8:53pm Feb 9 2011
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(Oh,and is it okay if Jeremiah owns that bunny on his shoulder and brings it with him? His name shall be either Peter or Showshoe. ouo)
8:54pm Feb 9 2011
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Ooc: That is perfectly alright.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
4:52pm Feb 11 2011
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Ooc: You can go ahead and post intros. Just start after the announcement about being stuck was made. I'll be on later this evening.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:08pm Feb 11 2011 (last edited on 7:39pm Feb 11 2011)
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((post coming EDIT: The lodge is wood, I am as.suming))
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7:14pm Feb 11 2011
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Maxine had been having a great time relaxing in her room when she learned about the snowstorm. It wasn't like anyone had come up to tell her, but then again, keeping her window opened could be considered a far better warning. Hissing under her breath when snow began pelting in through the opened window, covering a small bookcase with a fine la yer of fluffy snow, Maxine struggled out of her mesh of blankets on her bed and padded over to the window. Fighting against the growing winds she just managed to close it and lock the catch, though the girl did receive a nice clump of snow in her face for her efforts. "Stupid weather," she huffed, before leaving her room and padding down the hallway for the main area of the lodge. [They're in a lodge..right? xD]
7:39pm Feb 11 2011
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Silvie sat on the seatee underneath the broad windowframe in the lobby of the old mountain lodge. The knee closest to the window, her left knee, was pulled tightly to her chest; while her right leg hung off the seat and her toes brushed the floor. Her locks of dark black fell about her shoulders in a light curl on the end. Her eyes of deep emerald green transfixed on the blizzard that swarmed on the opposite side of an inch worth of glas.s. She watched the storm consume any visible evidence of the outside wood, and she watched the snow clumb against the large front porch of the lodge. She wore a pair of tight, dark blue skinny jeans on her legs; with knee high ski boots that hugged her calves; complimenting her slender limbs. Around her waiste was a slate belt that matched her boots. On her top she wore a fitted sweatshirt that hung off her right shoulder; revealing the bare skin where it hung. She didn't stir even as the windchill creeped through the wooden walls of the seemingly indestructable ski lodge. She watched the fluries dance as she; herself, stood statuelike on the faded velvet cushions that lined her seat. Levi awoke as the windows of his room flew open at an alarming speed; a powerful and loud thud of the window slamming against the wall sent him flying out of the warmth of his quilts. His eyes widened in a light shock as an overpowering brisk windchill flew into the room an aggressively consumed the warm air. He struggled slightly as he finally managed to lock the window back up; flurries clinging to his dark hair as he released a relieved sigh. He hugged his arms and rubbed them rapidly; shuddering once more. He grabbed a pair of jeans and warm boots and threw on a jacket of down feathers. He tore a quilt off his bed and unlocked the door. He as.sumed Silvie was in the lobby...and knowing her she was not dressed warmly.
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10:16pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 10:17pm Feb 12 2011)
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Laci sat on the edge of her bed. She had woken up only a few minutes ago but she could tell something was different about this day compared to the others. Hearing the wind howl outside, she went to her window and opened it, instantly regretting that decision. Shutting it as quickly as possible, Laci shivered. It was freezing outside and the snow was coming down hard. It looked like she wouldn't be able to go skiing today like she had planned. Trying to decide on a new plan, she went over and changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater. She began to pull on her boots when her door slammed open. "Laci! Are you alright?" It was her brother Nathaniel, forever worrying about her. "I just learned about the snowstorm. You aren't planning on going outside or anything are you?" He was a year older than her but the way he treated her at times made it seem like a larger gap. "There's a snowstorm? Really? I couldn't tell by all the wind and snow out there. Well, I guess skiing will be a lot more fun today!" Laci giggled. She loved being able to tease her brother like this. Giving him a hard time was a favorite hobby of hers. Nathaniel sighed. "Am I doing it again? Being overprotective?" She nodded. "Well sorry but maybe if you stopped responding like that I would stop. Come on, let's go downstairs and figure out something to do."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
10:02am Feb 13 2011
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Jeremiah sighed softly as he stared out of his window and into the snowstorm raging just outside. Looking down to th ball of white fluff on his lap, a soft smile tugged at his mouth. "It's alright, little Snowshoe... I won't let anything hurt you," he murmured, a small white head lifting up to stare up at the boy who owned him. He snuggled up closer to him, unable to relax with the wind howling outside.
