7:09pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 2,895
((go ahead and post your intro :) ))
7:38pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Of all of the vampires, Corey seemed to be the most quiet. She didn't even make noise when she moved. She just sat there, curled into a ball in the corner, occasionally shaking. However, she didn't shake with fear- she shook with nervousness. And anxiousness. She didn't know what was going on. She was starving, and had been ever since that weird incident where some freak had bitten her.
They said she needed to drink blood, but she didn't want to. She didn't want to hurt people, like she'd been hurt before.
They'd told her that she was a vampire. She believed them, but weren't there vampires that could go without blood? She'd read about them in a book once. What kind of vampire she was, she wasn't sure...
She let out a small cough as she felt her fangs elongate at the smell of the humans on the other side of the room, their blood pumping deliciously in their veins- like a juicy plum beckoning to be bitten into.
The small cough was the only noise that she made.
Alec was apprehensive about this whole situation. Seeing these people on the other side of the room looking so depressed immediately reminded her of slavery, and, quite frankly, scared the crap out of her. There were tall people, short people, young people, and older ones. This was all too sudden...
She wanted to ask questions about what all of this was about, but she didn't get a chance to before the round man called her name out, beckoning for her to come forward.
She did so, and took the slip of paper he offered her. It had a number written on it. She guessed that she had to go find the other person with the coordinating number.
Well, at least this person would have someone nice to be with. Alec knew she was nice. Sometimes a little outspoken, but nice. Her eyes flicked towards the person with the coordinating number.
He was tall- over a foot taller than her, with black hair and tan skin.
She immediately felt intimidated, but pushed the thoughts away as she apprehensively called out his number, not yet knowing his name, and not wanting to approach him.
She cleared her throat. "Number eight." Her voice was soprano, and carried through the room- a skill she'd learned by taking years of vocal lessons.
Love is all we need~
12:58am Feb 22 2013 (last edited on 1:25am Feb 23 2013)
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Posts: 698
Johnny had been slouching on the wall ever since they'd gotten into the hall. He'd maintained the position seemingly effortlessly while he mused over where he was. He caught the man's last words though. "- No slave is a better word" with this his eyes widened and he stood up straighter, flicking the messy black hair out of his eyes. He vaguely registered some other vampires moving around, but chose to ignore it.
He himself stayed rooted as he was handed a number. Hearing a voice call out his number, he recoiled into a protective mental shell he'd built around himself some years ago, making him all the more moody. "Here." his lone tone carried easily across the babble of voices echoing through out the hall, it's rich Spanish accent clearly audible. He strode toward the figure who'd said his number forcing himself to take deep breaths and to at least try and be nice. Nice? He wasn't so sure he knew the true meaning of the word anymore. Mentally shrugging, he continued the petite figure, a fairly grim ex pression on his usually emotionless face.
Deciding to introduce himself, Johnny forced himself into a deep bow before straightening and saying in a slightly softer, but none the less deep, voice "Johnny Desperado at your service......Ma'am..." The last word dripped with malice and hate, but a slight twinkle in his eyes betrayed him. He had decided as he bowed not to treat her like dirt..... Yet.
------------ [will add Jaspar later.]
12:17am Feb 23 2013
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Posts: 827
The room was getting stuffy. The bodies moved like the untamed ocean in the auditorium and they were somewhat of a distraction, for Robin couldn't concentrate on the world around him when the sea of people were roaring loud and his hunger was growing by the ticking time. The hours that went on in muffled sound around him was starting to get agonizing, and the words the lump of an old man were saying was going in one ear and out the other. Standing among all the other vampires were not a help either, their fright and lack of holding still was no help at all to calm Robin down.
It was his hunger that was getting the better of him, and he knew that he shouldn't let that aspect of his life run his life, but hunger was hunger and his weak body needed five servings in one day. It was a crazy amount, sure, but it was the inevitable for a weak boy like him. Robin closed his eyes slowly and regained himself and tried to be attentive to the world around him. He stood up straight and listened closely to the announcer. He only caught bits and pieces of the speech, but he had heard enough to realize what was going on more fully. Then, Robin's warm brown eyes fluttered open when he heard his number being called.
He scanned the auditorium for the person to stand up and "claim" him. Sure enough his eyes flickered over to a boy who was making his way towards him. Robin composed himself in the most elegant manner, standing as straight as he could, pointing his shoulders as much as they would and aligning his head as he should. While this boy, who stood tall and thin with dark hair and bright eyes, walked up, Robin heard some instinctive murmuring from the human students. He didn't dwell on the human gossip problem for long, for his "master" was now approaching.
Robin took a step forward, his weak colored hair moving slightly as he greeted the boy, "Master Kaisuke Tsuganomi," he spoke with utter sincerity, not at all with a joke in his words, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I am glad to be serving such an being, as yourself." Robin bowed at the waist and slowly rose again. His words came out a bit ironic considering that the humans are the ones who are giving their blood while apparently the vampires are the slaves. In actuality the whole ordeal what on the ironic side, but Robin didn't question it, nor the process that he was going through. He needed a blood supply and if the government was willing to do it as easy as that, then Robin was glad to comply.
