12:01am Apr 23 2010
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Jake looked at the bird and began to focus his energy on the baby. He tried to surpress all the feelings Taku had been forcing on the poor child. He sat down near the castle wall and sighed a little. He sighed and focused. Zane smiled and looked at Mia. "Alright.. You know. I want to know things too love."
7:41am Apr 23 2010
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"No." Mia smply said before laying down and rolling over, so her back was to Zane.
Taku smirked and suddenly vanished.
Maara lay still, but continued to cry, thought not out of Taku's powers. She held her hands up at Zane, wanting to be held.
11:42pm Apr 23 2010
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Zane looked at Maara and picked her up. He laid her head on his shoulder and gently patted her back. "Shhh little princess. Your safe now." He smiled and heldd the baby closely and looked out the window. "She wants to be held by me now.." Jake gave up and noticed Taku had vanished. "Damn boy.."
1:10am Apr 24 2010
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"I told you she likes you." Mia said with a smile to Zane, "Remember, we hve to keep her away from open doors or windows."
1:20am Apr 24 2010
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Zane looked at Mia. "hhmm? Alright whatever Jake said to do, we will do." Zane looked aroudn to make sure none of his windows and doors were open. "Okay, our room should be safe. I just want to know what was wrong with her."
1:33am Apr 24 2010
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"I told you I can't tell you." Mia said standing up and walking over to Zane's side. She looked down at the baby and smiled.
Maara looked up at her mom and giggled happily.
1:38am Apr 24 2010
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Zane smiled and wrapped one arm around Mia's waist and held the baby in the other arm. "She's a beautiful baby. I'm glad to be her father... It would pain to not be this child's father.." He kissed Mia's cheek then kissed the baby's head.
10:17pm Apr 25 2010
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"Kiss." Maara said clapping her hands and giggling.
Mia laughed and looked down at Maara, "Pretty little princess." She said happily.
10:46pm Apr 25 2010
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Zane chuckled. "Yes Maara, Kiss..." He smiled and kissed the baby's head once again. "Do you think they will find those who went missing? Would you like to go down to the rooms below? I wouldn't like to stay in the room all day.." He looked at the baby then Mia. "My queen, you are so beautiful.. I can see where this beautiful little princess gets her dashing good looks." He kissed Mia's lips gently.
11:06pm Apr 25 2010
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Mia smiled and kissed him back, "Hopefully she doesn't meet a man as persuasive as you one day." She sad jokingly with a laugh, "I know they'll find them." She said before grabing Zane's and and starting to walk towards the door.
11:10pm Apr 25 2010
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(is Jake alowed to meet Taku? Like appear in Taku's lair?) Zane smiled and looked at Mia. "And you have such a sense of humor. I doubt she would fall for someone that was like her father." He looke dat Maara and held her out to Mia. "Take the child. Once I step out, I will become the King who rules with an iron fist." He smiled.
11:20pm Apr 25 2010
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Mia's smiled melted away, "The exactly opposite man you really are." She said taking Maara from him and laying her head on her shoulder and letting go of Zane's hand.
11:34pm Apr 25 2010
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Zane looked at her. "I understand that.. But, if I do not rule as such,how will I keep the respect I have right now? I have tried to lighten up, but it seems as though nobody can take me seriously if I do.." He looked at Mia. "Please my queen, do not fret... I can change if you want me to. I just need some time.." He kissed Mia's cheek. Jake appeared in front of Taku's lair. He growled slightly. He walked in and looked around. "Taku! Taku show your face to me!! I must speak to you!" He walked closer to the back of the lair. He thought that maybe Taku would be sitting on his throne or something. "Taku!"
11:45pm Apr 25 2010
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Mia sighed, "You just have to give them time to get used to your softer attitude." She said before turning and walking out of the room with Maara.
Taku sat sideways in his thrown, "Oh, look who came to pay me a visit." He said with a laugh.
11:52pm Apr 25 2010
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Zane looked at Mia. "Alright alright.. I will definetly try that.. I do not wish to make you unhappy. Your much more beautiful when you smile." He followed behind her and looked down at the floor. "Hmm.. Seems like they need to mop this hall.." Jake looked at Taku. "Don't play with me Taku. What in the world are you doing to that poor child?! I understand your technically the father, but trying to take her away is just too much!" He walked closer to Taku's thrown.
12:04am Apr 26 2010
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Mia walked down the halls, still holding Maara's head on her shoulder.
Maara watched Zane walk behind her mother. She was just peeking over Mia's shoulder with her big green eyes.
Taku shrugged, "Fine, I'll leave the damn thing alone, but when her powers kick in and she turns into a giant demon and starts destroying the castle after she loses control and none of you guys can stop her, don't come crying to me."
12:21am Apr 26 2010
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Zane smiled at the baby and waved slowly. "Hello Maara. You have such beautiful and big eyes." He looked at Mia. "Like your mother. You seem to have no ffeatures of your father." He chuckled slightly. Jake growled. "I know I shouldn't have sent the queen to you! But still.. Why would she become a demon? Your not that big and technically your the father.. Wouldn't she just be like you?" He walked up the steps and stoo dright in front of his practically alter-ego. "Why would she be bigger than you?" He loomed over Taku.
1:09am Apr 26 2010
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Maara giggled and wiggled around.
"What happened to, 'I have rule with an iron fist'?" Mia said as they walked.
"I am that child's father. It is part god. She has powers of mine, that you don't even know I have. The moment those poers kick in, that little creature will lose control. She may not be a demon, but she will have unbelieveable powers. And none of you will be able to stop her once she starts distroying." He said with a smirk.
9:50pm Apr 26 2010
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11:19pm Apr 26 2010
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Zane looked at Mia. "How can I when she stares at me with those huge beautiful green eyes? She's too adorable to be the way I was..." He looked at her. "Do you want to to rule as such?" Jake growled. "Shut up! That child will not become a demon! She is stronger than that and she wil not become as you.." He looked at Taku. "Your such an evil man.. Then again.. Your the dark god.." He turned on his heel and walked toward the door. "Listen, Taku.. Anything you do, i can do better.. I can help the child.." He snapped and disappeared.