2:35am May 16 2010 (last edited on 2:41am May 16 2010)
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Slinking through the dark forest, Giranea thinks about her past. it wasnt something she thought about often but tonight, that thought comforted her. She pricked her ears up hearing moon's light beautiful voice. "What are you going on about? The world is a cruel place, and Ace had better learn that fast... Ace you atleat get to learn that the easy way." she semi-snarled. Janga sat just outside the fighters cave looking at the stars. She was hardly tired now a days adrenaline flowing through her. the hunt was soon, the hunt was soon... she finaly felt sleep, and as she turned around she glimpsed a pair of glowing eyes watching her. Korona troted towards the healers cave with the herbs she had sound in her mouth. "hey i thought you might want these" she said to the other healer. lately they had both been on edge... korona could feel it though she didnt know why her partner was. Korona her self was anxious to know who she would be mated to.
2:41am May 16 2010 (last edited on 2:43am May 16 2010)
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Ace snapped to Moon"get some rest i find it insulting you would think there is anything wrong with me not to mention being up this late,". Moon nodded"i realize this but i have recived a prophecy,". Ace listened now"And what is that?,"she asked. Moon recited "Darkness will consume death will rule if thy pack is not repaired." "I was telling her to look to the present and not at the past and a recent prophecy i have been sent," Moon said her voice still soft and gentle but also harsh. Ace bowed her head and howled to the moon in a gentle,angelic and beautiful song she learned from her mother to send the Light a guidence request.
2:46am May 16 2010
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Girenea followed the sightess back to the her cave "you giver her such hope, why? when she fails it will be devastating to her. i too have seen a prophecy but it is not that, dont crush her spirit. i will watch more and tell you what i see, but you must keep to your self. as i said, the world is hard... dont underestimate it." she stalked away swishing her tail behind her.
2:48am May 16 2010
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{Can someone interact with my wolves?}
2:50am May 16 2010 (last edited on 2:51am May 16 2010)
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((Sending Ace to the warriors den which means she'll probly end up talking to Skaze.)) "I do not underestimate the power of Light and i have been given a tounge for my own free speech i only tell what i must and am told to do so and what gives me no right to help mend a broken heart Girenea," Moon growled. Ace sniffed and decided a night in the warriors den wouldn't be so bad after all she was a little tired of sleeping alone in her own den.She padded over to it and saw Skaze at the entrance obviously not asleep.She felt bad for him after losing his mate and unborn pups.
2:50am May 16 2010
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(oops sorry wait i did in my last post where it was more than one person)
2:53am May 16 2010
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Violet blinked and nodded to her mentor, Korona, "Thanks," she murmured, picking the small bundle of yarrow, tansy and thyme, and placing them in the small nook in which they held all their herbs. She nosed the small pile of crumbling yarrow that lay in front of her paws, "I was about to get some more yarrow tomorrow, but I'm glad you came today with it," she whispered, sweeping, the useless herb out of the den.
2:55am May 16 2010
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Ace asked"Why are you up so late Skaze?" She waited for his reponce and flicked her tail form side to side her wings against her back.
2:58am May 16 2010
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Skaze let out a small growl, and lifted his head, "What do you care?" he muttered, though he immedietely felt bad after sounding so antisocial. "I...I'm sorry," he stuttered, "I didn't mean to sound so unfriendly." He sighed and flopped his head back down on his paws, giving a small whine from the back of his throat. "I wonder what Neri would want me to do," he wondered aloud, thinking of his sweet beloved mate.
2:58am May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:07am May 16 2010)
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"im glad to help, Violet. It takes my mind off of things. im worried that the sightress and the marktress wont see anything for me." she bowed her head a little showing her concern. "if you need anything else ill go get it... oh you dont looks so good, you should get some sleep. a tired healer isnt a good one." she gigled a little showing her friend that she was kidding around.
3:01am May 16 2010
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Violet nodded silently and padded into the small cave in the back where she made her den. Another pa.ssage way made up Korona's den. She circled her sleeping-place, patting the soft sand down and slumping onto it. She rested her head on her paws, closing her eyes as she tried to sleep.
3:02am May 16 2010
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Ace closed her eyes and listened to the Light before responding.She said is a conforting and understanding voise"She would want you to move on and not grieve for her any more i belive but i can tell you she is waiting for you with the Light."
3:05am May 16 2010
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At this Skaze stood to his feet slowly, his muscles rippling under his crimson pelt. "Don't. Ever. Presume. That. You. Know. Neri's. Mind." he snarled, a feral growl ripping through his throat. He glared at Ace balefully, his once brown eyes now completely black. {Skaze is sort of being pulled in by the Dark o-o}
3:06am May 16 2010
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Giranea hopped a little as her vision ended. She was sweating slightly even though it was cold out. She galloped to the clearing where all calls were made for the sightress and herself. Giranea sat back on her haunches and howled loudly, she knew the sightress would hear the ergency of her voice, what she would do was up to her. "i hope you saw it, my friend, i hope you saw it"
3:11am May 16 2010
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Violet twitched in her dreams, giving off an involuntary whimper as the ghostly images of the Light appeared before her. "Who are you?" her dream-self asked, voice quivering with fear. The ethereal wolves crowded around her and murmured a few words, "Darkness............battle.......dying love......" was all they spoke, but to Violet, it seemed like an entire prophecy. "A...a battle? With the darkness? And a dying love...?" she whispered, trailing off at the end, which comepletely confused her.
3:12am May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:15am May 16 2010)
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"Don't you dare raise your voice with me Skaze i am Alpha and i have connection to Light deepest or have you forgotten?," Ace snarled commandingly her tail stopped flicking and her wings were opend and her fur stood up making her appear larger her muscles able to be seen rippleing under her fur with a deadly strength.Her claws pushed out and looking longer than they were before her white teeth glistened in the moonlight making her seem like the strong,powerful, and graceful constellation she envied so very much. E: Moon felt her body suddenly fill with a warmth that was so strong it almost convinced her she was but a pup again but then she returned to the real world and padded over to the Marktress"Did you see it?," she asked excitedly.It wasn't often a Healer was chosen to be able to mate now a days.
3:17am May 16 2010
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Skaze seemed to wilt, his once powerful presence shrinking under Ace's wrathful gaze. "S...sorry Ace," he whimpered, flinching away from his alpha, as if she was about to strike him. His eyes were once again a chocolatey brown, filled with remorse and self-anger.
3:18am May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:20am May 16 2010)
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Giranea's howl stopped abruptly, this news was strange to her, it fightened her. She ran and ran all the way to the healer's cave. Violet was the only one there so she had no problem walking inside "Wake up violet. Come on wake up, what do you see what do you hear. LISTEN TO ME... WHAT. DO. YOU. SEE!!!" she was yelling now, she had only felt this aura on herself, she had no idea what was going on... it was some how blocked to her sight.
3:21am May 16 2010
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Violet jerked awake, her gray eyes now a misty blue. "W...what?" she yelped, hearing Giranea's mad howls and snarls. She leapt to her feet, eyes wide with wakefullness, and watched as Giranea yelled at her. "Giranea! I had an...omen! There's going to be some sort of battle with the darkness...and....a loved one will die."
3:27am May 16 2010
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Moon called for Korana "Please come.Please come." was all her mind would think. Ace relaxed"You need to let go of the past or you'll just tear yourself apart Skaze,".Ace half told herslef that and it meant more than anyone would ever know to her basically giving herself and another wise advice.