10:12pm Feb 15 2011 (last edited on 4:59pm Mar 6 2011)
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Ok. No plot. Basically, there are multiple groups of sled dogs owned by multiple humans. The humans all own kennels to keep their dogs in, etc. The humans can try and breed whatever dogs they think will be good together.(I will not force breed dogs, I will ask the users who play the dogs if it's ok with them.) I play the humans. The teams live in different places so the dogs can't usually talk to dogs from other teams. -About Dogsled Racing- The positions on a dog sled team (in order): Ok, so first, there are the lead dogs, also known as leaders. Obviously, they lead the team and are usually the fastest dogs. There are usually either one or two of them.
Swing dogs . They're right behind the lead dogs Swing Dogs in a dog sledding team help the leaders set the pace Aid lead dogs in turning the team.
Mushers, masters, whatever you want to call them. They command and own their sled teams. Me and Ice play them all. They have no names in this rp.
-Bio- Name: Age: Crush/Mate: Team: Position in sled team: Looks: Personality: History: Other: Rules no cussing no powers no insta-mates don't join as a pup. If your character finds a mate then you can have a pup character. 5.Don't make too many characters to keep track of. No unnaturally colored dogs. - no gary-sues or mary-sues.
don't make a human. Ice and I play the humans unless I say otherwise. there is no plot No gay/bi/les characters. Not to offend anyone. post 'this is a cool rp' somewhere in your bio to join. your dogs need to be huskies or husky mixes if you make a male, make a female. if you make a female, make a male. - This is a semi-literate rp, and you need at least 4 sentences in each post.
I will add rules later so check the rules often.
-Kupa's characters- Name:Blotch Age:Young Adult Team:Team 2 Gender:male Crush/mate:Open Position in sled team:Team dog Looks: Personality:Blotch is for the most part freindly, but if someone makes him angry he can be ferocious. History:Normal. Other:none Name:Thorn Age:Young Adult Gender:female Team:Team 3 Crush/Mate:Open Position in sled team:Lead Dog Looks: Personality:to be rped History:Normal Other:non Name:Saphire Age:Young Adult Gender:female Team:Team 1 Crush/Mate:Has a crush on Bear. Position in sled team:Team Dog Looks: Personality:Saphire is sweet, and refuses to argue or fight. She is extremely fragile, but very smart and fast. History:Normal Other:none Name:Smoke Age:Young Adult Gender:male Team:Team 4 Mate/Crush:Open Position in sled team:Wheel dog Looks: Personality:Smoke is loyal to the humans, and perfect to be a wheel dog. He's strong enough, but he's slow. History:Adopted from a shelter right when he was about to be euthanized. Other:none Characters Team 1: Owner played by: Kupala Lead Dogs: Hiru (Iceheart46) Angel (Mercyme6) Swing Dogs: Sierra (Iceheart46) Trek (Kupala) Team Dogs:Saphire (Kupala), Blotch (Kupala) China (Fullmoon) Luke (Fullmoon) Wheel Dogs: Riker (Iceheart46) , Bear (Fullmoon) Team 2 : Owner played by: Iceheart46 Lead dogs Kiyru (Fullmoon) :Thorn (Kupala), Swing dogs:Fang (Mercyme6) Team dogs: Sola (Iceheart46), Lilly (Kupala) Wheel Dogs: Smoke (Kupala)

11:42pm Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 12
Hai kupala Can i too join ur roleplaying ? Please??
11:53pm Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 12
HAI Kupala Am taylor Name:Silver Age:Young Adult Gender:Female Dog or human?: Crush/Mate:Open Position in sled team:Team Dog Looks: Beautiful And Silent Personality:Very quite when she is calm when some one will make her angry she is very fierce History:Normal Other: Name: Age: Gender: Dog or human?: Mate/Crush: Position in sled team: Looks: Personality: History: Other:
7:32am Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Taylor, yes you can, but the rp is under construction, so I'm still working on the first post. also, you didn't read the rules. I can tell.
7:55am Feb 16 2011
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Ok, the rp's not under construction anymore, if anyone wants to join, go ahead and post your bios!
8:53am Feb 16 2011
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(I join? This rp is cool. :3 And Taylor? Kupa is right, read the rules once more. You'll notice a problem or two with your bio... and your picture is stretching the page. Please fix it. Sooooo..... joinage, KoopaTroopa? 8D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:42pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 6:08pm Feb 16 2011)
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(yes, Ice, you can join. You will be co-owner :3 I'll play the humans from teams 1 and 2, and you'll play the humans from teams 3 and 4. (TAYLOR, FIX THE PIC, IT'S STRETCHING THE PAGE.)
