So I Died (H2C) And Now I'm A Dog?

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3:35am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 8:21pm Jul 31 2011)

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Posts: 3,137
2015, the CIA funded a research project headed by Dr. Matthew Boese. The project was based on a reincarnation hypothesis; did you really live more than once? To find out, Boese went to orphanages, homeless shelters, and juvenile detention centers to gather test subjects, unwillingly or not. Though most were teenagers, he did include a few that were older or younger. He then placed a small chip inside the appendix, which he had figured out would follow a deceased person's spirit. The chip works exactly the same as a GPS. Of course, as in all good stories, Boese did not have very good intentions from the start...

Bio (Delete those parentheses!)
Name: (First is all that's required, but you may put last if you wish)
Age: (Not entirely relevant, I don't think. You may put age as of time of death or when we actually begin. Or both)
Gender: (Male, female?)
Species: (I don't like mutts unless you have a nicely detailed deion or picture. Others have to imagine these too you know.)
History: (Obviously should include how you died, y'know? So it IS required. No "he dunt tlk abt it maks him sadd" crap. -goes all Major Payne yo-)
Personality: (Even if it's only a word or two, please put it. No "RP outs" here either.)
Other: (Aside from any notable features such as medical conditions that may affect your character's POV, etc, you may put trivial things such as a theme song or a few favorites. C:)


I hope everyone knows how to RP with me by now. XD But some reminders: [br]
You DO NOT have to ask to join. In fact, I'd prefer if you just posted your bio.
Gender ratios... Don't have to be even. Heck, Elliot would LOVE to be surrounded by a dozen girls. (Okay, maybe not really, but seriously. Try to keep it at least realistic)

No god-mods, Mary Sues, the like.
Crushes are good! I encourage them! And you CAN have two charries of yours hittin on each other, by the way. XD More entertainment for everyone else.

Speaking of, I will not impose a limit to how many characters you have, just make sure you keep up with them all.

Elliot - English Setter - Male - Dodo
Morrigan - Greyhound-Mix - Female - Wolfie
Shay - Golden Retriever/German Shepard - Ice

Name: Elliot Demyan
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Species: English Setter. Lemon/Cinnamon/White coloring. Only true specifications are: The base coat is white with lemon splotches and cinnamon colored flecks. Ears and front toes are the brown. Left eye is icy blue, the other golden yellow.

History: -Note- Double slashes represent background music (I do this crap in my head, okay?). Also works best if you imagine it in a sort of anime-thing lol.

//Bartender - Rehab//

Yeah, okay, I was a little rowdy as a kid. Rash, headstrong, stubborn. Stupid really, sometimes. I was also a huge sci-fi nerd: Star Trek, The Matrix, I even had a short run with a Princess Leia fantasy. Of course, living in the suburbs of New York's streets like I did, you didn't get much chance to enjoy it all. I had parents, just not the type who care to have a kid. Dumped on the streets at the ripe old age of five. Guess sending me to school would have been too much. So I grew up with some hobos. Not really that bad once you get to know 'em. But old Stutt, he was, as they say, the cat's meow. Literally too. He had about a dozen of them. Lemon, Daisy, Boris, Lacey... Not only that, but I hated them. I cannot stand cats. Stutt was basically my father figure though, so I had to put up with them.

//Monster - Skillet//

Yeah well, as I said before. Cats. Ew. So one day his favorite feline, Peter - this big ugly tom with one eye-, pushed my buttons for the last time. Let's just say Stutt no longer welcomed me back. Ever. Hope he cried at my funeral, the snake.
I coulda snuck back in, I guess, but not many of us had this bleach-blonde hair topping a Russian face. Weird, I know. And to make matters interesting, my eyes are yellow. YELLOW. I'm kinda curious as to why I can't remember how my parents looked if they produced a mishmash called me.

//Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park//

So I'm kinda stumbling along now, when I see this fat guy with a cigar come up to me. He tells me about this great new thing he's trying and is looking for some volunteers. Before I could say no he hands me his card and slips away. It had a date for the next day on it, his name, and an address. Since I really had nothing better to do, I figured I may as well. Flash forward, and I'm sitting in this office that looks like something like I imagine a Stephen King themed room to be like. Portraits of grotesque images and creepy religious figures cover the walls, and there are miniature sculptures of horrible behemoths on the guy's - Matthew Boese, I learned - desk. The pig came in just then, chuckled, and ushered me out of that room and into another. He picked up this insanely long needle and basically stabbed me in the side with it. He then thanked me for my time and showed me the door. I didn't even get compensation for the hole in my side either.

//The End - My Chemical Romance//

So I walk around with this wound in my side for a few days (or weeks maybe. I don't know.) when up comes Mister Backstabber himself, Stutt. He starts rambling on about how I must've been the devil because this time both Missy and Duke were dead. I rolled my eyes and stepped onto the street to ignore him. Too bad I didn't look both ways, huh?

Personality: Pretty carefree, can be sarcastic. Basically has a Devil-may-care attitude.
Other: Besides hating cats and being a little on the psychopathic side, I think I covered it all in that little bio.

You don't have to do yours in first person, I just find it a tad easier. I will not be roleplaying like that though, lol.


