1:20am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 8:13pm Jul 29 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
An Ohmigosh! It has a plot! For months on end, there has been piece in the packs of renegade wolves of the Aaven forest, each helping the others if they had to. The two packs, Haven and Hade didnt care much if a elk from the other territory crossed into theirs and the wolves of that pack pursued it.
Until a pup was found, dead, in a stream that ran through both their lands. Found on Haven lands, belonging to a pair from the Hade pack. Tensions rose instantly. Now both packs rival each other.
Will the murder of nearly 5 years ago ever be solved?
Normal board rules, freeform or bio. Wolves have no special powers. Characters +Haven Pack+ Abe<--Issa link To his bio-Male Kylan-Female Oath-Male Skin-Male Versailles-Female -Hade Pack- Kina-Female Ria-Female Felix-Male Zep-Female Saiilus-Male Shadhex-Female ------------------------------------------------- Abe padded along the stream on the Haven pack side, his nose low to the ground. He looked up and at the she-wolf behind him. "I dont know, Kylan," He said, furrowing his brow. Her eyes flickered with light. She raised one eyebrow and smirked, but shook her head sympathetically.
"What did you expect, Abe? It's been five years since he died. What are you hoping to find?"
Abe shook his head in frustration.
"I dont know!" He sighed. "A scent, and print, a peice of fur? Something that will clear this up and prove it wasnt us." The male wolf sat down. Kylan padded up beside him, the long brown hair that ran along her spine waving faintly. The rest of her body was shorter hair. Two tones consisting of a tan underbelly and mask with a brown main body. Darker brown stripes ran from her spine and down her sides.
"Abe," She said softly. "Any print'r scent would've gone a long time ago. There aint nothin' ya c'n do." Abe sighed again; Somehow her rustic speech and manner always seemed to calm him down.
"Not, yet, no. But I'll find a way."
Resident mounted archer
1:23am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((Awesome plot. Join?))
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:42am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Resident mounted archer
1:45am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 776
OOC: I would like to join too! Although I do not know how late I will be on, but I should be good for a while. ^.^ Question. Are odd colors allowed if not I'll edit my wolves.
1:47am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Yes, you can join. Its alright if you wont be on; it might die anyways. XD Odd colors are allowed, yes. Abe is red and Ky is...weird colors. So, yes.))
Resident mounted archer
1:49am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 2:17am Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 12,418
((I'm bringing my most precious wolves into this. I also have them as some of my human charas in other RPs))
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:53am Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,963
((No humans. Well, playable humans. I will allow humans to play a small role, but I would like for this mostly to center of the wolves.))
Resident mounted archer
2:16am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((I know that. I said I use some as humans in other RPs))
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:18am Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,963
((Ooooh!! Okay! I gitcha! Sorry. I was a bit confused thar...))
Resident mounted archer
2:21am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:28am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Alright. So, My intros up. You can post whenever. I have to go to bed. Gettin up early in the morrow.))
Resident mounted archer
4:02am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((Okay.)) Akila woke up. She padded over to her brother, Shane. Shane woke up. "Oh, hey Aki."He said. "I couldn't sleep."She said. She licked her paw that had elk blood on it. "Why?"He asked her. He was worried. "Bad dreams?"He asked. She shook her head.
 (Banner made by Kina)
11:10am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((What pack are they in?)) Abe stood up and shook, licked his chest. Kylan looked at him with amusement. "What?" He asked as she stood up. She was at least a head shorter than he was. Maybe that was common in wolves where she came from. "Nuthin'," She said with a shrug, walking past him. "Ya jest look like'a cat, tha's all."
Resident mounted archer
11:37am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 776
OOC: Sorry! I fell asleep last night, but I did figure out who I was going to play before I p*censored*ed out. All my wolves are Hade wolves. In fact Kina and Felix are brother and sister. Ria is a pup from the pack that Kina thinks of as her own. IC: Little Ria bounced around chasing a butterfly not really paying attention. She growled and barked at it before tripping over a branch causing her to go into a roll. "Ria.... Please be careful and watch where you are going. We are not even allowed to be this far out" Kina warned watching the cub prance around ignoring her warnings. "Felix, please knock some sense into that child" Kina smirked watchin Ria snap to attention and look back at the two waiting for them to catch up. Felix laughed and shook his head. "I can't knock sense into a pup, Kina. No matter how bad of a listener she is" he grinned walking along side Kina watching Ria go back to playing. ------- Kina
12:06pm Jul 28 2010
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12:18pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Dont gotta ask. :) )) Kylan stopped walking and pricked her large ears, spinning back to face the way they had come. She breathed slowly in and out her nose, trying to catch the scent. She cursed in a way Abe didnt recognize. "It's down wind. Hade."
Resident mounted archer
12:23pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((kk)) Name- Zep Age- young adult looks- Pure white wolf with black tips on her ears and tail. others-she is in hade.
12:28pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 1,060
Hade Oath padded silently through the foliage. His dark blue-grey fur was pitch black under the shadows of the trees. His streak of pure black-blue fur was wrecked by a white cross-shaped spot of fur right in the middle of his right eye, and a white slash under his neck and chest.. His long legs allowed him to stride briskly and his slim figure didn’t hold him back. He raised his muzzle and caught the slight scent of rabbit. Grinning wryly, he saw, with his blood red eyes, that the snow white creature was standing right in front of him. Without a moment’s hesitation, Oath sprang at his prey. The rabbit made an attempt to run, but was squished under Oath’s paw. “Eh.” Oath groaned, lying sprawled on the ground with a dead rabbit under one of his paws. He was back on all fours quickly, rabbit in his jaws now. He bounded away towards his pack. Haven A blur of white fur was speeding, bounding over logs and maneuvering trees. ‘Nice job, Saillus.’ he growled to himself, nearly falling over a log. Saiilus slowed down and it was visible that he was not a pure white wolf. He had a black patch on his back that seeped down onto his right side and disappeared. The tip of his muzzle was black, same for a large splotch of his chest. His tail had a thin black spiral that disappeared once it reached the tip, and black ‘socks’ on his forelegs. His eyes blue eyes searched the area as he sniffed the air for the scent of his pack members. He caught their scent in the wind. But it wasn’t their scent, alone, he could of sworn he also caught the Hade’s scent.
12:34pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((where should i jump in??))
12:39pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 12:44pm Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 776
OOC:: I have a doctors appointment, but I will be back. IC: Felix lept forward attacking Ria and laughed licking her head. "Ria, turn around my dear. We must be getting back to the pack. We have gone to far" He said standing once again before a scent caught him off guard. His eyes glared as his fur stood on end. He began growling before turning to kina. "Haven wolves...I can smell them" he snarled. Kina growled but jumped and stood over Ria looking around. "Their scent is faint, Felix" She said sniffing the air before glancing down at Ria. "Shhh. Its okay. You are safe with us my dear" Kina whispered licking Ria's head but only to hear her wimper and snuggle against her leg. "I want to go back Kina" Ria muttered looking around sensing that something was wrong by how Kina and Felix changed all of a sudden.