3:45pm Feb 17 2011
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Moug's ears twitched at the sound of his master's voice. He rose his head and let out a brief yawn before halfheartedly raising to his standing position and trotting over to his own dish of food. He let out a low bark in appreciation towards his master before lowering his maw to devour his meal. Zre didn't stir for several moments. Her eyes remained on the mountains that flickered far in the distance. Her wolf-like ears were flat against her skull in annoyance at the sound of her human's call. Always disturbing my thoughts. she growled bitterly in her mind. At last; her statuelike poise stirred and she rose to her slender but quick limbs and stalked across the ice; flurries scattered across her phantom-like pelt. She lowered her skull and ate her meal calmly; her back positioned towards both Saphire and Moug.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:46pm Feb 17 2011
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(DID YOO FORGETZ ABOUT MEH?!?!?!?!? D:< Not. Cool. >:C )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:47pm Feb 17 2011
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(( Yea, I was forgotten too.))
8:57pm Feb 17 2011 (last edited on 9:09pm Feb 17 2011)
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Name: Hiru Age: 2 1/2 years Crush/Mate: None. OPEN! Team: Team 4 Position in sled team: Lead Dog Looks: Personality: Nice and quick-thinking. But sometimes, he just gets really angry at other dogs and completely flames out on them. History: Hiru was hurt and beat by cruel owners as a small pup, and his painful memories still remain from those times. Afterwards, he was dumped in the middle of nowhere when he was found by a new owner - the one he's with now. And she is much nicer. Other: Mmmmm, nope. :3 ~~~ Name: Sierra Age: 1 1/2 years Crush/Mate: Blotch Team: Team 2 Position in sled team: Swing Dog Looks: Completely white husky with ice-blue eyes. Personality: Usually nice, but also "sensitive and angry" to put it plainly. She can get hurt emotionally somewhat easily; yet she can yell so loudly you'll want to cut your ears off when she's angry. Her seemingly "double personality" sometimes helps, but also sometimes makes things substantially worse. History: She was owned by the same owners as Hiru in the beginning, but a nice man came along and bought her from them soon. Although, Hiru stayed behind longer. Other: Nopesh! <3 ~~~ Name: Sola Age: 1 1/2 years Crush/Mate: None. Open! Team: Team 3 Position in sled team: Team Dog Looks: It won't show up!!! DX So, here's a deion: A light gray-and-white husky. She does NOT have rings around her eyes or anything, it just goes near her ears and down her back. So her face is all white except for the top of her head, which is light gray. Personality: To be rp'ed History: Normal Other: Can she be Thorn's best friend? C: ~~~ Name: Riker Age: 2 1/2 years Crush/Mate: None. OPEN! Team: Team 1 Position in sled team: Wheel Dog Looks: Basically a black-and-white husky, if you can't tell by the head. Personality: To be rp'ed History: Normal. Other: Not really. ~~~
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:13pm Feb 18 2011
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(*Bump of Life*)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:51pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 11:02pm Feb 19 2011)
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(Accepted, Ice. Nobodeh was forgot-enn.) Saphire looked up for a moment at Zre. Zre didn't ever seem to pay attention to anyone else, and was always so...quiet. Saphire sometimes wondered if Zre had a heart. Saphire knew it was probably best not to speak to Zre though. Thorn walked past Fang, barely paying any attention to him as she went by. She stopped, and sat down next to Sola. Mistress smiled at her dogs, then frowned, she had forgotten to feed Riker. She went through her cabinets, luckily finding the last can of dog food. She plopped it out onto another paper plate and set it outside on the snowy porch, then whistled for Riker. She then went inside, and looked on her computer to see if there were any upcoming races. And there was one. She smiled. She had the best dogs around, and no one was going to beat her. Master (The team 2 dude) knew about the race. He needed his dogs to practice, the race was only in a couple days. "Sierra! Angel! BLOTCH!" He called, yelling extra loud for Blotch, who never seemed to like listening to him. He was suprised when Blotch arrived at his side before the other dogs, so he put a harness on Blotch and hooked it onto the sled. (About Sola: Yes, she can be thorn's freind, but Thorn is sorta...Suzume-ish. Sola can be her best and only friend.)

