature, and will often violate her silence to ask someone if they're okay. She is very sensitive, and will often take a non-chalant comment to heart. She will cower if someone raises their hand to her, hinting that she was abused as a human, but don't underestimate her. If she's hit, and she has enough courage at the time, she'll strike back, or defend herself, and, given that she has vampiric strength, she could easily harm someone. Appearance: She appears to have some Native American Indian blood in her veins, due to her features, which would remind one of a native. Her cheekbones are high and sharp, but not to the point where they jut out. Her lips are semi-full, and her nose is straight. Her brows are lightly arched, and, just below them, her large almond-shaped dark brown eyes sit, deep set, framed by dark lashes the same color as her hair. Corey's hair is a dark, dark brown- almost black, with hints of copper when the sun shines on it. She stands at 5'4" with a slender build, athletic, with average-sized curves. Her hair is dark brown- it matches her eyes and eyelashes- and travels to her mid-back in loose waves. Master Number: --- Blood intake: She needs blood three times daily, at least. She craves it more often. Other: She is only recently turned. About a month old as a vampire. Thunder and lightning terrify her.
Love is all we need~
6:01pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 2,895
New Pairings
Vampire Numbers Yukiya Yanase Number 13 Robin Akmar Number 4 Johnny Desperado Number 8 Corey Maryse Holland Number 10
Human Number Kaisuke Tsuganami Number 4 Jaspar Smith Number 13 Cecily Nyota Number 10 Alec Marian Harris Number 8
7:02pm Feb 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Yay~
So, do I need to post my intro, or should I wait, kake-chan? This is the first group RP I've done in a while. ^.^
Love is all we need~