3:27am May 16 2010
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Giranea's heart almost stopped and she fell over." this cant be, its not possible. why now. i must go, i have uh things to do." she quickly stood up and ran out the entrance but could not hide the falling tears. Korona watched as the marktress bounded out the healers cave. Crying, Crying for lights sake. she trotted into the cave, and looked at the shooken violet. "what happened?" She could sense the tension in the air, it was time, it was time...
3:30am May 16 2010
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"I realize that Ace...but, Neri will never leave my heart. She's a part of me now." he whispered, bowing his head in deference to his alpha for her advice. "I will try not to be consumed by this hatred and sorrow...it feels as if I'm drowning in the darkness and the only one who anc*censored*d me to the Light was Neri."
3:33am May 16 2010
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Violet flinched as the other wold approached and then stood straight. "Mentor Korona, I had an omen, a sign. It foretold a coming battle with the darkness..." she said as seriously as she could, though the whole time she wished she could just creep back into her den and collapse, sobbing until she had no more tears to shed.
3:37am May 16 2010
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"oh uh," tears began to fill her eyes. "i think i forgot something back at the lake." she turned and ran out the cave door. Right then all Korona wanted to do was swim, it was a pastime of hers, she had tought her self how to swim. Instead she walked to the sightress. "good evening miss." she said bowing her head. "i wish to speak to you."
3:43am May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:49am May 16 2010)
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Before Moon could say a word...Suddenly she pa.ssed out and was washed in a river of blood and bones and swept into the heart of darkness.She gasped as a pure black wolf with ageless and unending deadly red eyes.She saw the whole battle and omen within them and behind it all...it was all blurring and she was washed under the current of blood before she could look closer.She awoke coughing out blood that was not her own a few minutes later...Her white eyes filled with shock and confusion. Ace nodded"i understand i also lost everything dear to me my mother and father did not run off like everyone belived they died of the sickness and i took them myself and burried them because that is what they wished me to do.My brothers and sisters on the other hand are known to have died here in camp and burried.Do you know what my parents told me before they left?...Do not forget.Do not regret.Do not live in what has already past and leave sorrow behind or darkness will rule over your life."
3:48am May 16 2010
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Posts: 4,258
(( a little confusion with first part?))
3:49am May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:50am May 16 2010)
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Posts: 4,310
((Ignore it i got a little confused myself with the whole sign/omen part...))
3:50am May 16 2010
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Posts: 4,258
the whole first part of just the sign?
3:51am May 16 2010
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((I edited it so it makes much more sense and is less confusing.))
3:56am May 16 2010
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((Bump.Everyone's still here right?))
3:57am May 16 2010
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Skaze nodded, "That...those are meaningful words. I will keep them close to my heart to remember whenever I feel as if I am lost Ace." He smiled at the alpha, "Thank you," he murmured before going back to his bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
4:03am May 16 2010
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(kk) As she neared the Sightress's sleeping quarters, Giranea smelled blood and could hear a hard sobing. She rushed over to see what had happened and came acroos a uncouncious Sightress and a frightened healer. She stood over her friend until she woke up coughing blood. "well that's just disgusting." she said as she helped the Sightress to her feet, "lets get you to violet. you stay here korona and calm down, i will be back for you." and with that she helped the wide eyed prophet back to the healer's cave.
4:04am May 16 2010
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Ace entered the den and made a nest about 2 feet away from the soundless Manx and Skaze.She closed her eyes dreaming as if she were a pup again her mother and father coming to greet her and ehr kin leaping on her and her complaining about it.Then she realized it wasn't her as a pup it was her looking into her future life from the eyes of her unborn pups.One was brown,one was silver,one was bronze,one was ginger color,and the last one the one she was seeing through was pure white.The father was blocked out so she coudln't see who it was.
4:07am May 16 2010
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"The blood wasn't mine," Moon said her voice shaky..."have you ever seen the black wolf with the evil ageless red eyes?"She hiccuped with shock at the blood that had spewed from her mouth only moments ago.Her eet were shaking and made her stumble a few times before they got to the Healers den.
4:12am May 16 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{I'm getting off now. See yah guys (:}
4:13am May 16 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Aw ok bye.We won't go too far without you.))
4:15am May 16 2010
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"do you mean the previous Marktress? i think that she looked something like that... oh and i saw a wolf in th forest i hadnt seen in a while, it was strange but i will tell you about it when you are a little more stable." Giranea told Moon. She thought back, to when she saw her, it was a long time ago but the diion was similar. no black but a dark brown. she had died with the disease leaving her corpse with red eyes. the thought sent shivers down her spine. "Hey Violet, can i have some help with Moon?"
4:26am May 16 2010
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"I don't think so i think it was a Marken the wolf was definately a male," Moon said becoming more stable.She was now calmed.
4:29am May 16 2010
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(i will re edit this later but i have ti go. as soon as i come back i will continue.)
4:33am May 16 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Okay,i'll also be back on in an hour or so.))