10:52am Feb 20 2011
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11:11am Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 Riker's ears shot up like a rocket when he heard his Mistress's voice. Running forward, he sat down obediantly at the door. Sadly, Mistress wasn't there. The husky started to whine. First, she had forgotten his food, which smelled delicious in his nostrils, and second she calls and doesn't co- WAIT. WAIT WAIT WAIT.....! He was smelling the food... It was nearby.... Looking around, Riker spotted it on the doorstep. Practically jumping for joy, he bounded up to the food and gobbled it all down. Mmm. Team 2 Sierra immediately responded to Master. Running as fast as she could, the husky rammed into her owner. Bringing him and her down, she set her paws on his shoulders. Tongue lolling out with a happy grin on her face, Sierra was happy to get to work. Letting out a short 'bark' as a hello, she licked her Master's face. Team 3 The Mistress of the team smiled. A fresh, new day. But it was time for work. The race was coming up soon, and she needed to win. Except she also needed team dogs... "Rise and shine, everybody!" Mistress said, clanking two empty food bowls together. She had prepared the rest in their cages already. Sola smiled. "So, Thorn," she said, "How is it going today?" Her ears suddenly pricked, hearing Mistress. But she could take her time. She didn't take her eyes off of Thorn when her ears pricked, though. (Ok, then. Suzume-ish is fine, since they are friends and nothing bad will happen... like poor Wind. O.O ) Team 4 Master had slept in. Crap! Getting up, he got ready and went outside. Pouring food in the huskies's bowls, he thoguht about the upcoming race. Soon, he called out for his dogs. Hiru calmly padded over to Master, looking up at him with his big brown eyes. He was calmer than most dogs, and more laid-back. Sitting down nicely, the husky stuck out his paw to 'shake'. Master smiled, and 'shook hands' with his dog. "Good boy, Hiru," he said, "Good boy."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:27pm Feb 20 2011
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(Yeah...poor wind.) Team 1 Saphire finished her meal, then padded calmly over to Moug. "How are you?" She asked, bored, and not being able to think of a better question. Team 2 Master stood up, gently pushing Sierra off him. "Hey girl." He smiled, stroking her head. He put on her harness and tied her to the sled. "Angel! C'mon, Angel! We don't have all day!" Team 3 Thorn stood up. "I'm fine. Hey, I heard that there's a race coming up." She announced. "We'll win, of course." Team 4 Smoke padded over to his Master, wanting attention. He pawed at Master's knee, then bowed his head to let the man know that he wanted to be petted.
3:19pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 3:20pm Feb 20 2011)
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Team 1 Riker finished up his meal. Licking his chops clean, he calmly padded around in a circle. He wanted to be petted. To be loved. To snuggle. But, alas, that wasn't going to happen. Maybe if Mistress saw him outside, it would, but there was a slim chance of that ever happening. Team 2 Sierra's tail wagged back and forth fast enough to power a helicopter. She was just so excited! Sierra was a dog who loved to work. In this case, her work was pulling a sled. And it was the most perfect job for her! Her tail wagged even more. Where was Angel? Her tail was probably make a hurricane soon.. Team 3 "Yeah... But there's one thing that bothers me. We don't have any Team dogs." Sola said, getting up and shaking some snow off of her fur. "Mistress is calling us. No matter. We can walk and talk." Where were her dogs? Mistress clanged the bowls again. "Come on, everyone!" Team 4 Hiru nicely backed out of the way and let Smoke through. Going inside his open cage, he ate some of the food Master had put in his bowl. Master gave Smoke some attention, stroking his head. Running his hand down from the dog's head to his tail, he loved his job - sled racing. And his most favorite part? The dogs.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:28pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 Mistress got into her car, then saw Riker not too far away. She got out of the car, and opened the back car door. "Wanna come?" She offered. She was going to the grocery store to buy more dog food. If Riker came, he would have to wait in the car while she got the food from the store, but still, he would be able to go. Team 2 "ANGEL!" Master screamed, irritated. "C'mon, or we're racin' without ya!" He waited. Blotch sighed. What was taking her so long? Team 3 Thorn nodded, and stood up, going to the master. "We definitely do need team dogs. But all the teams are lacking certain dogs, so we should be alright. " She got to her Master, tail wagging. Team 4 Smoke smiled, then sat next to his Master.
