Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Some things {{♥}} Are better left unsaid

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8:32pm Feb 24 2010

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I stepped into the luke warm water, sand sifting through my toes. Starfish clung onto the rocks in the water desperately as the tide started to go down, and their little pink bodies were exposed to the harsh summer light.

The wind whistled through my dress playfully, and tugged at my long blonde hair that flowed freely down to my waist. This was where I belonged; alone on the beach in the moddle of summer, where nobody could disturb me. But I knew it would never last.

The clouds above me started to darken, lightning crackling through the once open blue sky. I tilted my head to get a better view, and watched silently as a man descended from the storm clouds. "What are you doing here?" I demanded in a harsh voice.

"Some things are better left unsaid," Zeus said in an emotionless voice. "But do know one thing; I will be back in eight months time, to take something precious of yours. You cannot hide."

I knew better than to talk back to the Gods and Goddesses, so instead I clenched my teeth and curled my hands into fists angrily. I knew what he was talking about, and there was no way I'd let him take them.

Not over my dead body.

I scowled at him, and he only chuckled softly in return. "Sarah, I thought you would have lightened up a little. After all, I am your-"

I cut him off in a sudden fit of rage. "You are nothing to me any more! I want nothing from you, Zeus, so you shall not take him." 

"A deal is a deal, Sarah." He chided. "I give your husband safe flight, even though I was to crash the plane, and you give me your first child." 

I growl rumbled in my chest, and my nails started to bite into the palm of my hand. "Fine," I snapped, "But mark my words, Zeus. You will regret what you've taken from me. That boy is not any regular boy."

I spun around, and raced into the forest behind me. Midstride I exploded into a werewolf with m*censored*ive wings growing out of my back and vampire fangs extanded over my lower jaw.

As I disappeared from sight, Zeus watched me with a worried expression. "A werevangel boy raised by the Gods..." he sighed. "This could prove a problem."


17 years later


I yawned, blinking as the light blinded me for a moment; I'd just gotten out of bed and I felt disoriented and akward.

I stumbled to my night dresser, where a picture of my parents sat. My mother, Sarah, had died during childbirth, and my father, Jacob, had killed himself soon after. I lived with my grandmother, Leah. 

I yawmed again, and started down the stairs, into the kitchen and towards the fridge. Gramma Leah walked up behind me, a peculiar man standing behind her. I smiled sheepishly. "Hi?"

"You're coming with me," the man said. He had a long white beard and eyes that seemed to reflect lightning. "I've been waiting for this day for a while, Joshua."

I blinked, taking a step away from him. "What?" I said quietly. "What's going on?"

Gramma Leah patted my arm with a pittying expression and said softly, "Some things are better left unsaid."


Right, so, Joshua is taken to a special place called The Dementor caves. More children are there; children who were taken by the Gods and Goddesses because their parents made a deal. Some are immortals, some are not. Some are even Demi-Gods.






Power?: (ask first)

God Parent?: (Demi-God only)





I play Joshua ^o^ A Werevangel/human. 

And Charlotte, A Demi-God. (Hade's Daughter)

wuss poppin jimbo

3:54pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 5:38pm Feb 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,512





Power?: well, does becoming a werewolf count? xDD

God Parent?: she was taken, like Joshua

History:an appropriate quote, some things are better left unsaid ;D

Other:She is much like a human, laughs a little too hard, stays mad a little too long, falls in love a little to fast, loves a little to hard. Shes extremely flirtatious, argues with the gods constantly, loves music, has a sexii swaggah XD and is immortal

Looks:�-but has solvery feathered wings{to get to the pictures, look at your adress bar and delete that parts that dont fit, then you get the pics ^^}

Wolf�new looks- but her eyes are blue


4:38pm Feb 25 2010

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Posts: 9,944


((o3o; I'm hungry.))

wuss poppin jimbo

4:40pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511
( Wait, so what can you be...? )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


4:50pm Feb 25 2010

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Posts: 9,944

Name: Joshua Michael Banks

Age: 17

Gender: male

Species: Werevangel

Power?: He's extremely skilled with weaponry.

God Parent?: N/A

History: -pokes first post- XDD

Other: He carries a bow and arrow with him everywhere, a sword, and he has two daggers hidden in his clothes :D ||| He doesn't know about the whole Werevangel thing or his powers .. ;P He has yet to find out.

Looks: Tall, tan, and semi-muscular with silky black hair that's down to his ears. His eyes are a hard indigo, a mix of his father's black eyes and his mother's blue eyes. He has a smile that can strike you wordless for a minute, but he almost never shows it.His teeth are replaced with sharp vampire fangs, and wings poke out of his back. Big, black wings with silver-tipped feathers. A long, deep scar runs from his wrist to his armpit, but he can't remember where he got it from. He's actually SMOKING hot. XDD

A large, muscular black wolf with a long flowing tail. His right paw is silver, as is the tips of his ears and tail. Giant raven-like wings spread from his back; the feathers are tipped with silver. He also has a set of vampire fangs set in his jaws, that leak sweet venom whenever he's angry or thirsting blood.


