Small Group RP Anyone?

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11:21pm Dec 28 2010

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Posts: 113



-stalkerstalk- :o

11:33pm Dec 28 2010

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Posts: 1,682
-noms Aphem-

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

11:37pm Dec 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Name: Zane Middleton
 Gender: Male
 Age: 19. And a half.
Personality: Um.. I'm being really dumb right now and can't think of one. XD But as soon as I do develop a good personality, I'll change this.
History: Born to a wealthy lawyer-ing family, Zane was raised following the Ways Of The Rich And Extremely Snobby. His mother, who never wore anything but tan business dresses, had high hopes for her son to gently squeeze into politically correct society. Zane, however, had plans of his own at the young age of eleven. He taught himself to play guitar and was soon playing for local bands. At sixteen he started writing his own songs and selling them to big-name artists. On his eighteenth birthday he did everything his parents never said he should do, including bleaching his hair, getting a tattoo, and buying a cat.
Deion/Picture: About 6'1", 145 lbs.  Very short, bleached hair. Often wears`a black denim jacket, faded jeans, black boots, and any number of music group shirts. Also has a cross on a chain and a tattoo on the side of his neck that reads "HAHA SUCKERS". Not really. It actually says "Freedom".


11:39pm Dec 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
-sits on Aph- Well HI there! :3


11:40pm Dec 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,682
((.....I'm not roleplaying with you anymore. ;c "HAHA SUCKER" no, joking. xD Zane sounds pretty cool. ))

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

11:42pm Dec 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
[He better be cool. I mean, he has a kitty, what else can be as awesome? o:]


11:53pm Dec 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,682
((What's teh pretteh kitteh's name? o:))

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

11:57pm Dec 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
[I think it should be called Shampoo. O:Or Fudgie-Wudgie-Pudgie-Kins]


12:55pm Dec 31 2010

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Posts: 1,682
((Bumpteh Bump))

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

1:04pm Dec 31 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

[Oi then. Start 'em up?]

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