2:41pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[Grr... I'll just draw a picture as well, since I'm having issues finding one... My computer seems to have deleted them all. Anyways, just go on without me :/ My mom decided to wait till now to tell me we were having guests tonight and I need to clean the atomic wasteland that is the upstairs of my house. My character can just be a late arrival or something....]]
2:44pm Jul 2 2010 (last edited on 2:45pm Jul 2 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 109
(Aw ok! When you come back just Rmail me and well figure out a way to get you in with everyone :) Thank you for informing me and Good luck cleaning!! lol And Embrynn, once you post ill reply!)
2:50pm Jul 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 959
(Drail is the one on the right: http://mistress-of-air.deviantart.com/art/Wraith-and-Panther-commish-114881572?q=favby%3ATribalinferno%2F3363270&qo=204) Though he greatly prided himself on his flight abilities, Drail admitted that this storm was a formidible one. As it grew in size and in threat, he spat a curse, resigning to seek shelter before continuing his journey to the south. The temperature was freezing, almost guaranteeing snow. this was going to slow him considerably. His bat-like wings folded against his body as he landed, groaning quietly as feeling returned to his legs - which he hadn't used in over a day. He winced as the wind picked up, sending icy, stinging tendrils over his bare skin. Shivering, he crossed his arms and trudged through the forests. he would have to be quick, the snow was already beginning to fall. His claws were silent against the leaves of the forest floor, rendering him just another shadow moving through a world equally as shaded. His crimson mane whipped about his horns as the wind drove relentlessly on, ebbing away Drail's strength and patience. It had been several days since he had eaten, so eager had he been to complete his journey. Fool, he thought to himself, as his tail whipped angrily through the frigid air.
Embrynn is : Offline :(

3:19pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( D: Ohemgee. We can have dragon anthros and whatnot? I didn't know... ;-; )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:22pm Jul 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 109
( Embrynn make your font a bit bigger, and yeah any animal, no magical powers. lol You can add a dragon in later :P) Lina was frantic now, as snow starting to fall, tickling his whiskers and melting on the puffs of breath that tumbled from her lips. Her head swiveled constantly tail lashing about in attempt to keep her body warm. Gods it was cold! The temperature was dropping degrees by seconds it seemed and frost was forming on everything around her. She had to get out of the cold, or she was going to die. She was moving on all fours now, making it easier for her lanky height to move in the thick, icy brush. Other than the faint movement of branches that combed over her coat, the only other sound was from the whistling of the wind through the treetops. There was a slightly lighter patch ahead and she raced towards it, hoping it would give her some view of shelter. It was a steep slope, about 15 feet deep, riddle with stones and one sad, twisted looking pine tree, but it gave her the opening she needed to see over the thick tree line. Scanning the horizon, she paused for breath, eyes straining to see through the now thickening veil of snow. Nothing.. ‘Wait what’s that? A tower?’ She couldn’t tell, but something too smooth to be any sort of tree seemed the waver in and out of the snow. Whatever it was, it could mean shelter, so she would head for that. She might be able to make it, judging the distance it seemed about 3 miles away. She’d have to run to get there before the storm hit full force. She quickly scanned the slope, noting there was a straight drop right at the end, maybe 12 or 13 feet. Securing her bag on her back she nimbly hopped down the slope, using the pine to slow her pace, before gracefully leaping over the edge. She saw the large black form too late to completely change her placement of landing, but twisted in midair, hair tail swinging to keep her balance. Instead landing directly on the creature she landed naught scarce inches from the dark and heavily toothed muzzle! Letting herself have a split second of pride in her agility, she let her body go limp as she hit the ground, which took most of the harm from impact. In seconds she had rolled a few feet away and was on her feet again, claw resting on her small, ornate dagger that was hidden in her belt, ready, if the creature was surprised enough to attack.

3:34pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 959
(who did she land on? Drail?)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

3:36pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 109
(No Kira's character sorry lol )
3:37pm Jul 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 959
(no problem, I'm gettin goff for now anyways ^^)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

6:49pm Jul 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 109
(Okay! Tho feel free to join your character in! lol)
4:00am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 4:00am Jul 3 2010)
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Posts: 959
Drail heard a commotion happening nearby and almost turned away from it, but them reconsidered. He spun on his heel and bounded towards the sounds, which consisted of alot of shifting leaves and a 'thump' as something hit the ground. On all fours to lend him speed, wings tucked tight against his body, Drail's travel speed was doubled. He wasn't exactly sure why he was investigating this, and why it seemed so urgent ot him, but he guessed that it was part of the hunger growling uncontrollably in his belly. The sound of combat usually hinted at a successful hunt. It was Drail's intention to intervene and take the kill for himself. Quite sure that the combatants, whoever they were, were too distracted to care about his approach, he threw stealth out the window, trading it for speed. Small bushes in his path were crushed underneath his bulk, barely slowing him, though it was rather loud.
Embrynn is : Offline :(

