9:30am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 109
(( Yeah I get the 25mil thing is resonable but aren't credits really hard to get?? ))
9:41am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[100 credits is 10USD you can get it by completing other offers, but a lot of them you have to be like 18 to do. I did a few of them and never got my credits either. >_>]]
9:55am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:45am Jul 3 2010)
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Posts: 109
(( Thats not cool... I suggested a topic tagging this in the suggestions forums and such, how old is this site?? It seems like some of the forums seem a little unactive and the economy with all the pets is like.. o.O I used to be the Official Roleplaying Moderator on this one site, I loved it! But that was a couple years ago and it had much more members online every day. And a few more rules to enforce lol How bout you Rmail me to continue the convo since were gonna give others a heart attack when they see how many posts there are lmao))
6:13pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 109
(( Bumping so easier to find :) ))
11:35pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 959
(bumping as well, myabe we should start before those few that are still watching give up hope? )
Embrynn is : Offline :(

11:34am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 109
(( Well my character can't really do anything until Kira's charcater responds lol ))
6:00pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( ;3; Sorry. I've been a little busy. Either that, or distracted. -.-' I'll reply in a bit. <33 )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:04am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 109
3:03pm Jul 5 2010
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The silence was utterly eerie, making Nao shudder lightly. He tried lifting his tail, which was already buried under a pile of snow, and he felt a little too weak to lift it. Eventually, he'd have to stand up, but if he stayed motionless for too long, he'd have quite a bit of trouble getting up, especially since his body was locking up due to the cold. If that did happen, he'd probably have to ask the other for help, which would be pretty embarr*censored*ing. He could tell the weather was getting worse. And, what the other said almost completely broke his spirit. No river lines? He should've checked for that first, rather than burning up his energy like he did. The feline looked like she was willing to team up to get out of the mess they were both caught up in. "Right... Good point," Nao managed to say, ears pinning to the top of his head. "I should have thought of that." Nao looked over at where the feline looked, wondering what she was looking at. Then, he flinched, thinking that she'd looked away so he'd let down his guard. But, when he wasn't attacked, he let out a sigh, thinking that he was probably just worrying too much. No one would attack someone they could possibly receive help from...at least, he didn't think so. But, maybe, someone would kill him for his pelt...and for food. It sounded horrible, and he thought that maybe a feline was capable of such a horrid thing. Although, thinking that, he felt horrid himself. "I am," Nao said quickly, dipping his head in a weak nod. "Although, I'm not quite sure why you would offer me, someone you've barely met, any help. Even so," He stood up straight, having some difficulty doing so. For a second, he stumbled over his own weight, but when the snow fell off his shoulders, he was able to stand correctly. "I'll follow you. I just hope that what you've seen really is a good place to take shelter, or the both of us will surely die." He paused, blinking. "By the way...what's your name?" he asked, cocking his head. If he were to suddenly lose her, what would he do? It wasn't like he was going to call out, "Hey, feline! Where'd you disappear to!?" That would be a pretty stupid thing to do. ( I realize this reply was pretty sucky, but. ;o; My back hurts and I've got no muse. So, yeah. e.o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:02pm Jul 6 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm Jul 6 2010)
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Posts: 109
(( I know how you feel Kira, I have some back probalems too. And this is kinda a sucky post too XD Don't be too worried about posting a lot, well just try and make it so your character doesn't get left behind!! )) Lina gave a small sideways smile as he stood up. She could see he was stiff from the temperature settling into his skin, though she knew movement would quickly ease that. As his fur coat shifted on his shoulders, she thought with envy how warm it would be although she could never imagine being burdened with such a thing all the time. She had always been the type to travel light and swift, with few belongings. “My family used to say I was too trusting, and too friendly. But so far in life it has not harmed me, and has brought me small moments of happiness. Strangers have offered me help in times of need before, so it is really only me pa,ssing on the wisdom of those much wiser than me.” She went silent for a moment, for thoughts of her family brought back ugly memories, ones she’d rather forget. Snowflakes were now soaking into her fur and she again brushed them off as best she could. They were falling faster now, and the wind was starting to sweep the fat puffs of air that bloomed from her mouth more quickly than before. Giving a small dip of her head she answered, “I simply Lina, for my full name is much too hard to bother with… and knowing yours would make it much easier to call out if I should need you quickly…pray it not be s-” As she was finishing her sentence and great gust of wind fell from the slope, ripping the words away from her mouth. The storm had started to arrive in full force. She held her arm up the block off the string pellets of ice the rolled off the overhead slope, waiting for the hard breeze to blow through. Luckily it was short blast, but a clear and cruel warning of the storm to come.“No time for anything anymore, we need to move now. Follow me; I think we can make it in time if we really run, fast.” She whirled, tail whipping, and fluidly moved into her easiest ground eating stride until she had enough warmth to drop and go top speed. But it was not two steps around a tree before, again, she made her second blunder of the day. The small, fuzzy red creature had no time to react as she slammed into him, his head hitting her mid chest and going down under her. Luckily she did not fall with it, put instead caught herself and more of less tripped over him while skidding to a halt. “Oh!!” she gasped, startled. “I’m so sorry!! Are you okay??” The creature was small, and from the smell of him it was nothing that could challenge her in any way, so once again her sympathetic side came out first…

