5:53pm Mar 5 2011
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5:55pm Mar 5 2011
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(Can Hiru be switched to Team 1's Lead Dog? Or something? C8 )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:57pm Mar 5 2011
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yeah. he can. let's start now.)
5:58pm Mar 5 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:02pm Mar 5 2011
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:P) Team 1 Mistress whistled for her dogs. She had bowls of food set out for them. She waited. Saphire came running, then began eating. She finished quickly. Blotch sighed, stood up, and calmly walked to Mistress. He slowly ate from one of the bowls of dog food. There wan't much food in his bowl. He definitely wished that there was more. (fail)
6:06pm Mar 5 2011
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Team 2 Master whistled loudly while filling the last bowlful of food. "Come on, everyone! Rise and shine!" Sola calmly padded over to the food and started to eat it. Team 1 Hiru softly padded over to his Mistress. He sat down, looking up at her with his big, hazel-colored eyes. Riker lifted his head and energetically bounced over to the food bowls. Delicious. Sierra quietly started to eat her food. It was good, but not as good as some other things she had tasted.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:11pm Mar 5 2011
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Team 2 Smoke's eyes opened. He yawned, then stood up and bounded to Master. he cocked his head to the side. What did Master want? Thorn did not move. Team 1 Mistress smiled. "Hi Hiru." She scratched the lead dog behind the ears. "We're going to a race today." She looked down at her dog.
6:16pm Mar 5 2011
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Team 1 Hiru softly licked his Mistress's hand once. His ears perked up when he heard the word 'race'. Now he was very happy. [Riker has nothing to do.] [Sierra has nothing to do.] Team 2 "Come on, now, Smoke." Master said, smiling. He bent down to pat his head. "The food's right over there. If you want to eat, anyways. We've got a race today, and so I think you should probably get some fuel." [Sola has nothing to do.]
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:24pm Mar 5 2011 (last edited on 2:54pm Mar 6 2011)
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Team 1 Mistress could tell Hiru was exited. "You'll win...I know you will." (No pressure XD) She turned to Riker. "You'll help us win, won't you Riker? She smiled at the husky. She then walked away from her dogs, going to go get her sled ready. The race was today, and she was determined to win. She was determined for her dogs to win. She was low on money- this race was a big deal. Blotch finished eating, then padded over to Sierra. "Hi!" He said happily. "What's up? Did you...uh... hear that there's a race today?" He smiled slightly. Team 2 Smoke began eating, then looked at Master, stopping politely, and stepping away from the food. Doesn't Master want some of the food? (XD) Thorn looked at Sola. "Ugh..." she muttered," Why does Master have to be so bossy?" She stood up, then went to Master. When she was right in front of him, she barked;"What do you want, you stupid human?!?!" He couldn't understand that, of course. Which was probably a very good thing. "Get off your lazy butt! We have to go to the race! Ugh! Idiot!"

2:55pm Mar 6 2011
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3:26pm Mar 6 2011 (last edited on 3:45pm Mar 6 2011)
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Bear bounded happily to his food dish, tongue lolling out. He ate quickly and then started following Mistress to the sled. He placed himself right in front of it, where his wheel dog position was, and whined. He wanted to go now. He let out a bark and looked at Mistress hopefully.
China licked her paws carefully before she began eating. She made sure she was completely over the bowl, in case one of the other dogs stole her food. When she was finished her own food, she walked over to one bowl that still had food in it and was unoccupied and began eating. She then looked around. "Oh, I'm sorry, was this your food?" *Anyone can take this, I just wanted to start something up with one of my characters* Name:Hard one, Master calls me 'Kiyru', but I'm not exactly sure it's my real mother-given name. Age:You're as young as you feel. Gender:I ain't no girlie. Dog or human?:I'm a dog, can't you tell? Mate/Crush:I'd rather not say. Position in sled team:I'm a lead dog, and I'm darn proud of it. There's still strength in this pile of bones. Looks:
 I'm no pretty 'un. Personality:I'm just your regular, hard-workin', owner-pleasin' dog. History:I was born, and I am living. Other:I'm in 'sled team 2'. What an unoriginal name... *Grumble*
3:28pm Mar 6 2011
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Team 1 Mistress looked at Bear, then hooked him to the sled. She then whistled for the rest of her dogs. -all my Team 1 dogs come.
3:42pm Mar 6 2011 (last edited on 3:42pm Mar 6 2011)
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Team 1 Bear barked happily, glad to be in the harness once again. "This is going to be a real race, right Blotch? I heard her say," He said, bunching himself up for a 'mush!'.
China growled to herself silently, but walked over to where Mistress was and stood near the place where her harness was, second line, on the left.
Team 2 Kiyru laughed at Thorn, and spoke to her. "Don't waste your breath, mutt. Save it for the race to come." He stood up lazily and stretched, breathng in the scents that surrounded him. "Yep, this is really good sled wheather..." He said softly, stretching his legs.
3:46pm Mar 6 2011
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Accepted) "Watch your mouth, pup." Thorn snarled, then turned away and acted like he wasn't even there.
3:55pm Mar 6 2011 (last edited on 3:59pm Mar 6 2011)
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Kiyru laughed. "Who you callin' pup, pup? I've seen winter turn into spring many more times than you." He turned away from Thorn and began to eat. One thing about Kiyru: Do not approach him on his blind side if you don't want to lose your face. ((Kiyru is lead dog, not a regular member.Oh, and you have China as a male, not a female))
3:59pm Mar 6 2011
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(oh. I'll fix that.) "Ok then, Old dog." Thorn was not in the mood to deal with Kiryu right now.
4:02pm Mar 6 2011
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((Remember:It's Kyiru, not Kiryu.(K-eye-rue) )) Kiyru chuckled at Thorn and began to eat again, his tail swishing lightly. The only thing that would make the day better would be when he got into the harness.
4:04pm Mar 6 2011
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(waitaminute. There is a rule that says 'if you make a male, make a female, if you make a female, make a male. You need to have females.)
4:12pm Mar 6 2011 (last edited on 4:12pm Mar 6 2011)
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Team 1 Sierra was very happy as soon as she was hooked up. She was going to run! Run run run run run run run run run run RUN!!! She loved to do her job. It was incredibly pleasing to her. Riker smiled a doggish smile. His tongue lolled out. Once he was hitched on the sled, he couldn't stop jumping around. And jumping. And jumping. And jumping. Hiru happily stood in his lead dog position. His ears were pricked, listening intently. They were like two radars seeking the word 'Mush' or 'Hike'. (Is this the race? O.o I should get my Master ready in that case...) Team 2 Master hooked up all his dogs. Sola shot a look at Thorn. Ready? It seemed to ask. Sola was definitely ready. Ready and rarin' to go!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:13pm Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I have one female and two males. Does that mean I have to make another female?))