Back to the same old routine of school, or so Cecily thought. She didn't catch most of what was being said in the auditorium, but when she finally snapped out of her daydream, she noticed that it was going to be an unusual year. "...Cecily Nyota" There was a period of silence before another, "Miss Nyota, Cecily Nyota, Number 10". People around Cecily giggle and whispered, but she didn't mind. These children that she had to go to school with have always been nuisances and immature little brats. She thought of herself as being superior to them, always has and always will, so she looked back and around at the people giggling and gave them a dirty look. And as expected, her emotions didn't reach them, if anything they made them laugh even more.
However, once she dealt with the children around her, she was still baffled by her name being called by the plum little man speaking. Cecily looked hard at the man and raised an eyebrow of confusion, what in the world was "Number 10" supposed to mean. "Cecily Nyota, come up here and claim your slave, number 10." The words the man spoke were strange and didn't make sense, and with some reluctance, she picked her way through students and made her way to the front.
It took a while, but finally Cecily noticed the restless bodies of more children by the announcer. She wondered if that is what he meant about slaves and claiming, but she still wasn't sure. It wasn't until she came within a reasonable distance, did she notice the numbers that students had, and right away, she spotted number 10 and instantly her thoughts were answered. Cecily was unsure what to think about this whole ordeal, however, she was certain that this number 10 girl was going to be treated the same way she treats everyone else, ignored.
Cecily now stood in front of Corey, or so says the name tag, a girl with sharp features and a girl who stands an inch or two taller than she. Right away she noticed the far off hungry look in Corey's eyes, and she stared at her in curiosity for a while until the curiosity left just leaving Cecily staring. She didn't want to be dragged into this fiasco that was happening, but she had no choice, and now, for the rest of the year, she will have no choice but to deal with this... this, girl.

12:51pm Feb 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Alec swallowed a lump in her throat as the boy announced that he was present, then moved away from the wall, striding towards her, stopping in front of her and offering her a low bow. Despite how the man had said that these people were slaves, she felt like she was weaker. And she had a sinking feeling that none of this would go over well.
"Uhm... N-nice to meet you," she said, unable to stop the slight stutter in her voice due to nervousness and intimidation. His last word had been dripping with venom, it seemed. She was frightened slightly, but kept her nice attitude easily. Despite this boy's attitude, which was hard for her to read.
"Uh... Please don't call me master. It's weird," she said, scratching the back of her head. "I'm Alec Harris by the way." She offered a small smile to the tall boy, having to look up at him.
Corey, feeling someone's presence in front of her, looked up from where she'd previously been staring- at her knee caps, still curled into an insecure ball. She was skinny. A bit too skinny. She had light bags under her eyes, and her cheeks looked thin. Her eyes seemed lifeless. This girl in front of her had an appetizing smell, as did all of the humans around her, and she fought off the thought of drinking her blood.
She stood from her spot, her long legs showing from under worn jean shorts, arms peeking out from under a faded green shirt that had a less popular band name on it, and the picture of several birds flying out of a box. She didn't offer a hello, or introduce herself.
It was obvious that this girl.... She'd heard her name get called earlier. What was it again...? Ah, Cecily. It was obvious what her name was, and it was obvious as to what Corey's name was. She peeked out from under her dark brown hair, which had lightly flopped over one of her eyes, shading it. The other eye was so dark that it was hard to distinguish the pupil from the iris.
She offered Cecily a mere nod, and lowered her head again, turning to the side slightly, not knowing what to do- waiting for the girl to lead her somewhere. From the angle that she was at, it was easy to see that she was lighter than she should've been.
Love is all we need~
8:44pm Feb 24 2013 (last edited on 8:45pm Feb 24 2013)
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Posts: 2,895
"If you understand, then follow me," the young man replied in an emotionless voice. Walking over to a table to receive his dorm key, and the exited the building without making sure the boy was following him. After minutes of finding his dorm building, and the room with the number 365 carved in gold, Kai unlocked the door and inspected his room, leaving the door open for the vampire. Inside the dorm room was very spacious, with much furnishing, most with dark wood. A desk with the materials he will need for class already waited for him, and a large king sized bed with navy blue sheets. The "master" of the room appeared to have every luxury, while the "slave" had next to nothing. It was obvious what belonged to the human and what belonged to the vampire. The huge bed was the human's, while the pile of straw was the vampire's place to sleep. The fridge held the "master's" food, and the plastic bowls on the floor were for the "slave". The vampires were being treated like dogs, there was even a place to chain them up at night. Noticing all of this, Kai's eyes softened slightly as he began to unpack his belongings. - - - - - Yukiya watched as the other vampires were paired with humans, feeling slightly anxious. His biggest fear was being paired with a boy, he didn't care what his "master's" personality was, as long as she was a girl. Yukiya got along better with girls, and felt at ease when they were near. Considering he didn't get out much because of his condition, he rarely got the chance to be around other boys, and when he did, things never turned out well. Since he never knew his father, he only had a mother and sister and spent most of his time indoors with them. The boy didn't know how to interact with other boys, so he was extremely nervous, hoping he would end up with a girl.
6:08pm Mar 1 2013
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Posts: 2,895
9:13pm Mar 1 2013
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Posts: 123
((Is it to late or may I join? Will I have to have my Characters be paired with each other?))
5:16am Mar 5 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 2,895
((Yeah, if you join, pair up with yourself since we already started.))
4:15pm Mar 5 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 123
((Ok sorry, I think I'll pass.))
8:19am Mar 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 2,895
((Okay, that's fine.))