10:58am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Otay. Let`s start! I`m first so wait for my first post, then you all can start. XD))
11:00am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Lol, I always feel bad for the people who have gay/lesbian charcters, because nobody ever wants to do romance with them. I would, but, like Lovee, I fail at doing so. ._.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:00am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Amelia Age: 23 Gender:Female Rank: Maid P: Personality: Shy and sweet at first, but once she gets more comfortable around you, she'll ever shut up. xD She's got a good heart, though. <3 Other: She's a lesbian. P: Looks:
11:01am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I do! C: Well, most of my charries are bi, but they usually ed up with charries of the same sex. <3))
11:09am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Mia stood in her and her husband`s room, out on the balcony. She smiled as she held her hand on her stomach, suprised by the lack of weight there was now that she had given birth to her baby. She sighed quietly to herself, then looked over her shoulder at the crib that held her newborn baby under soft furlike blanckets to keep her warm in the cold, winter air. She smiled then looked out over the land, wondering where her husband was. Maara wiggled under the fur blankets, but didn`t make a sound. The small baby slept silently. But hearing the sound on Maara sturring, made Mia rush ovwer, and sigh when the baby didn`t cry. ~~~ Riszan walked through the thin la yer of snow that covered the ground. He hadn`t felt like riding his horse, but rather discided to take a walk, which he usually never did. He growled quietly to himself as small snowflakes began to to fall from the sky, down to the earth. He looked up at the sky and watched the little works of art float down through the air, then sighed and continued on his walk. ~~~ Sierra, Haru, and Kinru walked throught the village. As usual, Sierra was in her normal clothes, which were often used as her cover during her undercover missions, just with armor hiden under them. Kinru`s eyes shifted around often through the village, his right hand rested on his sword, ready to draw it at any second. Haru laughed and smiled at Kinru, "Come on Kinru, relax. We finally havea day of total freedom. No training or anything." Kinru icnored Haru`s comment as usual, with made Sierra started giggling fakely, though it sounded totally real. ~~~ Maria walked throught the halls of the castle, dusting and cleaning everything she saw, even if it only had a single speck of dust on it. She sighed with relief when she finished the main hallway, and began making her way to her next one to continued her battle against dust, and dirt.

11:14am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Hollyn was walking down the path, just simply taking a stroll. It was her day off, and she was happy. Until it started to snow little white flakes, that is. She cursed under her breath and pulled her hood up. She wondered what she must've looked like right now, with her hood up and a long, silver sword strapped on her back. Chuckling, she realized that she would've looked like a serial killer.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:29am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Amelia skittered about the castle in much the same fashion as Maria to help her out, her long blond hair trailing behind her as she dusted and cleaned, humming a little song to herself as she did so, smiling. __________________ Averik, meanwhile, was walking through the woods, his scarf wrapped snug around his neck to keep him warm. He looked around at the nature around him and smiled slightly,showing his softer side now that he was away from prying eyes. He trailed his fingers against the rough bark of the trees he pas-sed.
12:13pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Nina was carrying a large stack of dishes, Daniella requested her to carry downstairs, and by chance bumped into Amelia. "Oh, hi Ammy!" She said cheerfully. "Did you hear the news about Dice? He went missing, and his cousin, Soul, is startign a search party. They think he was kidnaped by a rogue..." She explained. "Nina, hurry up, I need you to help me in the kitchen!" A voice called from a floor away. "Hn, I'm hurrying, Dani!" ________ "Well, today must be pretty boring," It was Soul, who saw the girls, mainly Seirra, and decided to stop and have a conversation with her. He rarely talked ot other people.
Isn't this fun?
12:43pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Amelia looked over at Nina and frowned softly. "That's terrible!" she said, lifting a hand to her chest as she paused in her cleaning, her blond pigtails settling on either side. "I hope they find him safe and sound..." she said.
12:57pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"I know. Daniella doesn't get along with him all to well, but she loves making guns and firearms for him. It's kidn of sad, if he turns up-" "NINA!" Daniella called, even more annoyed. "Sorry, sorry, I'll run these down right away!" She said, rushign down the stairs. 'I'll talk to you later, Ammy!" She called.
Isn't this fun?
1:06pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Sierra is with two guys, not girls.)) Haru looked at Soul strangely. Kinru still completely icnoring them all. Sierra smiled at Soul happily. But didn`t say a word. Haru noticed Sierras unusually happy ex pression, then understood, "Hey Kinru I think Sierra is i-" He began to say, but was stopped when Sierra elbowed him in the stomach.
1:18pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Amelia waved, then sighed softly as Nina left, unable to suppress her worry for Dice. Would he be alright? ((Amelia is so caring. ;u;))
2:00pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Sorry, I meant guys, I was just talking to my cousin about the spelling of girls. Dx) "Awww, I'm gettign the cold shoulder?" He asked, then smirked. No matter. Dice went missing a little over an hour ago, and I need to find him. I'll be back before sundowm," He said, then p*censored*ed the three.
Isn't this fun?
2:00pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Hollyn walked inside, whistling quietly and putting her hood down. She wasn't looking, and bumped into Nina. "Oh, hi, Nina," She said when she looked up. "Everything all right? You look upset."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:04pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"A little. Daniella's brother, Dice, was kidnapped by a rogue, and Soul needs to find him. And Daniella is rushing me about the house, because after her arm was broken she was forced to take it easy, and not work, but she's still working....Oh, sorry, how are you?" Nina asked, givign the other a quick bow.
Isn't this fun?
2:18pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Hollyn's jaw dropped. "Really? Dice? Oh, I hope he's okay," She bit down on her lip. "I'm fine, I guess. 'Cept my hair's all snowy and now Dice is gone."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:29pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Kia- You know Sierra was smiling at him.))
Sierra's unusal happiness left as Soul did.
Haru and Kinru laughed at that it. Haru looked over at Kinru shocked.
4:56pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,291
4:59pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kiru brushed Tamashī, her prized stallion, and whistled lightly, feeling free and as happy as someone like her could feel in the stables. Tamashī nickered, shifting on his hooves, and lipped Kiru's shirt. Kiru smiled gently and rubbed the brush along his pale grey flank, the soft, rythmic motions soothing her.
9:05pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(what in the world can Jake do? A high god lives where.. is he supposed to be like... walking.. watever..) Jake walked in the forest. His fingers sliding across some saplings that had just s tarted growing. He sat on a fallen log and yawned. Being high god was really not as hard as he thought it would be. He sighed. "Long ways from now... Long ways... Just glad the king and queen got their wish.. i feel bad for what we did though.. Poor them... Hope they survive with it.." Zane looked at his wife as she stood on the balcony. He walked out. "And just what are you doing here? And the baby, where is she?" He stood next to his wife adn yawned. being 28 and a father really had it going for him. However, he was also distressed. "And the missing ones.."