5:02pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 5:13pm Feb 16 2011)
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((this rp is cool *o* Join perhaps?)) Name: Zre // Moug Age: young adults
Gender: F // M Crush/Mate: open Team: Team 1 // Team 1 Position in sled team: Lead? // wheeler Looks: Somewhat smaller in comparison to other sled dogs, she is not one to be underestimated. A slender form and a coat that creates a sea of dark black. Her eyes are emerald green...giving the appearence of venom and enough to send shudders through those who gaze. She has a well shaped face and features that compliment her fitted form. // Well built and powerful; he has a coat of silver and speckled with whites and blacks. Unlike zre, he is quite large compared to his team, hence his position as the wheeler. His eyes are a deep slate that are often expressionless. Personality: Cold hearted and harsh; but can have her moments. She is cunning and manipulative, knowing how to seduce others into doing her bidding or weasle her way out of trouble. Witty and skilled in tounge, but also a quick sprinter...able to outrun many foes. Her strength is not as powerful as others; but she can deffinatly fend for herself or her team if it comes down to it. Because of her dark personality, she is not particularly liked by many dogs...however she knows how to lead and respects those who respect her. Her fury often takes control of her; and she has a tendancy to hold grudges. rp it out mostly // Moug is on the quiet side, and speaks through actions rather then words. He is powerful in strength and is secure in his position. Despite his constant silence, he respects his whole team and will do anything he can to as.sist them. He is protective of his friends and allies and dosn't take much. Rp it out mostly History: dark. comes in later. // Rp it out Other: Nu.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:28pm Feb 16 2011
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Join as lead on team 2 and maybe lead on team 1? If not, Swing on team 1.
5:47pm Feb 16 2011
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(Accepted, Fun, and mercy, you may join.)
5:59pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 6:26pm Feb 16 2011)
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Name:Angel Age:Teenage Crush/Mate:Open. Team:Team 2 Position in sled team:Lead Looks: Personality:Angel is really outgoing.She likes to mess around, but is serious about her team. She isn't afraid to tell off someone, and will stand up for anyone. History:Was picked by a raffle when she was a pup. Angel climbed her way up the ranks. Other: I GUESS...... this is a cool rp. And Angel has no markings or earrings.
6:02pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 6:16pm Feb 16 2011)
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(Read the rules, mercy. There's a secret word. And mercy, I'm only going to let you have 1 lead dog. sorry. )
6:36pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 6:37pm Feb 16 2011)
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(Accepted Mercy.But you still need to make a male.)
6:44pm Feb 16 2011
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Name:Fang Age:Young adult Crush/Mate:Open, but kinda likes Thorn Team: Team 3 Position in sled team:SwingLooks:up Personality:Fang is strong and supportive. He does what he can for the team, and can be romantic. Fang can get nervous sometimes, and its funny when he does. History:Fang was brought in by a female husky. His father was a wolf, though. Other:Nope, but, ignore the words.
8:42pm Feb 16 2011
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Accepted. Should we start the rp?
8:49pm Feb 16 2011
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((I am ready<3))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:10pm Feb 16 2011
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(I will start. :3) Smoke lay in a kennel, waiting to be released by his Master. --- Mistress (Owner of Team 1) released her dogs from their Kennels so that they could run around. Mistress lived on a ranch, but only kept dogs and a few chickens, not having time for anything else. The ranch was fenced in. She stroked Saphire's head, then walked to her small house to get dog food for her huskies. Saphire smiled slightly, then trotted out of her kennel and through the snow, bored. ----- Blotch's owner had forgotten to lock up her dogs, so Blotch was laying on his owner's living room sofa, asleep.
9:32pm Feb 16 2011
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Her sharpened claws dug into the icesheet that layered the seemingly frozen tundra. The brisk wind nipped at her dark coat as flurries clung to the sea of black. Her breath escaped her in gentle gasps as she exited her kennel as she glanced towards the frost that lined her kennel's base. Her emerald green eyes were transfixed on the land of snow as her slender limbs carried her across the terrain. She didn't glance towards her teammates, nor her human. She sat stiff in the snow; unmoving. Statuelike. Moug said nothing as he exited his kennel, his mucsles bulged as he raised his limbs as his paws readjusted to the changed terrain of his kennel to the frozen ground. A blanket of white held his homeland, as his ears twitched lightly. He glanced once towards his master and wagged his tail lightly, he looked towards Saphire before his eyes rested on Zre...his teams leader. She was quite a frightening dog; and was not one he would want to meet in the woods alone... he sighed and dug in the snow, forming a hollow bed in the ice. He curled into the hole and gently closed his eyes.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
10:25pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 10:25pm Feb 16 2011)
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Saphire saw Moug laying in the snow. She smiled. You'd think he would sleep at night, when there's nothing else to do. She didn't know whether he was asleep or not. Mistress went through her cabinets and finally pulled out three cans of soft dog food: which was all she had left, she would need to buy more food-something that was healthier soon. But oh well. She picked up the can opener and opened the three cans, then dumped the food out onto paper plates. She set the plates outside on the porch, making sure the one meant for Zre was a good enough distance away from the other dogs' food. "Zre! Saphire! Moug!" She called for her dogs. Saphire's ears perked up, and she ran to Mistress' call. She began eating from one paper plate, keeping her distance from Zre's food.
8:12am Feb 17 2011
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