So I Died (H2C) And Now I'm A Dog?

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6:40pm Aug 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
Shay, by now, was completely on edge.  She could see the male dog, who was the first to enter, and scented another she-dog farther down the alleyway.  Then yet another dog came into play.  What the heck was going on?!  "WHO ARE YOU GUYS?  EXPLAIN YOURSELVES.  RIGHT NOW.  AT THE IMMEDIATE MOMENT.  I MEAN IT!" she snarled.  "And if you don't leave.. then there may be consquences.  Serious consequences."

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hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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8:41pm Aug 4 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
"Whoa, whoa." Elliot stood and shook himself, slightly embarassed.

"Just wonderin' why there was another dog here. The catchers usually well, catch us, y'know? And now there's two more o' us somewhere in here." His slight accent slurred his speech a bit. Where had he picked that up?

The small huff had startled him earlier and now he turned his attention to locating the noise. After glancing around and seeing nothing, he figured the dog was now long gone despite her lingering scent.

"So, anyway, I'm Elliot." He gave a small, hopeful smile. "Hope I ain't intrudin' too much."


9:55pm Aug 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409

Morrigan slunk out of the shadows, her grey eyes the only light spot on her body. She was only a few feet from Shay. She let out another amused snort. "Chill out. I'm not gonna eat you. Plus, what could you do to me as a serious consequence?" She rolled her eyes, and sat down, scratching a spot on her ear with her back leg.

She put her back leg down, and let her tail flick from side to side. "I'm Morrigan. I saw you run off with that man's hotdog, and I decided to follow you. It's not like I have anything better to do."

Love is all we need~


12:19am Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 781
Lacy turned the corner to see the dogs sitting there. She scoffed and padded over to where they were and sat back on her haunches. "Thought i smelt other dogs. Saw the hotdog scam. Awesome by the way", she panted. she was fairly cool in the shade of the alley and looked at the other dogs.

She was nowhere near threatened by the other dogs. She felt a sense of comfortness towards them but never once let her guard down.

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1:17pm Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
Shay let her fur lie flat.  "Fine then.  Anyways, I was sort of also doing that man a favor.  Call it an early diet that's going to get ruined in the next five seconds," she snorted.  Sitting down, the dog was calm.  "Anyways, my name's Shay.  Nice to see some company that isn't going to try to murder me."  Scratching her stomach with her left hind leg, Shay was sort of lost for words.  "So now what?"

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hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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