2:07pm Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 959
(bleh, i totally missed the second page T.T didn't realize you guys had posted *facepalm8 I'll try to recover...) Drail gasped as his breath became thinner and thinner. Huge, steaming clouds were emenating from his mouth as he continued to run, doing so keeping his body temperature up as well as covering ground. He came to at least two steep declines and risked gliding down them, but that option was becomming risky, every time he opened his wings they would start to freeze almost instantly, too thin to keep any measure of warmth within them. He leapt off a final cliff, snapping his aching wings open to glide on the moving air. That's when the air failed him. He hit an air pocket, making him plummet suddenly. Once he reached moving air again, the unexpected jerk turned out to be too much of a strain on his wings and they collapsed on him, the strength leached out by the cold. The tree tops rushed up to meet him, lashing out at his exposed skin and tangling in the skirt of furs he had around his waist. The trees had slowed his rapid descent, though not enough to keep him from crying out in pain at his landing. Snow exploded around him, settling on him quickly. more snow toppled from the disturbed branches above him, burying much of his bulk underneath a fresh snow bank. As he shook his head to free his vision, he noticed that he had finally caught up to the source of the disturbances earlier. He grunted as he pried himself from the quickly freezing grasp of the snow bank, his furs completely soaked and dozens of ice crystals forming over his scales. Of the three that were there, Drail was the tallest, when raising himself to his full height, which he did. his breath still ragged, he bluntly asked, "Do any of you know where I can find some shelter?"
Embrynn is : Offline :(

9:53pm Jul 6 2010 (last edited on 9:53pm Jul 6 2010)
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Posts: 6,511
( Uwaa. D8 I'm so tired right now. I'm sorry if this turns out to be a sucky post -- Six Flags tired me out. T.T Edit: Hey, it wasn't a sucky post! 8D ) Nao pulled one part of the pelt over his shoulder, so it was covering him a little more. He hadn't even thought that the snow leopard would need it, as she was, after all, a snow leopard. Because of that, he had *censored*umed that she was having an easier time dealing with the cold than he was. Wolves could face freezing temperatures, but not for long. But, at the tiny flash of envy he saw in her eyes, he realized that she probably thought the pelt was warm. It wasn't...much. The weight of it was also sapping what little strength he had, and even bears had trouble with the cold, so... His ears perked, but flattened down again quickly. Because of that, he could barely hear what the feline said, but he could still make out her words. He nodded stiffly, squinting his eyes to keep the snow from blinding him. She had said almost nothing about her family, and the word caused a whine to come up his throat. Being a wolf, he was especially close to his family, but he eventually left the pack. "Nao!" he shouted over the wind, hoping that the leopard would be able to hear him. "My name is Nao!" He would've added a "nice to meet you," but the wind wouldn't allow it. It whipped the breath out of him, keeping him from breathing for a moment. Once he regained his breath, he went after Lina, going down on all fours and hopping through the snow. Just before he hit Lina's back, he hopped to the side, peering over at the other creature. Red, rusty fur... What was it? Another voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked up, seeing a creature that looked rather...lizardy. A dragon, perhaps? "I'm sorry. We have yet to find shelter ourselves," he shouted over to the other male, lowering his head in some sort of an apology. "Although, we might have found something..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:03pm Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[Gah... such a slow and sucky post. I've been working on it all day xD]] The rush of wind caught Tobi by surprise. He grabbed onto his hat so it would not blow away and shifted his position to hide behind the tree from the wind. His fur puffed up even more. If he hadn't been chilled to the bone before, he certainly was now. The biggest question was if he should simply leave. Although he was in no condition to run, it didn't seem like the wolf and leopard had noticed him. Perhaps he could make his escape now before they did. They seemed just as lost as he did, so he didn't think they'd be much help in finding shelter. He was about to simply walk away when he felt something suddenly crash into him. His small body was unable to deal with the collision and he fell back with a yelp. He landed roughly on the snow, the ice below it sending pain up his spine, and felt his leg twist awkwardly under him. He let out a strangled cry and struggled to get off it, he curled up in a tight ball, shivering from the pain and cold. Gods, he hoped he hadn't broken it. He hadn't heard a crack, so probably not, but it still hurt. The sound of voices made him look up and he jolted at what he saw. The snow leopard that he had been trying to avoid was standing above him. The wolf and what looked like a dragon were also there. He squeaked and curled up into a ball again. "Don't eat me!" he cried.
10:23pm Jul 6 2010 (last edited on 10:24pm Jul 6 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 109
(( Eh mine is an okay post, you all are doing awesome though!!! :D Headache all afternoon still >.<)) Everything was happening so fast, with the wind, the snow, and the shouting of not just Nao, but now a reptilian creature that had appeared in the storm. She was startled but not outstandingly so, for creatures tended to gather together in times of hardship. But the look of the dragon she did not like very much at first, with his ebony hide and startling markings. He looked like trouble… But the shivering of the wings, and the ice crystals forming a lot his arms, she judged him to be in as much trouble right now as the creature at her feet was. The little animal had curled up into a ball, terror making it shake in fear. They had no time for this!!! She bent down and easily picked the creature up, having only slight difficulty figuring out where the head was. She knew the little thing could easily freak out so she quickly, though calmly said into one fuzzy ear. “I’m not going to eat you; I’m going to help you. You will die if you stay out here. If you can keep up I promise you will be safe from harm from any of us standing here.” She glanced at the drake, not knowing if he had an appetite for helpless creatures, but she surely did not. Eating anything that talked sickened her. “I will make sure of it. But you need to stop staying in a little ball and run with us!!!” All her life she had been the person who convinced other to do things. Some of her companions had always said she had the voice of reason, the tone that made everyone listen, focus, and decide. It was lucky she was kinder than most of species, for she could easily cajole many into their deaths with her lilting tone. Now was not the time for slow decisions, they needed to be off, and in some ways having more companions was better for survival in this type of weather, if they could get going…

