9:14pm Apr 18 2010
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(is Jake allowed to have a SO or is he not allowed to be into a realationship? By the way.. this is Zane: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20king/tania_1991/Anime%20Boys/7c094f9c.jpg?o=35 Paste the link in the browser... this is Jake: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20guy%20sexy/Kaoru15/1086288514708.jpg?o=2 paste the link in the browser. (godly enough for you guys?))
10:34pm Apr 18 2010
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((Ruru-I can't see the pictures because I'm on my phone. No the gods don't have anybody. And you do under stand Mia is on the balcony of their room, with Maara's crib right by the door right.))
10:41pm Apr 18 2010
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"Not even a hello." Mia said walking back into their room and picking Maara up out of the crib.
The baby layed silently in her mother's arms. She looked over at Zane and blinked her big green eyes.
Mia held her out to Zane, an offer to hold the baby.
11:02pm Apr 18 2010
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(i really wasnt reading the first posts or where the baby's crib was... Sorry... And wat does Jake do? he does have special powers right?) Zane walked back in and slightly chuckled. "Sorry my queen." He kissed her lightly on the cheek and took the baby. He cradled her in his arms. "She's such a beautiful child. We're blessed to have her.." He smiled and gently kissed the baby's forehead. "The gods really did bless us." (well Zane deion: He is pretty tall and wears a black uniform. I dont reallyt know if you wanted him to wear a certain color. But he has a long black cape and semi -long dirty blonde hair. He is devilishly handsome for the picture. And he carried a jeweled sword around. Jake is: the same height as Zane (about 5' 7) and has pure blonde hair with deep amber eyes. He is handsome and wears a white uniform. the shirt is sleeveless and doesn't close in the middle, so his bpdy is always showing. He wears white pants too.)
11:22pm Apr 18 2010
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((Yes. The gods have powers.))
Mia smiled, though behind the mask of happiness, Zane's words scared her. She knew what he didn't.
Maara looked up at Zane and smiled, then started wiggling around, then stopped and looked onto the balcony as a large red bird landed on the rails.
Mia paniced and run forward, slaming the doors shut, and locking them.
The bird looked at her and scretched, then spread his wings and flew up onto the roof, where he sat andwatched the balcony closely.
11:29pm Apr 18 2010
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(tell me wat she knows... I wana know...) Zane looked at his wife. "Listen, I have an understanding of what's going on here. I know the child is a blessing and also a curse. Don't get me wrong, but I just don't want to think about the curse. I rather just see this child as a blessing." Zane offered the baby back to its mother. "Trust me. I understand this.." He opened the balcony doors and looked out onto his kingdom. "Looks like the High God is in the forest... I can see his blonde hair."
11:46pm Apr 18 2010
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"No. You don't understand." Mia whispered to where Zane could hear. She sighed and set Maara back in the crib, then stood in the balcony doorway, listening to Zane, while listening for the bird's wings, or any other noise.
11:51pm Apr 18 2010
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Zane looked at his wife and sighed. "Alright alright.. So I really can't grasp any of this.. But you don't have to keep it away from me.." He sighed and looked down at Jake. "i wonder why we were cursed after being blessed. I mean, they just couldn't bless us huh?" He looked beyond the castle walls and slightly saw the town. "Where are all our house maids and others?"
12:09am Apr 19 2010
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"Probably out looking for that missing warrior that was gone this mourning." She said looking up at him, "Word travles fast in the kingdom." She said with a laugh, avoiding the questions with the gods.
12:13am Apr 19 2010
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Zane chuckled slightly and smiled. "I see. They must have been a good warrior then... I'm pretty glad that they went out to search, but I can;t help this nagging feeling. The baby..." He sighed and decided to stop right there. He yawned. "It's sunset already? Hmm.. Time really does go by fast.." Jake looked up at the Queen and King, then he looked at the reed bird perched above them. "So it's watching them." Jake stood up and slipped on his red cloak. He pulled the hood over and conntinued to look at the queen. He already knew what had happened, but Jake felt guilty. He closely watched the bird.
12:23am Apr 19 2010
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The bird looked over at Jake and glared, "Back off Jake, the baby and queen are mine." Taku said in Jake's mind.(Yes, Taku is the bird.)
((Ruru-It's nowhere near sunset. The rp started at dawn.))
