3:32pm Mar 8 2010
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((HELOOOOOOO??? recapage??))
3:46pm Mar 8 2010
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((Luke messed with Aurora's and Kitty's feeling and then he captured Nanami who ran away to find her lute since her and Jace had found a way out. Now Luke and jace are fighting, nanami is trying to get her real emotions back, Aurora has cut herself and is angry at Kitty who is walking back...I don't know what is going on with the others. Oh and Hunter and Charlotte were just attacked by a vampire skeleton.XD))
3:49pm Mar 8 2010
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((epic xDDD k so Josh is still asleep then, and Deomi is with him))
3:58pm Mar 8 2010
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((I don't remember...))
6:00pm Mar 8 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
6:02pm Mar 8 2010
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((Lol.)) Johnny looked surprised,"What? You where all like happy around Luke and now you hate him?" He asked. "Don't you dare say that mut's name. He must have twisted our emotions AGAIN! I knew we couldn't trust him." Kitty hissed. ((Writers block))
6:04pm Mar 8 2010
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Charlotte nodded, following him with wide eyes. _______ Jace was now perched on Luke's chest, silver knife at his throat. Blood dripped from a cut on his forehead. "I'll kill you," he hissed. "Then do it." Luke said, in a flate voice. The knife quivered in his hand. "Oh, by the Gods I can't do it!" Jace gasped, pressing it harder against his throat. "Why can't I kill you?" His eyes shook. Luke grinned. "Because. You'd never kill in front of a lady." His eyes flickered to Nanami. "Shut up!" Jace growled, pressing the knife tighter against his throat again. He was shaking.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:08pm Mar 8 2010
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Kitty heard something,"What was that?" She asked starting to walk towards Jace, Nanami, and Luke. She sniffed the smelling blood, her eyes turned a deep red color and her teeth grew into points. She started to walk faster the blood sinking into her nose. She came to where Jace and Luke where fighting,"What happened?" She asked plugging her nose. She didn't hate Luke enough to kill him but didn't really mind that he had a knife at his throat. Hunter looked around not able to see in the dark. He kept walking just wanting to get away from the weird skeleton.
6:10pm Mar 8 2010
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Charlotte followed him, finally calming down. "There's no way out." she said in a flat voice. "Not even in death..." Her eyes started to water again. Jace and Luke both ignored Kitty.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:18pm Mar 8 2010
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"Crying wont help any." Hunter said. He kept walking until they came to a dead end. He looked around for another way out but couldn't find anything. A deep growl came from his throat as he looked around in the dark. Kitty laughed,"It is a shame that you must try to kill each other...I mean either way we are going to die and you are just helping our death." She said her eyes wild,"hunter would probably try to stop you and so would the rest of my family but hey, I am not perfect like them." Aurora looked down at her swollen arm. She sighed taking off the soaked clothe. She got up and started to walk back weak,"Kitty, Johnny?" She called starting to walk towards where she last saw them.
6:32pm Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm Mar 8 2010)
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"Shut up," Jace snarled. His normally calm eyes were flashing with rage. Luke smirked. "I'm going to give you another scar; just like the one on your pretty little face." Jace recoiled like he'd been slapped, and Luke quickly grabbed the blade from him and pinned Jace. He grinned evilly, eyes a triumphant pink. ___ Charlotte sighed, leading him out of the dead end with her night vision. "You're right," she said bleakly. "Nothing's going to help."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:41pm Mar 8 2010
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Kitty looked down at the two fighting,"This is a waste of my time...I hate were-wolves. They are always so violent." She said turning around and walking away. Aurora screamed out their names again now desperate. She looked down at the large cut in her arm. She had lost a lot of blood and was starting to get weak. Johnny heard something,"Aurora?" He asked running back. He pulled off his shirt and wrapped it around her arm,"What happened?" He asked looking over at the blood knife she had dropped. "It slipped and I cut myself. What does it look like happened!?!" She snapped taking the shirt from him and holding it against her arm,"Where is Hunter?' She asked. She hadn't seen him in a long time. Johnny laughed,"You are worried about him when you just nearly cut off you r arm?" He asked,"Come on we need to get you away from here." He said. "How can you do it? I mean you are a vampire and there is blood all over me and you and yet you don't kill me?" Aurora asked surprised. "I didn't mean it like that." he said.

6:45pm Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 6:45pm Mar 8 2010)
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Charlotte frowned. "How did you mean it then?" Her hopes were burned alive inside her; her usually sunny life was suffering from a flood.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:46pm Mar 8 2010
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"I mean that giving up will only let whoever put us in here win." Hunter said.
6:53pm Mar 8 2010
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Charlotte mumbled, "How can they win if we don't even know why we're freaking in here?! How can they win, when we don't even know who they freaking are?!" Her eyes flashed. "I'm so sick and tired of this crap." Unlike Luke and Josh, she preferred not to swear.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:56pm Mar 8 2010
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We are probably here for no real reason and they just put us here to rot like those skeltons. hunter thought."I don't know." He told her not wanting to upset her anymore.
7:00pm Mar 8 2010
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"Whatever," she sighed. "Doesn't matter. We're here forever anyways." Her eyes were flat and lifeless for once. It was actually pretty depressing; she looked like her father right now.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:14pm Mar 8 2010
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Hunter was now depressed too,"Huh. You are right." He said giving up. He sat down and sat his head on his knees.
7:38pm Mar 8 2010
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Charlotte sat next to him, setting her head on his shoulder. "On the bright side," she said with a small, half-hearted smile, "We have each other, right?"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:29pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 392
Nanami looked away from the two of them still frightened. Her eyes fell on the lute in her hands and she bit her lip as an idea formed in her head, a very questionable idea. By now her mind had been able to reason itself out, Luke was trying to control her, had controled her but she'd rationed her way out of it. Sudenly she moved like she was going to run but instead pivoted and moved to bring the lute down on Luke's head, hopeful that if she didn't hit him she'd atleast distract him enough for Jace to get from under him and do something. Really she didn't want to see either one of them die, it wasn't in her nature, but she definitly wanted Jace to win.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.