8:25pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Oi! Luke ish my baby boy :D play him?? pwetty peese!!!!))
8:33pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((LOL. Yeeeaaahh :3 )) ((Omg, by the way, just so you know, all my roleplay charactes are based off of people in my book. :D hehe. Luke's in there. But he's not very nice :C))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:36pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((but my Luke is a big-squishy teddy bear! xD for the most part anyway! :P ish Deomi in your book?))
8:49pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((No, :P )) ((Ppl in book: Sarah, Allison, Emma, Tela, Tatyanna, Aurora, Destiny, Anna, Kelsey, Brock, Jace, Jacob, Josh, Luke, Cole, Alec, Mr.Banks, Travis, Ash, and numerous teachers :P)) ((Most are named after my friends XD))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:51pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 8:54pm Feb 25 2010)
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Posts: 5,512
((*murders* you have Lukers but not Dems? How dare you xDDDDD and i dont wanna bring luke into this! xD im too lazy))
8:57pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( :P lol, Well, I have numerous other men I can bring in XDDD)) ((:O OMG. How could I forget James in my character list? -dies a little-))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:59pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((start soon? *not it*))
9:04pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Sure, I guess,)) ((-no clue how to starrt-))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:33pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh's stomach growled loudly, the sound echoing off of the cavern walls. It had been days since he had eaten last, and food was very hard to come by. Not to mention he'd lost several of his arrows, and one of his daggers. That only left him with five arrows, one dagger, his bow, and a long sword. ___ Charlotte blinked, looking around the small damp tunnels she was in. "Hello?" she called, voice bouncing off of the grey walls. "Can anybody here me?" ___ Jace drew another step forward, still crouching like a hunting panther would. His hunting knife was drawn, and he had to grip it tighter as his hands started to get sweaty. The small rabbit hopped again, nibbling at the moss growing on the cave's floor. He lunged, sinking the knife into the rabbit's back with a horrible squeal. "Finally," he said triumphantly, "Some food."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:37pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((this sound interesting...Join? OMG, Aurora is in your book! That is awesome.XD))
10:38pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((lol. She's the head of the institute.. because Josh killed the first one :P (In My book). Yeah.. )) ((Okay, join away~))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:45pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 1:18pm Feb 27 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((Cool!XD)) Name:Aurora Hawk/ Katherine(Kitty) Hawk/ Hunter Hawk/ Johnny Hawk Age:17/15/ 19/ 16
Gender:female/ female/ male/ male
Species:Angle/ vampire but no one knows/ wereangle/ vangle Power?: Um...None I guess/none/nope/0 God Parent?:not a demi-god History:She doesn't really like to talk about it.../She was born, she some how turned into vampire, the end!/ ,He didn't tell me.../ Nothing really important...Normal average vangle life. Other:They are a great big unhappy family!XD Looks: Aurora has light blond hair almost white that is usually up. She has long bangs that are tucked behind her eyes. Her eyes are dark blue with thick long eye lashes. She isn't very tall but not short either. She is very thin and looks like if you touch her she will fall apart. Her hair is wavy and goes a few inches above her butt. Her wings are light blond like her hair but have a few white feathers in them./ Kitty has dark blond hair that is very curly and goes a inch past her shoulders. She is half an inch taller then her sister but not as thin. Her eyes are dark blue like her sisters./ Hunter has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He is the tallest in the family but not a muscular as Johnny. He has always been the tallest in his old school and family./ Johnny has blond hair and dark blue eyes. He is very muscular even though it may not seem like it. He is a inch taller then Kitty but half an inch shorter then Hunter. He usually wears torn up blue jeans and a t shirt.

10:50pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((LOL. Accepted.))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:59pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora looked around the dark cave. She was alone except for her sister Kitty. Her two brothers have ventured off some where. She was thirsty but too stubborn to move. She just stood there waiting for something to happen. "Come ON!" Kitty said grabbing one of Aurora's arms,"I was told not to leave you here alone so you need to come with me." She said pulling a little harder. "I am not going anywhere." Aurora said in a bored emotionless cold voice. She blinked staring into the side of the dark cave. Kitty groaned sitting down. She started to draw small pictures in the dirt. Hunter looked around curious,"Where are we?" He asked as the came to another dead end. He looked over towards his brother who has licking something off the wall,"Stop it! Who knows what that might be!" He snapped tugging Johnny away. "I am so hungry though. It is the only food I have had in days!" Johnny said. Hunter sighed letting Johnny's wrist go. He turned back around and saw a small mouse,"There is some food!" He whispered trying not to scare the mouse away.

11:13pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami sat, cross legged, eyes closed, on the cool ground in the damp grey tunnels. She'd given up trying to find a way out a while ago and now she was just sitting in the dull dark looking at the grey rocks and little tufts of some sort of strange moss growing in spars patches. She felt around on the ground, smiling when her hand landed on the desired item. Her lute, the one item she brought with her. Flexing her stiff fingers she began to play a random song, the notes carrying through the tunnel, bouncing off the walls. If anyone else was here, and she was sure there was, they were bound to hear her music. It was all just a matter of if they would come looking for her, she hopped they would.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
11:22pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh listened carefully, following the sweet sound of music through the tunnels. He still wasn't sure why he was here, but he was sure that whoever was playing that music could tell him. Finally, he came to Nanami, sitting on the floor. Feeling suddenly shy, he said, "Hello?" ____ Charlotte wandered through the tunnels, eyes darting from side to side in panic. Not paying attention, she accidently bumped itno Johnny and Hunter. She gasped almost silently, "I'm so sorry!" _____ Jace wandered through the tunnels, coming out near Kitty and Aurora. He snapped his fingers, started a fire immediately, and started to cook the rabbit he had killed. All the while, he ignored the two girls promptly.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:25pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 596
Alex sat propped up by the wall, wishing for the uptenth time she was somewhere else. She fingered her bow which sat beside her and wondered what the point of having it was, not like there was anything to use it on. Sighing, she stood up, bow in hand, and began to wonder in the tunnels, not really aiming to find anything.
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
11:39pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami looked up at Josh and smiled "hello" she said not stopping her playing. She was happy to see another human face. "So," she began "I don't suppose you know what's going on or where we are?" She figured he probably didn't know a thing, he seemed just as lost as her, but she might as well ask. Suddenly the thought to remember her manners struck her "My name is Nanami by the way" she said. "Sorry for not introducing myself, I forgot my manners for a moment. Mind me asking your name?" As she spoke she found herself a bit amazed at how calm she was, she thought she would've been frantic at the sight of another person but no, her laid back personality continued just like her slow soft music and she was able to keep her mind steady.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
12:05am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh swallowed, ignoring the sweat beading on the back of his neck. "My name's Joshua, and I was hooping you knew why we were here..." He added a little more quietly, "Nice to meet you, Nanami."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:22am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 392
"Nice to meet you Joshua" she said and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry friend, but I have no idea why we are here and I am completely clueless as to where here is" she sighed. "My mother tried to tell me what was going on but she was so hysterical she wasn't making any sense." The music changed to something a bit faster, more upbeat. She was trying to cheer herself, Joshua, and anyone else listening, up. "Is there anyone else here?" she asked her eye twitching when she hit a wrong note.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.