7:16am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Snow. It was piling quickly, almost as if it had been draped over the area, like a blanket. It wasn't too long before the snow started to thicken, as if it were veiling Nao's vision to tell him that it was time to stop and take some sort of drastic measure. The snow that melted in his fur had begun to freeze, and it was weighing him down. He could tell that he was definitely beginning to travel slower, and each foot print he left in the snow was deeper than the last, which meant that he really was having difficulty traveling through the snow. Before, he'd thought he'd seen a cliff up ahead. Cliffs meant some sort of shelter from snow or rain, so he had decided on making his way towards it. If he was lucky, there'd be a cave in the rock, which always made for a nice little shelter. As he neared it, though, he was disappointed to see that there was no cave... From what he could see. The snow was so thick and blinding that it was almost impossible to see. Snow was even collecting onto his brow, and he'd have to shake his head to get rid of it, for it tended to block his vision. Nao basically ignored every sound he should have been paying attention to, such as the sound of someone either running closeby or the sound of branches being snapped. He could barely hear them, though, and what he did hear, he disregarded, believing that the cold was probably causing him to hallucinate. But, when another creature dropped down from the cliff he'd finally reached, he'd only frozen, eyes wide. The other creature was on his or her feet again, clutching at something at their waist. What they were touching, Nao was unsure of, but his instinct told him that this stranger would attack if needed. So, he sat down, looking up at the other creature expectantly. If it attacked, he'd be able to jump up and bite into its neck...if it wasn't a good fighter.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:35am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 7:36am Jul 3 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 109
Lina’s silent snarl dropped in surprise as the wolf sat down with a rather disgruntled ‘thump’ and stared at her warily. Her hair was still ruffled and spiked along her back as she straightened, though her hand stayed on her knife. They stared at each other for a few moments, and she was sure both of them were trying to figure out if the other was hostile or not… Strangers were few in these woods, and not all of them were friendly. He wasn’t completely in a yielding position, showing that he would probably tear her throat out if she was too slow. He was much thicker and looked stronger than her, although she matched him in height. If he was fast enough to get a hold of her, his weight would be her downfall. The short, tense moment ended when she started to shiver from the cold, and decided that a stranger was a much lesser evil than the cold. Ducking her head in greeting she gave a small, strained smile. “Sir, I am sorry for startling you, it was my mistake…” She hesitated but decided to ask anyways, “I know this is slightly forward of me to ask but I think a blizzard is on my tail… would you know of any shelter close by?” She hoped he had a secret hole somewhere near, but something told her she might be more help to him than he was to her. “I… I do have meat to share if you would be willing to share it!” She hoped if he wasn’t willing to accept a complete nobody out of nowhere, he’d take her in just for a good, easily gathered meal. As she’d heard this she kept hearing movement behind her… She hoped it wasn’t more complications to this journey… Her ears flicked to catch the nearing sound of crackling underbrush but kept her attention focused on the wolf.

