3:39pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh wailed quietly, stretching out his wings. He felt disoriented and akward. He wanted to go back to normal. He didn't...understand... Josh snarled, dropping into a crouch and drawing himself towards her. His mind screamed. You! This is all your fault! What are you?! Some sort of witch?! I'm going to pull out your entrails and throw them to the others to eat. He snarled again, pulling his lips back over his teeth. Candy-sweet venom pooled in his mouth. He was hungry. No, scratch that, thirsty.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:42pm Feb 27 2010
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"Were did you learn that?" Hunter asked smiling. He looked at the girl skipping happily wondering if she didn't see that they would never get out of here.
3:45pm Feb 27 2010
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Deomi's eyes widened, and she muttered a swear word under her breath that started with the letter f. She jumped to her feet and became a wolf again. Her ears pinned themselves to her skull and she bared her teeth. Bite me. She thought, I dare you. Her wings burst from her back and folded alongside her, ready for use at any moment. She growled low in her throat, smelling the acrid venom. Her eyes widened momentarily in shock. Part Vampire! If he Bit her, she was likely to die. She regained focus and tightened her muscles, ready to spring into the air. Unless he was a super genious, it would probably take him a little bit to master flight. ((im listening to the song Tears Dont Fall ^^))
3:46pm Feb 27 2010
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"My father," she explained in a light tone. "He taught me plenty of...interesting things." Interesting wasn't the word Charlotte would describe it with though.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:48pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Kitty looked at him,"See. I am NOT the only one who wants a good meal. It isn't my fault that I hate human food!" She snapped the blood filling her nose. Her fangs cut into her lips making two small holes. "Kitty there is nothing for us to eat aroudn here. We should go somewhere else." Aurora said tugging on her sister's hand pulling her into the opposite direction. Her wings reached out helping her push Kitty.
3:48pm Feb 27 2010
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Josh snarled, indigo eyes changing to a feral black. He swiped at her with his right paw, striking his claws along her muzzle. Blood spilt, and he could almost feel it take over his body completely. Blood..
wuss poppin jimbo
3:49pm Feb 27 2010
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"Oh. So who is your father? He seems to be a big part of your life." Hunter asked curious.
3:51pm Feb 27 2010
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Charlotte's eyes got darker, and stared off into the distance. "Hades." she said softly, struggling to controll herself. She started to count down, waiting for him to run away screaming like everyone else. Or for him to laugh. That was common too.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:52pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 392
"Our parents..." Nanami trailed off voice soft. How could their parents be a part of all this? She wracked her brain for an answer and was suddenly struck with a memory. She had asked her mother why her father left and she had told her he didn't want to see his baby taken away. The old remark rang through her head. "Our parents." she repeated "it's their fault" she sighed. "You're right, they did something and now we're here" she said or at least that's my reason. I'm sure it is" she said. Slowly she began to pluck at the strings, a slow sad sounding song starting. She looked down the tunnel into the darkness where Josh had run "I hope he's okay" she said then muttered "that vison was strange"
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
3:54pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi yelped in suprise and launched herself into the air with powerful legs. she spread her wings and flew straight up rapidly, spinning and diving back down, snarling in fury. She tucked her wings and aimed directly at Josh, slaming into him at break-neck speed. She felt herself slam him into the ground and heard the snap as her delicate legs didnt take well to the impact. She grimanced, then clasped her jaws firmly on the base of Josh's skull, the one place he couldnt bite her, as much as he tried. Josh may have been a bigger wolf, but Deomi had years of practice.
3:55pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace trailed his eyes after Josh for a minute. "That boy," he sighed, "Is odd." He turned back to Nanami. "Who were your parents?" He asked her quietly. He didn't care if he was stuck here forever. He'd rather be here, then in the real world. Where death and penalty waited for him.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:56pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh snarled, bucking like a wild bull and battering her in the face with his wings. Blood, sweat adn venom started to drip onto the floor, and then Josh flipped onto his back and pinned her underneath him. He could feel the breath being driven out of her from his weight.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:59pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Hunter looked at Charlotte,"Hades? So you are like a Demi-god of some type?" He asked his voice still calm. Kitty lifted her head smelling the blood. Her eyes turned a deep red color and a low growl came from her throat as she tried to fight back,"Let go! I don't want to hurt you." She hissed strugling free. "I am alreayd dead. Nothing you can do can hurt me ,Kitty." Aurora snapped holding Kitty in a tight grip,"Johnny, help!" She ordered as Kitty tried to brake free. Johnyn ran over plugging his nose. He stood in front of them not letting Kitty p*censored*. He held his breath as he grabbed her pinning her to the wall. "Let me go!" Kitty screamed wiggling around. She sniffed the air again smelling the blood and getting becoming more strong.
4:00pm Feb 27 2010
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Charlotte nodded and added in a weak voice, "Except I'm not suppost to exist."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:00pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Deomi gasped for air and realeased Josh from her grip. She tried desperately to roll from beneath him, but she couldnt move. She yelped in pain as his body weight twisted her wings uncomfterbly. She focused on making them dissappear and became a regular wolf with no wings. She then clamped Josh's ear in her powerful jaws, something she had learned, from experience, was very painful.
4:01pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 392
"Uh... er well" Nanami was pretty sure he wouldn't believe who her dad was. She sighed, deciding to tell him anyway "my mom's name is Joana" she said "She's a marine biologist" she said proudly. "My dad... he's Apollo... as in, ya know, the Greek god of the sun... he's the reason I'm so good at playing music... and why I have foresight" she sighed. "Really, really useless foresight that give me a head ache" she grumbled a bit annoyed. She looked over at Jace waiting for him to make fun of her or what ever it was he was going to do.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:01pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Hunter heard the noise grow louder. He heard Kitty scream and ran seeing the two wolfs fighting,"Stay back!" He ordered Charlotte. He watched carefully not wanting to get into the middle of a fight.
4:11pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh howled in pain, twisting so he could score his claws down her soft underbelly. He snarled, black eyes trying to locate her throat through all the fur and sweat. He was trying to find the place where the blood flowed best. ___ Jace nodded, interested. "Apollo for a father..." He smirked to himself. "Can't say I'm not jealous, Nanami." His voice had a twinge of pain to it. ___ Charlotte took the sight in like a blow to the chest, gasping in surprise. "By the Gods!" she gasped, eyes wide. Despite her parentage, she hated death, fighting and blood. Taking matters into her own delicate, gorgeous hands, she started to call on the shadows, closing her eyes so she could consentrate better.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:17pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"He is going to kill her!" Hunter whispered. His body made a loud popping noise and where he once stood there was now a giant wolf. Hunter leaped into action landing a couple inches away. He wanted to see if he could stop it without hurting something,STOP! Do you two really want to kill eachother over blood or a stupid bow? He howled in his mind not caring if anyone heard or not.
4:21pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 392
"It's not all so great" she said. "He left when I was two... now I understand why I think" she sighed. She looked at Jace, he seemed sad. "I'm getting the feeling most people here aren't human... are you?" she asked quietly the song she was playing changed, slower and softer but not sadder, kind of nutral.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.