1:08pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Wahh. I think I'll wait for Embrynn's reply. e.o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:39pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Jul 7 2010)
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Posts: 109
4:31am Jul 8 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Tobi squeaked when he felt himself being picked up off the ground and squirmed, trying to get free. Granted, he liked being off the ground, but certainly not like this. This snow leopard was going to snap his neck and eat out his innards. Or maybe she'd cut his neck open and eat from his leg first. His mind thought up many more horrible scenarios in the few seconds that he was picked up, so he was greatly surprised when she began speaking to him. He froze listening quietly to what she said. Even if it could have been a trick, her voice made him think differently. Still, there was a major hole in her words... "Keep up?" Tobi growled moodily as a wave of pain shout through his leg, "I ended up twisting my leg. I'm going to die out here anyways so just finish it quick and make it painless, please." He stared down at the snow where he had fallen. Already fresh snow was starting to cover where he had struggled moments before. His tail drooped pathetically. I was finished. A hurt leg was like a death sentence out here. He was done with. [[Sorry for the fail post. I'm falling asleep as I'm writing. Gotta go to bed soon o3o]]
9:10am Jul 9 2010
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Posts: 109
(( Adding a reply to this :D Gonna be gone from today till sunday/monday soo keep posting! lol ))
12:22pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 12:22pm Jul 9 2010)
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Posts: 109
(( Omg horrible post, rushing to pack T.T. See you sunday night/monday loves!! )) Lina scowled at the creature, one thing that annoyed her were creatures that just decided to give up, and die. What was the point in living your life if you were going to just let it go at the moments you need to try and survive the most? But in a small way she couldn’t blame him, with all these carnivores around, and being run over, then the storm… ‘The storm.’ She pinned her ears against the frigid wind and shook the little creature slightly. “Well I’m not just going to let you die out here, freezing to death is slow and mostly painless, but it is a horrible way to go! You are small, so if you have enough strength to hold on to my back while I run, if you want I shall carry you.” He’d have to wear the back full of meat on his back, and wrap his arms about her neck, and legs about her torso. It’d be uncomfortable but it was the only way it would work. She set the panda down in the snow and slung her pack off. “Put this on, and don’t loose it. Then climb up.” If he didn’t put in on she’d leave him, that was his choice, he seemed light enough for her to still make and easy speed with the two males if she stayed on all fours. She crouched as she held the pack out to him. “Well?”

8:47am Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 10:51am Jul 12 2010)
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Posts: 959
(*cries* I just had my entire three-paragraph post done and then I accidentally hit backspace T.T curse it.... sorry for the extreme lateness, my internet hates me) Drail nodded at the wolf called Nao while keeping his eyes of the leopardess. It was obvious from the ex pression she had given him that she didn't trust him. Drail didn't blame her; dragons weren't exactly the most p*censored*ive of creatures. He did not like the idea of sharing a roof with the female, but he liked the idea of freezing to death even less. Even now he was losing the feeling in his wings and fingertips. The threat of frostbite made his heart drop. As he waded forward through the still-rising snow, he took note of the furry red thing the leopardess was now trying to help. he grew impatient with the creature and, as he was p*censored*ing, growled, "Move, puff-ball; or do you WANT to freeze to death out here?" his eyes narrowed in distast as he glared at the leopardess. Shifting his gaze out to the blurry whiteness that was the raging storm, he glanced over his shoulder at the wolf, asking, "Nao, was it? Which way?"
Embrynn is : Offline :(
