12:02am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas smiled in anticipation as he ran to where Ikari was headed, making sure not to leave Faylen behind. I really hope this works, getting a meister this fast would benefit me a lot. He slowed down a but as he jogged next to Ikari to gosh knows where, the place was a whole new area, and everything was huge, getting lost would be easy.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:10am Apr 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 49
(I'm getting off here but ill be on tomorrow so ttyl guys)
12:16am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 375
((Nah, I'm going too, tired :o ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:23am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen tried to calm down a bit. But only suceeded ina a smudge of calmness. And.. Something smelt like clams. She ignored it and followed Ikari slowly.
1:58am Apr 9 2011 (last edited on 2:24am Apr 9 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
"Dad!" whined the voice of a young girl with short silver-white hair and soft brown eyes, who was pouting up at her father, Dr. Franken Stein. She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest, her hair pushed back to show the single line of stiches coming across her right cheek. The boy beside her, taller than her with long blond hair and green eyes that matched that of Stein, sighed softly, glancing around. "Stella, relax. This isn't your first year here, you know how to survive," Stein said, grinning. Stella pouted, crossing her arms. "Do we really have to show the new kids around, though? Niccolai and I have clas-ses of our own we need to get to!" she complained, shaking her head before looking back at her brother, who shook his head. "I'm not getting involved, Stella..." ((Derp.))
10:41am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 478
((Lol, Stella's a whiner.)) Faylen heard some bickering going on. She looked around the corner into a room and saw three people, their looks fairly the same, except the middle height one had blonde hair.. She looked at the tallest one and tried to supress a gasp. "A-are you..?" she could hardly talk. Her eyes where wide and she was a bit scared. "Y-you're Professor Franken Stein! My papa told me about you. He said you where creepy."
10:42am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( -LurkLurk- ))
11:04am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 478
(Why must you lurk T-T You creep me out. *runs away* ... just kidding ^^)
11:25am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 49
(im back... so are we at Stein's Lab?)
11:44am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Zozo be a stalker. |D ))
11:47am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 478
((I find you talking in caps to be very smexy.))
11:48am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 478
.... O-O Did i just say that..? Please ignore my awkward comments!
11:49am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yes~ ))
11:50am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Stein, Stella, and Niccolai all looked over when a girl approached them, blinking before Stein grinned, reaching up to take his cigarette out of his mouth. "I admit I am quite mad, however...Creepy is a but of an insult."
Stella blinked, then looked up at Stein again. "Dad, why is it that everyone we meet calls you weird or creepy?" she asked, crossing her arms over her stitched-up lab coat. Niccolai just kind of stood there, his vibrant green eye focused downward.
11:57am Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( DONT YOU DERP ME YOUNG LADIE. o.o -tantrum- ))
12:14pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari popped his head around the corner. "Professor!" He said joyfully. "whats up Stella, Niccolai?" he added, smiling at them in turn.
1:08pm Apr 9 2011 (last edited on 1:13pm Apr 9 2011)
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Posts: 101
Myou arrived falling to her knees outside the DWMA from running up the stairs letting her short silver hair cover her crimson purplish eyes, her pet fox Ashi-taka shortly behind. "I'm late!" she huffed out getting back up on her feet and running into the school. She would surely pay for being as late as she was but sadly her inner Navigation systems was currentally broken.
1:11pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 375
((YAY, I'm here too, lemme post ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:19pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 375
Lance looked into the room, a bit confused over everything, he knew some things about Proffesser Stein, bit that's about it. He stood back, not wanting to interfere in there conversation they were having. He looked around, still trying to take everything it, eventually setting his eyes upon Stella and Niccolai. There not that wierd, I guess.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:28pm Apr 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 101
Myou finally stopped running to catch her breath, and took the time to look where she was going, but yet again she had let herself get lost again. "Am I ever going to find where I need to go?" he mumbled to herself letting her head drop, as waterfalls of tears formed. Ahi-taka licked up the tear, mewing abit to try and get her attention. "What is it?" she asked him. He gestured a paw to a small crowd of people in a door way, obviously talking about something. "I'll ask for directions later, they're talking." Ashi-taka shook his head at his master's manners laying down, knowing he was going to have to wait quite sometime.