7:24pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace's heart nearly burst. "Oh my god." he breathed, eyes wide for once. "A way out."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:30pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 9:15pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 392
Nanami smiled, running round the pool of water to get to the other wall, her head ache temporarilly forgoten. "I finally had a useful vision" she laughed looking at the crack closely. It was there, it was really there. She looked around the ground, she realized now that along with her lute she'd left the rock she'd found for the job of breaking through the wall. "We just need a way to break through" she said.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
7:32pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace followed after her, igniting another flame in his hand. "Fire power?" he suggested with one of his rare, real smiles. One of those smiles to kill for.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:34pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami looked back at Jace and felt her heart flutter for a moment at the sight of his smile. Pushing aside these feeling she nodded. "I hope it works" she said. "I'm sure it will" she laughed happily and stood back out of his way eyes bright and hopeful.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
7:39pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace nodded, and tried to consentrate. He conjured a fire ball, and then blasted the wall with it. The wall gave a groan, and the edges of the crack were blown, to make the crack larger and deeper. Jace smiled even wider.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:48pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami smiled "should we go through?" she asked looking at the crack, it seemed big enough to get through now. Her heart was pounding with the anticipation of what was on the other side, freedome hopefully. She smiled at Jace and was suddenly reminded of her lute that she had left. "I'll have to go get my lute at some point" she said mostly to herself.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
7:52pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"Hell," Jace cried, "I'll buy you a new lute once we get out! Let's go!" He grabbed her hand without fear, and started to duck into the crack.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:55pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 392
"No, I have to go back and get it!" she said firmly, stopping. "It's from my dad and it's the only thing I have from him. You go on ahead, I'll be back" she said pulling her hand from his somewhat unwillingly. She turned and ran back out of the tunnel to find her lute.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
7:58pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace stared after her, frowning. He didn't want her alone; it went against everything he stood for. But she was already gone. ___ Luke started to wander around, suddenly hearing footsteps. He followed them, smelling the air. It smelled like Nanami.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:02pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami gave a startled yelp as she tripped in the dark scraping the palms of her hands against the ground. "Ow" she groaned softly, taking a moment to collect herself before getting up again. She moved down another tunnel and smiled happily when she came across her lute, lying on the ground alone. She bent and picked it up, wincing a bit as the cool wood met her stinging hands, she hopped she wasn't bleeding too much. With her lute in her hands she turned ready to go back on her way to Jace.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:08pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Luke grabbed her from behind, slipping his hand over her mouth. He whispered into her ear, "You really shouldn't wander by yourself. Somebody could get you while you're back's turned." ____ Jace's ears started to ring again, making his heart stutter. He automatically thought of Nanami, alone, in the dark tunnels.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:14pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami let out a startled yelp that was muffled by his hand and automaticaly began to struggle, trying to kick behind her to get him to let go. She was seriously confused and regretting going off on her own and also regretting her lack of self defence skills.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:16pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Luke made emotions swirl through her mind. Calmness, fear for Jace, and relaxaton. "Now," he whispered, "You're going to show me where Jace is hiding." _____ Despite his better judgement, Jace started to follow after Nanami. His vampire sences tracked her scent carefully.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:20pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 392
"Uh... but" Nanami shook her head softly at the rush of new feelings and bit her lip softly. She tried to fight it off but she couldn't. Looking up at Luke she nodded slowly and grabbed his hand "this way" she said giving a soft smile as she began walking back in the way she had come. Deep inside she knew this wasn't right, she was normally an emotionaly strong girl but still she couldn't force off what ever this was.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:23pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Luke followed, pausing to sniff the air. Jace was close; he'd probably followed her. ___ Jace paused; he could sence Nanami and Luke getting closer. He backed up against a wall, waiting for them to pas$ him.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:30pm Mar 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 392
Nanami walked on, not noticing Jace as she continued to walk, going back to the place from before. Run a soft voice echoed inside her head and she looked around somewhat confused but dismissed the voice as her being delusional.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:34pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace leaped from the shadows, burying his fangs in the back of Luke's neck. Luke shifted wolf, and they started to fight. Biting, scratching, bleeding and snarling, they rolled around on the tunnel floors.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:41pm Mar 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 392
Nanami moved back out of the way of the fight startled and somewhat afraid. She wanted to help but she knew she couldn't all she could do was stand back pressed against the wall watching. "Luke!" she cried out but no, no that's not right, Jace is your friend! Jace is your friend not Luke her inner voice screamed, fighting off Luke's influence. Overwhelmed she fought back tears clutching at her lute desperatly, trying to get some sense of herself.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
9:03pm Mar 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,512
((Recap??? :D))
10:20pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 2:35pm Mar 8 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
"I hate that no good, lying, emotion twisting mut!" Kitty hissed all her angry flooding back,"Aurora, you will never speak or even look him in the eyes." Kitty ordered. "This is your fault. If you hadn't made me move none of this would have happened." Aurora snapped back walking to a wall. She sat down and stared at the hard wall taking out her knife. "If you are going to be like that then fine." Kitty said turning around and walking away. Aurora started to make her map again. She stopped when it was all done. She took the knife and started to write how her first day in the tunnel had been. She screamed as the knife slipped cutting a deep wound in her arm. She closed her eyes as the blood started to run down her arm,"What to do..." She said tryign to think about how she could bandage up the wound. Looked down at her jeans and tore a piece off of them. Aurora wrapped it around the wound and watched in horror as it turned dark red after a few seconds. Hunter turned around grabbing Charlotte's hand,"Come on this ways." He said pulling her farther into the tunnel.