Name: Charlotte Sweb

Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: Demi-God

Power?: Shadows~ And dead stuff~

God Parent?: Hades. :P

History: Well, Hades didn't want her, sohe dumped her here and everything.. XD


Looks: Charlotte is tall and sleek, with curves that caused many guys to chase after her. She has long silky blonde hair with black streaks that she lets grow down to her waist. Her eyes are a deep, dark black that can be rock hard or soft with whatever mood she's in. She likes wearing form-fitting black clothing, which makes her look... hot as heck. But she's not looking for any relationships right now, so HARHAR.

wuss poppin jimbo

4:51pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Feb 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,944


Werewolf, WereAngel, Werepire, Werevangel taken

Vampire, Vangel


(Ask any extra info on those if needed)


or a demi-god. (One greek god for a parent ;O)


:D hehe. FAIL.))

wuss poppin jimbo

4:52pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511
( I might be an angel... o3o Depends if I'm not too lazy to fill out a bio. xD )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


4:53pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
((lol. :P))

wuss poppin jimbo

4:53pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm Feb 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
((So can Deomi cause Joshua to discover his powers by going wolf on him? xDDD and she gonna be a Wereangel instead ^^))


4:56pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944

((Okay, Wereangel it is ;P))

((And we'll play by ear. But that's definately a possibility.))

wuss poppin jimbo

4:56pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 4:56pm Feb 25 2010)

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Posts: 9,944
*noms double post*

wuss poppin jimbo

4:56pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 596
Ooc: Me is going to join!

'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months

4:56pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
((Okay.. Join then :P))

wuss poppin jimbo

5:02pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 5:37pm Feb 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 596

Name: Alex Black

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Demi God

Power?: (ask first) Mad skills with a bow?

God Parent?: Artemis

History: Alex was never meant to be born actually, considering Artemis was the virgin goddess. Once she was born though, she was quickly brought here to live and hasn't seen either of her parents since. She's never seen her dad.

Other: Can't think of anything

Looks: Sami is actually short for her age, around 5'1" or 5'2, but she never let's that bother her. She has long brown hair, that goes straight down to about mid-back. However she hardly wears it down, normally half is pulled back or all of it. Her eyes are emerald green in color. She will normally wear jeans or jean shorts with a t-shirt.

'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months

5:05pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,944
((Accepted ;P))

wuss poppin jimbo

5:22pm Feb 25 2010

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Posts: 9,944
((bump ;o))

wuss poppin jimbo

5:24pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
((*spits out Leo and gives too moo* i twas eatin him again :D he ish yummeh! >:D))


5:32pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 392

Name: Nanami Dima

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Demi God

Power?: Foresight?

God Parent?: Apollo

History: She was born rather sickly, something that ran in her mothers family, and nearly died in infancy. Her mother made a deal with Zuse to give Nanami to him if he would let her live. Her father wasn't so much for that plan and, acording to her mother, left when she was two because he couldn't stand to see his child taken away.  

Other: She likes to play music, her best skills are with the lute, and she loves to be out in the sun.

Looks: 5'3, a little thin but not too much so, she has slight soft curves, pale blond almost white waist lenght hair usualy in low pigtails, she has heterochromia which means her eyes are two different colors, the right eye is a solid dark green and the left is bright blue, she's tan because she's out in the sun so much. She wears mostly graphic t shirts over long sleeve shirts and jeans or shorts.

Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.

5:41pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 596

Name: Matt Morninson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Power?: Hmmm I don;t know.

God Parent?: N/A

History: He doesn't really know why he's here. All he knows is that one of his parents made a deal but doesn't know what it entailed.

Other: Nope

Looks: Coming

'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months

7:47pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 12:23pm Mar 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,944

((Both accepted))

((Oi, we have more females than males! ;o (four females, two males)�� ))

(( That's okay. Jace want to be included in this :3))


Name: Jace Willowspring

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Power?: He can control FIRE ;O

God Parent?: N/A

History: Both of his parents were alcoholics, and his mother started to cheat on his father with another man. She, then, had Jace, and her husband discovered that his two children did not share a father. His mother, scared, made a deal with Ahprodite. Save my marriage, take my baby.�

Years later, Jace was changed into a Vangel, and not short after, taken away.

Other: He has countless scars and marks from being burned with hor irons, and whipped with cords, belts and other things. His parents didn't like him. Also: Luke knows nothing about Jace's history, or that his parents beat him.

Looks: Jace is tall, and kind of pale with wild silver hair that's tipped with black naturally. His eyes are a warm silver with black flecks, and he's really very muscular

((Luke, his brother, is one year older than him ;O They dun share a father.))


wuss poppin jimbo
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