1:45pm Aug 17 2010
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Lanen blinked owlishly and tilted her head with her brow furrowed, processing this data. "Oh," she finally said as she straightened. "Sounds interesting. But you should wash it with warm water and soap. Mammy says." Her voice had turned to a childish tone and she grinned, then shook her head. "Killin' aint fun," She said, retaining her normal, light-hearted tone. "I had to do it so I could live, but it still werent my occupation of choice. Why'd you do it?"
Resident mounted archer
2:19pm Aug 17 2010
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Halien blinked, grim. Staring at the wall, he closed his eyes and muttered, "It's not as if I was like... THAT guy, having fun. I had to do it. Do you know how much trouble it would cause if the entire Underground decided to go on a killing spree? that's what was going to happen. We're not cruel unless we have to be Lanen, there are so many kind criminals there. I know adults that are forced to steal, just so the world of the perfectly normal people can keep going. We're like a kingdom of our own. We have a King, who gets 20% of the spoils of each venture. The criminals obey the King, and those who are truly faithful obey the king ONLY. I had beaten the old King, he was getting soft and weak." Halien broke off the hauntingly soft voice he was using and glanced at Lanen. "Sorry about that. You don't want to hear it. It's weird to most people. all you need to know is that I didn't have to kill any person who was innocent. I covered my tracks, and killed the ones who were causing most of the trouble."
2:26pm Aug 17 2010
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((LOL. Tamora Pierce. Terrier. XD)) "Sinse when did I say you were?" Lanen asked, her eyes widening in question. "I dont care that you were-slash-are a dog. I might as well've been one too." She took a breath. "As.sas.sin at age seventeen through nineteen. Wasnt the best, wasnt the worse. I got blood on my hands too," She held them up, palms out, to Halien as if it were still visible. "A slip an' a pop mostly, but still blood. But people change."
Resident mounted archer
2:36pm Aug 17 2010
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(( Lolz, I just realized I might've quoted it Xd Randomly said the first thing that came to mind. I love that book o3o)) Laughing grimly, Halien shook his head. "I pull everyone down with me. I started my a.ssa.ssination business when I was 10. Dang good at it too. Settled blood feuds quicker and neater than anything. I was 6, when I took up thievery,and I've kept it up until now. Kait was once a city girl you know, cute, innocent, easily influenced." Halien sighed, staring at the wall. "Dragged her down. I stayed as a hired murderer until I was 13, then switched off to see the world, claim whatever the world had to offer of me. It's hard to change a past you've so easily embraced. And it's even harder to change the future in which your past is tangled up in like a cat and a piece of string."
2:58pm Aug 17 2010
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Speechless for a split second, Lanen looked at the sky and put her hands down. "Cats are easily amused, but if they dont get what they want, they leave it be. Loose interest. Ya know? Dogs are loyal though. You can beat em down, they get right back up. Stick to ya." She shrugged, having no idea really what she had said, or if it was even rational.
Resident mounted archer
3:28pm Aug 17 2010
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Grinning at his co-worker's wit, Hale managed a glimmer of a smile. "Nice logic, but I feel like you don't understand the logic yourself" He allowed, pulling out some other stuff from the hole he had fallen into. (( why're we using animal analogies? o3o))
3:43pm Aug 17 2010
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((No idear. XD)) Lanen shrugged. "I probably dont." She walked over and peered into the hole. "Any other stuff in there? Maybe a baked potato? I couldnt eat the chicken." She thought. "Right away anyway. There would've been a huge process..." Rabbit tracks, The small corner of her mind that was actually capable of thought chimed in.
Resident mounted archer
11:12am Aug 20 2010
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Resident mounted archer
11:15am Aug 20 2010
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Halien shrugged and pulled out a sack of grain. "What's up with this hole?! What, a farmer lives here?" He exclaimed as he picked up a jug of milk too. Tossing them both at Lanen, he smirked. "Too bad whoever it is didn't place any patties in here. We could've had a steak-out." Halien cracked up and laughed at his pun.
11:30am Aug 20 2010
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Lanen bit her lip and smiled. "Oh, very nice, Halien." She snorted, shaking her head and chuckling, rubbing the marks on her arms as she did so. "Pour the milk in the grain an' we've got...oatmeal." She made a face and shuddered, muttering under her breath about the evils of the stuff. ((Im feeling rather listless today....if could be the 4 hours sleep I got....0o))
Resident mounted archer
11:43am Aug 20 2010
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Halien grinned and laughed. "You know, we could harden the stuff, and throw it at the murderer. Death by oatmeal. What do you think?" Chuckling, he rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a bottle of honey and a bowl. Handing them to Lanen he smirked. "Honey for your oatmeal madame?"
2:41pm Aug 20 2010
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Lanen clacked her teeth. "I might take just the homey. You can die by oatmeal even if it aint hardened; it'd get stuck in the murderes throat. Blah." She didnt even ask how he managed to get a honey bottle and bowl out of or into his pocket.
Resident mounted archer
5:35pm Aug 20 2010
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Halien winked at her, and began folkding to bowl into something smal and flat. "foldable bowl." H eshrugged, and continued to fold. By the time he was finished, it was shaped into an elegant paper crane. "Cost me a fortune to steal this from some foreign prince or something. So very useful, but so very weird. Especially with the hinges." He shrugged and slid it back into his pocket. Dripping some honey onto his finnger he placed it in his mouth and allowed it to drip into his throat. ((that's how my cousin eats honey o3o I'm like, 'WHO ARE YOU?! A BARBARIAN!?))
8:00pm Aug 20 2010
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((I just pour it into my mouth. XD)) "That's just weird," Lanen replied, referring to the bowl."Bowls ore s'posed to be stationary. Which is a reason I like em." She shrugged and started spinning in a circle, arms held out from her sides.
Resident mounted archer
8:54pm Aug 20 2010
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Looking at her oddly, Halien asked, "And what're you doing? Calling for help?" He chuckled and started pouring the honey in his mouth, hungry enough to eat the whole bottle. "You never know about that. I mean, bowls are fairly useful weapons. Especially the china ones. Man, those hurt"
9:58pm Aug 20 2010
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"Mmm," Lanen slowed, but didnt stop spinning. "Why would this be callin' for help...'les I was a chicken with 'is head cut off." She whistled slightly. "Im just bored. I've used a butter knife, but never a bowl before."
Resident mounted archer
3:34pm Aug 28 2010
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Resident mounted archer
1:17am Sep 10 2010
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Resident mounted archer
1:33am Nov 13 2010
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((Its so old))
Resident mounted archer
10:05am Nov 14 2010
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OoC; OMG guys, this RP's still alive! <3 Where were we?