3:36am Jul 30 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Damn formatting. You cam post bios, just don't point out that crap until I fix it. -headdesk-))


10:17am Jul 30 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Hm. Up))


10:33am Jul 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
Wow. This sounds way cool. I'd do it. Just. I have like four rps going right now. lol.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

10:44am Jul 30 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((I've been on a Matrix/dog/reincarnation/Elephants on Acid kinda thing for a day or two now, so. XD And it's fine. C: The bump is appreciated.))


11:31am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 3,137


10:22pm Jul 30 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((No, I don't have a clue what The Matrix has to do with any of that, but it's a new obsession (favorite movie ever). Neo and Smith are just so... -off in fantasy land kthx- ._. Weird taste have I, but never fear Keanu! :D -countthisasabumptooplease-))


10:48pm Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Name: Morrigan Reid 
Age: She died at age fifteen, therefore she is fifteen in dog years.
Gender: She's obviously a female
Species: Nobody really knows exactly what kind of dog she is. She has the build of a greyhound, but she is only the size of a cocker spaniel. Due to her greyhound-like build, her legs are very long, and she has a deep chest, along with a small stomach and a long, skinny tail. However, she is covered in a la
yer of somewhat shaggy, silky jet black fur that occasionally covers her eyes. Her ears stand erect, much like a german shepherd's, and her eyes are an icy grey-blue color.
History: Morrigan was a very quiet person, and she never let anyone get to her. She had very few friends, but she didn't mine. In fact, she liked it that way. Her father considered her a curse due to her mother dying when she gave birth to Morrigan. Eventually, her father went insane, but Morrigan tried her best to take care of the house.

After years of watching her father spiral down the path of insanity, Morrigan learned to hide her emotions, and not to let anyone get close to her. One night she was woken up in her sleep when someone held her down by sitting on her stomach. She opened her eyes to find her own father, drunk as a skunk, with a twelve inch kitchen knife in his hand. He slit her throat, and Morrigan died quickly.
Personality: Morrigan keeps people at a distance. She is very shy, but she can turn violent if you upset her. In that state, she is quite scary. She prefers to watch things from afar instead of actually getting involved.
Other: Nope.

Love is all we need~


10:53pm Jul 30 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Woo! Thanks a ton Wolfie. C: Accepted.))


11:02pm Jul 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Thanks. I don't understand why more people haven't joined this...))

Love is all we need~


12:02am Jul 31 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Blegh, Iunno. Kinda makes me feel like I have one of those signs on my back that says "don't join my rp's! :D". :I))


5:30pm Jul 31 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Up. At least one more person should join before we start. :u))


5:42pm Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 3,950

(I can be that person :D

Must you be a dog when you get reincarnated [I love dogs I have nothing against them I am just asking O_O ]? )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

5:52pm Jul 31 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((I thought about that.
I figure God or Buddha or whoever you believe in would reincarnate you to a more perfect form each time. Like...

Fish - Shark - Tyrannosaurus - Sabertooth - Cave Man - Modern Human - Dog

And so one, eventually reaching a perfect state (I like to think of that one as a squid :3). After that life, they return to heaven in whatever form they most desire, be it human, dog, or dinosaur.

...I spend a lot of time thinking.))


7:21pm Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 3,950

(So like.. I can be whatever I want? o.o -partiallyconfused-  But eh.  I'mma join as a dog just 'cause.  It's going to be a German Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix [like my new fursona :D ]. <3

Hey, I spend a lot of time thinking too! :DD I also thin kabout that topic every now and then.  And when I do it's really interesting.. Though nobody would know because.. well you know. xD )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:28pm Jul 31 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((I would prefer dog, seeing as the setting is New York City and you've just come off a human stint. XD

And yeah. My dad's always like "stop thinking" but I can't XD: Especially not when I'm bored/going to sleep/in the shower.

And you never know. The appendix does have no obvious function. :D))


8:11pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 11:07pm Jul 31 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Name: Shay Peyel
Age: Well. She was 102 when she died. But now she's a 1 3/4 year-old dog.
Gender: Female
Species: Has the body and legs of a German Shepherd, but perhaps a bit more lithe like a Border Collie. The tail is long and feathered, meaning that it has lots of fur on the underside that is streaming out. The right ear is pointed like the German Shepherd's, but the other is at a half-flop. The "half-flop" is a fold that happens a bit farther down than half-way and it flops over. The muzzle is like a Golden Retriever's, too. The fur is a medium length - not too long, not too short.
Now for the colors. She is pretty much with this color scheme:

[picture comes from, and it is from my account]
History: Pretty normal.. I mean, nothing bad happened or anything.
Shay died because she was old. Her goal was to live to be 100, and she reached it - and two years more. So she died happily in her home. Her husband, however, died 9 1/2 years prior. Shay knew her end was near, though. But she died as a happy woman. <3
Personality: Shay's big flaws are that she is too sensitive. If anybody even says that she is stupid in a mean tone, tears will come to her eyes. She has recently treid to control her crying, but does not succeed in holding back her tears. Whenever she is in front of somebody, she often leaves quickly so she can go cry somewhere in peace without people laughing or pointing. The second flaw is that she "likes to argue". Truth is, Shay hates it, but can be quick to say a comeback. That is due to the fact that she doesn't think much before she says something once the other person started to say something bad about her. It's more like

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:17pm Jul 31 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((That sounds like the greatest old woman ever. XD Accepted.))


8:20pm Jul 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
(Why thank you~ c8 )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:24pm Jul 31 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((So yay, we can start. Anyone want the honors or shall I?))

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