2:04pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 49
Soul is now a Death Scythe, Crona and Maka are married. Black Star and Tsubaki have graduated from the DWMA and Kid is training in Europe. Death City is back to normal, and everything is going good....5 years after the fall of asura and a new batch of meisters and weapons have joined the DWMA. What new obstacles await the students at the DWMA? Only time can tell.
2:26pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 49
Okay. is you are intersted you can create you character and post : Character name: Age: Appearance: Abilities:( Can he/she sense souls, fight with soul wavelength etc) History: (how they came to be at the DWMA) also try to be original but if you want you can be the child of a former student tell me who the parents are Ex: Stein and Marie ok thanks hope a bunch of you join! (:
2:55pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 49
Also tell me whether they are meister or weapon
4:56pm Apr 4 2011 (last edited on 8:40pm Apr 8 2011)
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Posts: 375
((OOhhhhh I love Soul Eater. I'll make a bio, but first, are there any rules that aren't obvious? (for example how literate we have to be, how many characters we should have, and so on) )) ((I'll post this anyways)) Character name: Lance Holloway Age: 17 Appearance: (hope we can have a pic) Abilities: He can detect soul's wave lengths, but only if in sequence with his meister. History: Lance came to DWMA after learning about it through Soul Eater himself, and thought about joining. He had to show off his strengths and skills to have a chance, and was eventually approved. His hope is to find a meister that can align with his wave length, only time will tell if that happens. (As a weapon, Lance can transform into a black katana, with a red engraved dragon desighn on the blade, the brighter the red, the higher the soul wave lenghth is between him and his meister.) ((Not sure what to write for the history :s hope its alright))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:49pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Hi Talan. C:
I'll join with Stein, Stella, and Niccolai once I can get on the computer.)
9:42pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 478
Character name: Faylen Age: 13 Appearance: She has long,dark hair and milky white hair. Abilities: She can fight with soul wavelengths. So far, she has not found a weapon. History: She is the daughter of Spirit and soem other random lady, so she's Maka's half sister. Can you be real characters? If so, could i be Maka? :3
10:40pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 375
((My bio is up there, tell me if it's approved when you get on Sparda :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
11:50pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Btw, this guy who made the rp is mah boyfriend, Talan. Cx)
5:05pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 375
((Coolios, did ya tell him bout this awesome site? This is kinda a bump in a way))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:46pm Apr 5 2011 (last edited on 5:46pm Apr 5 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
(Yes. Yes I did. C:)
1:26pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 49
three characters max, Pinkparadise. also your character is approved (: Yours is as well Dragonfruit(: also literacy isnt an issue. and thank you for joining:D
1:32pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 49
and you can be real characters but i reserve Lord Death
1:58pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 49
Character Name: Ikari Senshi Age: 17 Appearance: Ikari has long platinum hair, he is about 5'10"and always wears baggy clothes. Abilites: Ikari can fight with his soul wave length and can sense souls. Meister History: Ikari came to the DWMA after he fought Death the Kid. Ikari was raised on the streets of Death City by different gangs, and one day he was sent to rob the next person that he saw. Sadly for him it was Kid. Kid mopped the floor with Ikari but also sensed that he had a strong soul and saw that he had good symmetry so he gave Ikari the invitation to the DWMA. When he got there he was privately tutored by Professor Stein until he had caught up with the other meisters. It was here where he found he could use his soul wavelength to fight. he has yet to find a Weapon but he hopes that he can find one this year.
2:52pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 49
btw PinkParadise i like your character's weapon form. i was hoping someone would choose to be a katana. cudos to you (:
3:53pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 375
((Heys, thanks for accepting, and yess, katana's are awesome *thumbs up* ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:18pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 478
(Katana power! If you sharpen it right, hold it down with the sharp part facing up, and drop a peice of paper on it, the paper will cut straight in half, no effort! That's what i love about Katanas! In Japan, in the olden days, if you so just as drop or misplace a katana, you will be decapitated.)
5:55pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Character name: Stella Stein/Niccolai Stein Age: 15/15 Appearance:
 Like her father, Stella and her brother both have the stitches, though it's hard to blame them considering Stein's their father. She has Stein's silver hair, but her mother's soft brown eyes. And yes, she is the one on the left with the shorter hair.
Niccolai is the one on the right with the longer hair. He is more like his mother than Stella is, and has his mother's blond hair with his father's green eyes. He is also quite a bit taller than Stella, gaining his father's height as well. Though, the reason the right side of his face is hidden is because his sister accidentally slipped when she was trying to test something. So he's basically blind in that eye and has a scar hidden beneath his hair.
(I think this picture explain itself.)
 Those random little stripes are yellow, and the rest is different shades of black to gray, the flat end being black and the sharp end being a dark shade of gray. Abilities: Like her father, she can fight using her soul wavelength, and she is also a weapon like her mother. She turns into a hooked hammer. P: / Again, like Stein himself, Niccolai can use his soul wavelength to fight. He is also his sister's Meister. P: But he's very adaptable and can match his wavelength with other weapons as well, like Stein can do.
Personality: Stella is the calmer, more intelligent of the twins, and is the most like her father. She is fascinate with the world around her and enjoys being abe to takes things apart, whether it means dissecting things with ehr father or tinkering with discarded mechanics she finds laying around. She is the tactician between her and Niccolai. Niccolai is a generally quiet, shy kid, but he is also very easily stressed out. He worries a lot over the simplest of things, but takes comfort in being able to talk to his sister about it. The two get along exceedingly well. He also likes to sit at a high point and just watch the clouds roll past.
Like his sister, though, he is fascinated by the world around him. Rather than dissecting, however, he merely experiments with different things to create something new. He can often be found in his little area crossbreeding plants, animals, and other things. History: Eh. Their father is Stein, their mother is Marie. What else is there to really say? Of course they'd be in the DWMA. xD;

6:54pm Apr 7 2011 (last edited on 6:54pm Apr 7 2011)
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Posts: 101
Weapon Character name:Myou Akasha and her pet A*censored*aka or Ashi for short Age: 17 Appearance: 
Their weapon form is what she's holding above she has a black hilt and A*censored*aka has a white hilt Abilities: Cat like reflexes and the abiliy to see souls, she's also well known for her ability to play flute and charm animal. History: She was born into a clan well known for it's pets that could turn into weapons. Unfortunitally for her she inherited her fathers weapon ability, so she turns into a weapon instead of being her rightful Meister postion. Her mother and father loved her greatly but the other members of the clan shuned her till she hated herself. She shut herself in only letting her pet Fox A*censored*aka, who also was a weapon, in. till one day she met a Priest.He changed he life in a weird but good way.He tried to teach her how to be a Meister and weapon, like him, but sadly failed in his attempt. But even so he did not give up, instead he found a new solution for his problem. Instead of her being a Meister she could be a dule weapon with her pet. Yet she still had no Meister, and the other clan members refused thinking she was a bad omen. So he told her to go to DWMA, and there her and her friend would find a Meister. Yet she never found out the name of the Mysterious, music loving Priest.

7:47pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Ohai Sabrina. ouo; So...who's gonna be your Meister? P:))
10:06pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 478
bump! Cat, you get off my keyboard! Stop that~! *runs away screaming* IT BIT ME!!! I'm a vampire..... holy moldy cheese :<