3:43pm Feb 28 2010
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"Where you going?" Josh called, following her.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:44pm Feb 28 2010
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"I'm just surprised you know what a bazooka is," Jace chuckled, "Not many women do."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:49pm Feb 28 2010
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"An hour or something." Aurora said,"It feels like days though." She added. Hunter looked down at her. He was happy and calm around her even though he was a little scared about finding a way to get out. He had looked all over and couldn't find anything except dead end or tunnels that seemed like they never ended. He was lucky that he hadn't gotten lost.
3:50pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi shrugged, "Don't know yet. Never do." she called back.
3:56pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte sighed. "At least we're not alone," she said quietly, "I think everything would be worse alone." ____ "Can I come?!" Josh said cheerfully. ____ Luke frowned, reading her emotions carefully. His eyes changed to a friendly light purple. "That stinks,"
wuss poppin jimbo
3:59pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami laughed "lots of spare time and an internet conection" she said. "Mom told me I shoud know how to protect myself so I looked up different things... I have a tazer back home but I didn't have a chance to grab it before I got brought here" she sighed. "Probably wouldn't have done me too much good" she said. "A cell phone or walky talky would be better... wait no there's probably no reception down here" with a sigh she sat up again and yawned "I'm making myself depressed" she said. "I should just shut up."
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
3:59pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi chuckled, "if you can keep up!" She shifted into a wolf in midstep and started running full tilt forward.
4:02pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace chuckled. "Only thing I have here is my trusted silver blade. Though I doubt that'll buy me any friends." ___ Josh stopped and stared, getting a funny feeling in his stomach. "I'll p*censored*," he said quietly. He didn't want to..well... Shift again. He didn't like it.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:04pm Feb 28 2010
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Aurora sighed. She looked at his eyes curious,"Why do your eyes change colors?" She asked trying to change the subject. "Yes, your right." Hunter laughed. He looked around at the people around him then back down at Charlotte,"And I don't think anyone will hurt us unless they get hungry again."
4:11pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 4:12pm Feb 28 2010)
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Posts: 392
"At least you have something to hunt with" she laughed. "I'ma have ta settle with mosses and bugs, I'm no good at hunting. Never had it in me to kill an animal" she sighed. "The first time mum tried to teach me how to hunt I started crying so she gave up... Now I kinda regret not learning" she drummed her fingers on her knee softly. "I wanna go home" she said to herself then looked at Jace "I should stop griping though hu? I don't wanna run you off with my bad attitude... maybe I should just" she paused to yawn "play my lute." ((Going to get food and possibly shop. I'll be back in ten to thirty minutes. ^^))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:13pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi tried to stop so she wouldnt hit the approaching wall, but skidded in the ground, smaking her nose into the wall. She let out a sharp yelp and shifted human, clutching her face, "I think i just broke my nose!" she yelled back to Josh she could feel the warmth of the blood and it got onto her hand.
4:42pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((moofin? D:))
5:35pm Feb 28 2010
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Charlotte swallowed. "Everyone's going to get hungry quickly in this place." ____ Luke chuckled, "It changes with my mood." His eyes changed to a sly silvery yellow. ____ "Do that then," Jace said softly. "I'll look around for anything we can eat." ____ Josh's indigo eyes started to change to black, and the pupils got wide and dialated. "Sh!t," he gasped, stumbling backwards, away from her. "Sh!t, sh!t, sh!t."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:41pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
"Mkay" she smiled picking up her lute. "Be safe okay, don't get yourself hurt" she told him and began to strum slowly. "I'll try to stay awake till you get back" she stifled another yawn and tried for a fast paced song to keep herself awake.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
5:42pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace nodded, stretching and standing up stiffly. He started to walk down the tunnel, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach and the bad feelings he was getting about leaving her alone.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:57pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami watched him walk away closing her eyes as she let the music take her away. She knew she shouldn't let her guard down like this but she was tired and the music, though quick, was relaxing. She yawned again and tilted her head back, letting it rest against the cool stone as she played. ((Yeah... tis fail for I know not what to post XD))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
5:57pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi was suddenly struck with a thought, Josh was part vampire. She gasped, "Oh god! Josh! I'm sorry!" ((hehe snoweh ish ebil 'twas my plan the whole time ^^))
6:03pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh tripped over something, and fell onto his back. He continued to stumble away from her. "S'okay," he managed to gasp. Then a feral snarl ripped from his chest, and his eyes changed completely. ___________ Jace's eyes flickered around the dim tunnel, but there was nothing to be seen. Anywhere. He sighed, and turned back to check on Nanami. He didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:08pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Out of fear, Deomi shifted into a wolf. She shrunk back and a low whine escaped her throat. She back away from Josh, but found herself against a wall.
6:09pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
Nearly asleep Nanami jolted when she nearly tipped over and laughed. "Silly me" she said. She stopped playing her lute, the notes had become disorganised and unpleasant, and set the instrument in her lap, hands on the ground. She sighed "I'm too tired to play... I've been away from the sun for too long, I'm probably going to get sick again" she mutterd head back against the wall, she staired at the ceiling of the tunnel. Something scampered over one of her hands and she squeeled jumping over to the side. A mouse scampered away underneath a small clutch of rocks and Nanami let out a deep breath, embar*censored*ed that she'd let herself get scared so easily by a little mouse.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.