Jeremiah chuckled softly, petting the soft ball of fluff before he stood up, heading off to the lobby to see if he could find some way to pas-s the time.
6:19pm Feb 13 2011
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Levi made a turn around the corridor and arrived in the foyer of the vast ski lodge; the roaring wind echoing from the mountains even through the dence walls of the resort. He held a thick quilt under his left arm and unzipped his jacket as he came to a halt in the center of the lobby. His eyes drifted around the room until they rested on the girl who was seated on the window frame. He sighed heavily and strolled over; his dark hair tucked behind his ear. "Silvie...aren't you freezing?" he questioned, seeing his breath with each word. Silvie didn't stir and just rolled her eyes as the sound of Levi's voice rang in her ears. She felt the weight of the blanket rest on her shoulders and the palm of Levi on her shoulder. "Dang. Do you think we would be able to get out by Sunday?" he asked, his eyes drifting towards the glas.s.
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6:41pm Feb 13 2011
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It seemed as if most of the people in the lodge had come down already. Hovering at the end of the stairs Maxine hesitated, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people. Nibbling her lip nervously she straightened her shirt, wishing she had a sweater or something to cover herself up with. First of all, it was cold, and second of all, she felt a it indecent. For whatever reason. Brushing off invisible lint from her jeans she trotted down the last few steps and paused awkwardly, since it seemed that everyone else was already involved in their own activities and chorse. [Durr...><]
6:49pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 6:49pm Feb 13 2011)
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By now, Laci and Nathaniel were on a couch, watching more and more people pour into the lobby. "It's getting pretty crowded in here." Laci commented. "I suspect it has something to do with the storm. No one knows what to expect right now." It was then that they noticed someone with a microphone step from behind the help desk. He was wearing khakis and a polo shirt with the logo of the lodge. "Excuse me," The man said, "May I have everyone's attention for a brief moment?" Laci and Nathaniel exchanged a glance and shrugged. "I'm Taylor Wright, owner of the Mountain View Snow Lodge. I regret to inform you, that due to the sudden blizzard that no one will be able to leave for the foreseeable future. I realize that this will cause problems for many of you and the staff and I will do our best to help in anyway possible. While you are here, you will not have to pay for your rooms or food. I hope that will help you all slightly. Thank you for your time." He then turned the mic off and vanished into his back office.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:50pm Feb 13 2011
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[Do the characters know each other?]
6:55pm Feb 13 2011
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Ooc: I suppose they could. I had as.sumed they wouldn't though.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:45pm Feb 16 2011
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Ooc: Bump?
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:47pm Feb 16 2011
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[I was just wondering. xD Maxine won't. o3o]
7:54pm Feb 16 2011
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Ooc: Alrighty then. =)
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
8:56pm Feb 16 2011
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((Hm, I will post in a moment))
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9:29pm Feb 16 2011
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Ooc: Okay.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
9:36pm Feb 16 2011
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Levi glanced upward as the lobby began to swarm with others. He looked to the front desk and cringed when he recieved the information about the blizzard's snow-in. "Well, Silv...looks like we're stuck here a bit." he groaned, rolling his eyes as he did so. Silvie pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders and placed her fingers on the glas.s "yeah. Looks like we are." she stated bitterly; rolling her eyes in annoyance. ((sorry for my fail D:))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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3:35pm Feb 20 2011
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Ooc: Sorry, I didn't mean to go poof. Stuff just came up. And it wasn't a fail. It was fine.
Bic: Laci jumped up excitedly after processing what the owner had said. "That's great!" She said, bouncing up and down slightly. "I mean, not about the snowstorm or anything but I didn't want to leave tomorrow and now we can stay for free for a few more days!" She was out of breath, speaking fast in all her excitement. "Isn't it cool, Nat?" Nathaniel smirked in amusement. "Yeah, absolutely awesome." He said sarcastically. "Except it isn't. I have to get back to work soon or I could lose my job and then how would I pay for my cl*censored*es?" It was useless though, Laci was already bounding away to one of the windows, not that far from Levi and Silvie. Sighing, Nathaniel followed her. "I'm glad you are enjoying this and everything Lace, but we need to get a hold of mom and dad to let them know what is going on." She sighed. "We can do that later. Can't you just enjoy this for two seconds? All you are worried about is losing your job and you won't. Just explain to your boss what happened. He's not going to freak out and fire you over something you can't control. Sheesh. You can't enjoy anything."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)