7:57am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 6,511
As they stared at eachother, Nao kept his cool, slowly tilting his head to one way, but keeping his gaze on the feline. If she hadn't been growling either, he would think she looked a bit disoriented, what with her messy hair and surprised ex pression. Although, he was sure she looked surprised because he hadn't tried to murder her. He could smell meat on her, despite the snow, which almost completely cut off his sense of smell. The fact that he could smell it told him that she had killed her prey not too long ago; it was fresh. She looked like a force to reckoned with, she really did, but Nao was sure he could bring her down. Well, excluding the fact that he was already weakened from the lack of food and rest. The freezing cold wasn't helping, either. If she were to attack while his guard was down -- which didn't happen to be that time -- he was sure he would've been screwed. Nao nodded stiffly, fearing that if he ducked his headd just as the other creature had done, then she would attack him. He wouldn't be ready to defend himself if that happened. Not with his neck exposed like that. He took a deep breath, steadying himself and his voice, then said, "No, I'm sorry, I don't." After a moment, he realized that she probably wouldn't believe him. If she didn't, and they ever crossed paths again, she probably wouldn't want to be any sort of ally to him. Not that it mattered. "I was coming towards this cliff to see if it had a cave in it. I still have not seen the entire cliff, which means there is still a slight chance that there is a cave in it."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:04am Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
-flies in- Loki! I'm interested to join! : D
8:48am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 109
(Tld, Can you keep up three to four paragraph posts?) Lina didn’t answer for a few minutes. He might be lying, he might not… She decided to see if he was. He was definitely wary of her, though kept his position, which gave her the advantage of having the “high ground” but gave him much more power for any strike he might want to make. She might be able to move out of the way fast enough, but the cold was settling into her bones, making her ache. She needed to keep moving to survive the trip to the structure she’d seen. She was pinning all her hopes on there being some kind of shelter there, and if there wasn’t… shed most likely freeze to death. The wolf might survive with the pelt he wore across his shoulders, but not likely. If he had no shelter he was as in as much trouble as she was. She let her ruffled hair fall flat, and brushed a bit of snow off her tail. Giving her friendliest but apologetic smile she said “I don’t think there will be any caves along here. When I was up on that ledge I saw no river lines in any directions, which means probably no caves…” She paused, purposely glanced away at the rock wall, if he hostile he would probably attack whenever she wasn’t looking, but she was getting too cold to care. “But I might have something a couple miles off, if you are willing to follow. We could look along the wall, but I don’t think we will be able to find anything soon or easily…” She glanced up at the sky. “It’s getting worse.” The clouds looked as if they were boiling through the haze if snow now, as if they were about to open up and let rain a volley of fire and ash, not ice and water… She looked directly at him again, “I know it’s strange for me to offer out of the blue, but I think you fear freezing as much as I do, so at least we have a common enemy in the storm.” If he was lying, he’d refuse.

9:04am Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,141
[[Umm, I think I know a way to come it now. ^^; And Tld! x3 What are you doing here?! XD Double and: Yeah she can Shifter XD We're the unofficial Long Posters club x3]] In sleep, his bamboo hat had shifted, exposing his small face to the snow. As a snowflake hit his nose, it twitched and his eyes fluttered open. The first thing he noticed was it was cold, terribly cold. Frost had built up on his fur and his muzzle was iced over from his breath. How had it gotten so cold? Sure it was winter and cold was to be expected, but this was unnatural! Readjusting his hat, Tobi jumped from his tree landing softly on three paws in the snow below. He was thankful he had fur on his paws to protect him from the cold snow, but his fur would not fight off the chill that was running through his body. He wasn't even shivering anymore. If he had slept for even an hour more, he would have frozen in his sleep. He shuddered and shook the thought from his mind. This was not the time to think about how he had almost died, now was when he should be thinking of how not to die. He stood up erect and checked his things. He still had his bamboo hat and his bamboo belt with the small bag and knife hanging from it. When standing up straight, Tobi was only a little over five feet tall. His body was mostly a rusty orange-red color but his chest and paws were a dark black color. A little tuft of white was visible under his throat when he lifted his head up to sniff the air. His yellow banded tail, almost as long as he was tall, wrapped around his body like a sash in an attempt to keep him warm. He would need to find shelter fast. The bare trees offered little protection and he could smell the storm coming. His ears perked up when an odd sound reached him. It sounded like... others? Perhaps they could help him. He took off at a run, dashing as fast as he could towards the sound. The movement warmed his body up slightly and he was grateful, even if the fast pace wore out his muscles. When the 'others' came into view he hissed in surprise, skidding to a stop and ducking behind a tree in the hope that they had not yet seen him. A wold and a snow leopard! That snow leopard would probably eat him in a heartbeat and he doubted the wolf would be to picky at this point. He shuddered and felt his heard hammering into his chest. He was too tired to run anymore and he was out of luck.
9:11am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 9:13am Jul 3 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 109
(lol Ok you may join, but no more people! Gets too confusing after that XD, and ill post after Kira does :) What kind of animal is yours loki? And too bad we can't make a club like that! Used to be on a petsite and listed your club under your name and we had one that only allowed literate members, it helped weed out the Rpers that did one liners! )
9:19am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 9:22am Jul 3 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,141
[[He's a Red Panda <3 And I think I could make a Party for Role Players, it's the same thing as a club. That's actually a really good Idea. I'll do that now if you want! 8D EDIT: Oh my god! Ok nevermind! It costs 25mil and a 100 credits to make one! D:]]
9:24am Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 109
(( Jeeze!!!! Thats quite a lot for a "Party" And aren't the parties kind of join if you want kind of thing? Me=New lol))
9:26am Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,141
[[Yeah, some of them allow you to join automatically and others you have to ask to join (I think, I never really bothered with the parties until now...) but I guess making one requires some serious pay. I think it's to reduce spam... but still!!]]