2:31pm Mar 6 2010
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Kitty looked around,"Where did she go?" She asked herself looking around,"AURORA!" She called again. Aurora heard a whisper. She couldn't really hear what it was saying. She sat back down wondering if she was getting farther from the people.
2:41pm Mar 6 2010
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Luke sighed, ears twitching. Follow me, you dumb blonde, he grunted, taking off in Aurora's direction. Kitty's harsh vampire smell burned his nose.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:01pm Mar 6 2010
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Kitty followed behind him still calling Aurora's name. Aurora jumped up as she heard her name called again. It was much closer then before. She started to run towards the noise and saw Kitty. Her happiness soon turned to anger as she saw a wolf with her. She knew exactly who it was when she saw the wolves eyes change color.
3:07pm Mar 6 2010
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Luke skidded to a halt, sitting down. There, he snarled, I led you to your stupid friend. He glared at Aurora with dark brown eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:21pm Mar 6 2010
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Aurora walked voer to Kitty not looking or taking to Luke. She looked at her sister,"How did I even get here?" She asked looking around. Kitty shrugged. She gave Luke a threatening look before turning back to Aurora,"We better head back before Johnny or Hunter start to worry." She said. "Good idea." Aurora replied,"You no which way is out right?" She laughed. Kitty giggled,"This way." She said.
3:45pm Mar 6 2010
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Luke sat in silence, thinking of other things he could do the the girls. His eyes flashed black again. He knew what he was going to do next.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:49pm Mar 6 2010
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((Wow. Luke is evil!XD)) Kitty kept an eye on Luke as they walked away. She didn't trust him at all, and she had good reasons not too. She stopped and watched his eyes turn black. Aurora looked at her,"What is wrong?" She asked wondering why Kitty had stopped.
3:55pm Mar 6 2010
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Luke watched them, waiting for them to completely turn around before he unleashed his new plan. ((I know :D))
wuss poppin jimbo
3:58pm Mar 6 2010
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((Lol)) Kitty face was full of suspicion. "Nothing, lets get out of here." She said turning back around and starting to walk away. Aurora followed. She looked around the cave,"Funny how I don't remember how I got here." She laughed full of energy again.
4:03pm Mar 6 2010
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Luke followed on silent paws, lurking in the shadows so they couldn't see him. Then he started to wrap the emotions around their heads. P*censored*ion, lust, love, need, eagerness, warmth, trust. And, of course, it was all directed towards him. He stepped out of the shadows, shifting human, and waited with a cold, feral smile and harsh magenta eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:09pm Mar 6 2010
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Kitty turned back around smiling,"Hi! I forgot to tell you my name. I am Kitty." She said her voice friendly. Aurora turned around too,"Um...Why are we here again?" She asked confused. All of her emotions were dead leaving her confused. She didn' feel any anger anymore but didn't know where they were. Kitty shrugged,"Who cares." She said smiling still. She walked over to Luke wanting to hug him. ((Wow. I am horrible at love and p*censored*ion...O_O))
4:12pm Mar 6 2010
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((Looooool xP)) Luke smirked, rolling his weight to one side. "Sup ladies?" he asked in a friendly tone, like he wasn't messing with their heads.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:24pm Mar 6 2010
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Johnny was really starting to get worried,"Hunter, when was the last time you saw Aurora? I thought I heard her scream." He said. "I saw her with some boy." Hunter answered. Johnny looked curious,"That is...Interesting. Aurora is never aroudn anyone." Johnny said,"I am going to go see what is going on." He added walking back towards where they had all been before. He didn't see anyone around except the rabbit. He sniffed the air following their scent. Kitty sniffed the air,"I bet Johnny is worried...One of us should go talk to him." Kitty said smelling her brothers scent. "I'll go see what he wants." Aurora said her voice calm now.
4:29pm Mar 6 2010
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Luke scowled, snapping his fingers again. The emotions swirled around thickly in the air like smoke. Charlotte frowned. "Be careful!" she called after Johnny. But he was already gone. She turned to Hunter. "What now?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:33pm Mar 6 2010
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Hunter shrugged,"I am kind of getting hungry." He said. Kitty looked at the emotions swirling through,"Ew...Pretty." She said said swiping a hand through it. Johnny coughed as he walked through the weird stuff in the air,"Kitty, Aurora?" He called not able to see through it. Aurora heard Johnny call her. She started to walk towards his voice,"Hi." She said waving at him.
4:44pm Mar 6 2010
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Charlotte wrinkled her nose. "Please don't tell me you plan on eating some rabbit or something." Luke sighed. It didn't seem to be working.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:23pm Mar 6 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
9:54pm Mar 6 2010
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((I thought for sure I had replied to this!O_o)) "No. I don't want anything coming alive in my stomach." Hunter laughed. "Is everything okay?" Kitty asked hearing Luke sigh.
10:13pm Mar 6 2010
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"Fine," Luke mumbled. Lonliness gnawed at his stomach, but he pushed it away. His eyes shifted to a sad aqua colour. ____ Charlotte frowned. "Okay then."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:39pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Snoweh doesnt know how to respond xDD))