3:33pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 Riker's tail wagged. Of course he wanted to come! Bounding into the car, he sat in the front seat. He looked all regal in his position. Team 2 Sierra frowned. She wanted to go already. Team 3 "True." Sola said. Padding up to Mistress, Sola licked her hand. "Aw. Such a sweetheart," Mistress said, patting Sola on the head. "Hey, Thorn," she said, getting down on her knees. "What's up?" Team 4 Hiru padded outside again, and then sat on Master's opposite side.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:37pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 Mistress smiled, then shut the car door, started up the car, and began driving to the store. Team 2 Master sighed."Well, Sierra, it's your lucky day." He unhooked her harness from the swing dog position and hooked it to the Lead Dog's spot. He shouted the command for 'go.' Team 3 Thorn padded up to her Mistress, hiding her annoyance. She got down into the 'play bow' position and jumped forward with fake playfulness.
3:46pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 Riker happily looked out the window. Nice view! Team 2 Sierra was extremely happy now. She was in the lead! OMIGOSH! It was her dream come true!!! Once she heard the signal, Sierra shot forward - but not too fast, so careful as not to stir the other members. She was doing it! She was being lead dog! And she was doing it good! Team 3 "Good, good girl," Mistress said. She petted Thorn. "Come on, everyone! Time to get to work!" Mistress said. She went to go get the sled ready. "You know, you don't have to fake happiness," Sola said calmly. "But it's ok. I know Mistress is probably too 'happy' for you." She smiled, showing she was only joking by teasing her best friend. Team 4 "Come on, you two," Master said, hitching Smoke and Hiru to the sled. Hiru was getting comfortable in his lead dog position. Once the harness was in position, Master briskly tugged at it to check if it was in place. Hiru was happy. Time to pull a sled! Yay!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:52pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 Mistress smiled, Riker seemed happy. He was one of her favorite dogs. Team 2 Blotch smiled as he ran. He took long, fast strides. "Hey!" He shouted ahead. "Good job, Sierra!" Team 3 Thorn smiled. "She is. But I guess it's ok, I mean, she could be worse." Thorn pawed at the snow. "I heard that all the other teams around here are entering the race- that means Zre from team one." Thorn sighed. Team 4 Smoke smiled, and waited for the Master's command to pull the sled.
4:00pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 1 [Um... Nothing to say. ._. ] Team 2 "Thanks!" Sierra said, happily and proudly. She also slightly blushed, because she sort of liked Blotch a little... Taking long strides, she felt no tiredness. When she was doing her job, nothing could bring her down! Team 3 "Yeah.. Zre's going to be hard to beat," Sola said. Mistress finished up readying the harnesses. She hooked up Sola and Thorn. Where was Fang? "Faaaaannnggg!" she called. "FAAAANNNGGG!" she said, louder. Maybe they would have to go without him... Team 4 "HIKE!" Master said. Hiru's ears pricked. It was the command, the command to go. His muscles quickly tensed and got ready, and he started to pull the sled. It was only him and Smoke on this team, but it was enough to pull a sled. The sled went slow at first, but the team soon sped up. They were going very fast at the current moment. Hiru liked the feel of the wind on his fur.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:03pm Feb 20 2011
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Team 2 Blotch smiled and continued running. Team 3 Thorn nodded. "Zre's...a monster." Team 4 Smoke rushed forward, flinging up snow as he went. The speed of the sled became even faster, to the point where Smoke felt like he was flying.
4:12pm Feb 20 2011
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(We should probably wait for the others now. 83 )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:18pm Feb 20 2011
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5:43pm Feb 20 2011
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