(I have to go.)
12:36am Apr 19 2010
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(oh.. Tell me that before I start acting stupid with the time.... T-T) Jake glared at the bird and muttered so the bird would pick it up in its mind. "And yet, I can't allow that anymore... I feel guilty enough and now I have to right the wrong. Even if it'll hurt everyone... Taku, back off.." Jake looked up the queen and turned away from the castle. He began to walk toward the village. He placed his hand on a tree and a vine began to creap up behind the bird.
3:23am Apr 19 2010
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Taku spread his wing and took flight. He then began to circle the castle.
Mia heard the beating wings and took a step back, then placed her hand in the crib on Maara's leg to make sure she was still there.
9:25pm Apr 19 2010
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Jake walked back to the opening an watched the bird carefully. He looked at the red wings and glared slightly. He felt guilty, yet, he knew he couldn't just leave this how it was. He looked at the King and noticed the Queen step back. He mumbled to the bird's mind. "So, Taku... Your trying to take the baby to get the queen. Well.... Your going to have a hard time if I'm around here to help them..." He looked at the queen and uncovered his head. His dark eyes somehwat glowing in the post-dawn sky. Zane looked at Mia. "What's wrong? The bird? It bothers you?" He looked at his wife and then at Jake. He felt something was amiss. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt weird. The gods usually didn't guard people. He looked at Mia. "My Queen, why is the High God here?Hm... Nevermind.. Do not fret over a bird. It can be easily shot down.. Or just caged.." He looked at her as she placed her hand on the baby's leg. "Will the bird take the baby?"
10:06pm Apr 19 2010
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"I only want the baby, I could care less about Mia." Taku answered back.
Mia looked at Zane, "I don't know why the high god is here. I don't know if the bird will take her, but I'd rather waste my time being cautious around it then have it take her." She said, though she knew what was going on, but she wasn't gonna tell Zane about it yet.
10:32pm Apr 19 2010
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Jake chuckled slightly. "Then wouldn't it be much easier for you to just take the baby when nobody is around than trying to keep an eye on it while Zane is around? Mia is really no challenge to such a god... But Zane may prove a better challenger. Considering the fact that he has hunted before..." Jake's eyes darkened and he looked at the King and Queen. "The baby will be safe for now.." Zane looked at Mia. "Um.. Okay... Just tell me if there can be any way I can help. I don't want you to do anything alone. I rather you not be hurt if you do anything rash." He kissed Mia's lips gently and looked at the sleeping baby.
11:35pm Apr 19 2010
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"Who says I'm gonna take it now? They'll eventually make a mistake and when that happens, I'll be here, waiting." Taku said back to Jake.
Mia smiled and kissed him back, "Okay. I'll tell you if I need anything."
11:38pm Apr 19 2010
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Jake's eyes widened slightly at Taku's words. "A mistake? What in the world are you talking about? i really doubt they are guna do anything to ruin their marriage, hurt the bbay, leave the baby alone.. Or unprotected..." Jake looked at the bird. He placed his hand on a tree and two vines crawled up the walls of the castle. They closed the doors to the King and Queen's balcony. They then receded. Zane smiled. "Okay. I want to always help you. I rather be hurt than you.." He kissed her head and then kissed the baby. "She's sleeps a lot.."
12:01am Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Maara wiggling around in her crib, still asleep. Then started giggling.
Mia looked down at her and smiled, "She does doesn't she." Mia said with a laugh.
"They just have to take their eyes off her for a second. See?" Taku said. He spread his wings and screatched quietly, so it wasn't heard by the king and queen.
Maara started moving around, then started crying and rolled onto her back.
((Gotta go. Night.))
12:12am Apr 20 2010
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(nihgt) Jake clenched his teeth and looked at Taku. "Your such a bad dude.. Then again, I think you'd know htat cuz you are the Evil God." Jake growled and focused some energy into his palm. He put his ohter hand over it and it morphed into a small bug. It glowed slightly. He opened his hand and the bug flew up toward the balcony. "Listen Taku, I can be with them at all times. Don't test this.." Zane smiled and looked at the baby. "Oh dear..." He picked her up and placed her small head on his shoulder. He gently rocked her and patted Maara's back. "Shhh... Shhh little princess.." He whispered over and over to her.