6:22pm Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 101
Ashi-Taka sniffed him licking his hand asking for him to pet him. "Well you see it's not that easy, in my clan we're supposed to be born in order to weild our pets and become great Meisters. I was born a disgrace." she mumbled wiping a tear from her eye.
6:27pm Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen waved in return. "So.. These are your's and Marie's kids, huh?" she wondered. Somebody walked in behind her. "You have beautiful children, professor Stein." the person said. Faylen looked up at her. "M-Maka!?! When did you get here?!!?" she said, jumped and nearly falling off her feet. Maka smiled at her little sister. "I got here about an hour ago. I wanted to come see my favorite teacher, and my little sister just so happened to be here, too." Maka said.
6:51pm Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 375
Lance smiled and stroked Ashi-Taka, missing his dog that he had back home. He looked back up when he heard her calling herslef a disgrace, seeing that she was getting emotional. "No, don't say that." he stood back up, trying his best to look into her eyes, his ex pression holding a bit of concern and even slight anger. "Don't ever say that, your not a disgrace. I know I've only met you like, a minute ago, but I can tell, your a strong person, and I think as a weapon, you would be real good at kicking some butt, especially with Ashi-Taka here." he smiled at her, hoping she would feel better, the sight of someone crying always made him want to comfort them, making him feel a bit guilty if he couldn't.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:11pm Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 478
7:05am Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 101
Myou stopped becoming quite shocked that he even cared for her, Ashi-Taka about the same. "You r-really think so?" she mumbled before givibng him a back braking hug. "Thanks you, you're the only one that's been so nice, well except for Ashi-Taka!" she exclaimed.
1:33pm Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari told Stein about Lance and his weapon form. "I was wondering, Professor, could Stella and Niccolai help us test our compatablity" Ikari asked earestly "I've got a good feeling about this one Sir" Ikari was getting so excited that his soul wavelength was over flowing slightly. tiny bolts of blue energy were jumping across each of his arms. "Please Professor? please, please, please?" Ikari was jumping up and down as he begged Stein for *censored*istance.
3:42pm Apr 11 2011 (last edited on 3:43pm Apr 11 2011)
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Posts: 375
"Of course, and no problem." Lance slowly wrapped his arms around her, smiling at the fact that he made her feel a bit better. He seperated from Myou after a few more seconds, looking back to where the room was with all the others, then back at her. "Well, I might have to go soon, I'm going to see if I can get a meister, finally." he slightly cracked his knuckles, wanting to see if Ikari was the one to finally match his wave length. "But I should see you around, I have the same cla.ss as you, although, I'm not taking it today." He put a hand on her shoulder and smirked. "But you can live without me, I'm sure a lot of others will like you too." Lance stayed there until Ikari was done speaking to Stein. "And I'm prety sure your really late now." he chuckled lightly, not wanting to make her feel worse.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:51pm Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 101
She flinched "Oh no I'm late!" she remembered running in the other direction. "Oh wait that way!" she said running back. "Oh and thank you!" she said giving him one last hug before running off, Ashi-Taka follwing slowly shaking his head.
7:55pm Apr 11 2011
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Stein looked up when Maka spoke, chuckling at the comment and at the fact that his son blushed a bit and looked away. At Ikari's request, he looked at the twins, who nodded. Stella transformed into her hammer form after taking hold of her brother's hand. He easily hefted her up, even though her main body was several times the size of Niccolai's head, the hook curving dangerously behind his head.
8:08pm Apr 11 2011 (last edited on 8:09pm Apr 11 2011)
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Posts: 375
Lance waved as Myou ran to cla.ss.He returned to the doorway where he saw the twins, one in it's weapon form, and the other wielding the weapon. "Huh, pretty impressive." he glanced over at Ikari and smirked. "Are you ready to try this?" Lance felt the thrill of excitment run up his spine, wanting a meister for so long, wondering if it was possible to get one on his first day at DWMA.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:48pm Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 101
((Lol Talan Time))
9:04pm Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen started to feel uncomfortable at the soul wavelength spike from Ikari. Maka didn't seem to notice. "How have you been since i graduated? I'm sorry i didn't come to visit you sooner." Maka said, interrupting Faylen's thoughts.
1:53pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari said nothing. He was concentrating on his wave length, it was running away from him. He was trying to gain control again. The bolts of energy jumping across his arms vanished then he looked at Lance concentrating on his soul wavelength. He was using a technique that Stein had taught him last year. He adjusted his soul wavelength to try and match Lance's. Ikari smirked."Yeah Lance, I'm ready." he spoke calmly looking intently back to Niccolai and Stella. "Lets do this Lance." Ikari held his hand out to Lance as he spoke.
3:55pm Apr 12 2011 (last edited on 3:57pm Apr 12 2011)
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Posts: 375
Lance smiled, closing his eyes for a second to feel the energy that surged between him and Ikari. "Yeah, let's go." he took less then a second to transform into his weapon form, falling into Ikari's hand right away. Lance waited to see if something happened, if their wave lenghts would go out of whack and possibly hurt them, but that didn't happpen. "It's working." he said out loud, showing his face on the black blade, smiling the whole time. The engraved dragon was glowing red, nearly blinding with colour. For once, Lance felt whole, like what he was missing finally came along.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:45pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari was shocked, it was working. He grasped the hilt of his weapon. "My weapon..." he looked down and saw Lance's face on the blade. Ikari smiled "I guess we are a team now, huh?" Ikari looked back at Niccolai "And our first test as Weapon and Meister is a duel with Prof.Stein's kids." Ikari grasped the hilt of the Katana with his free hand and centered it taking a fighting stance. "You know something Lance?" Ikari said looking at the blade. "This is probably only going be the second hardest fight I've had." he looked back up at Niccolai, "I fought with Death the Kid before I came to the DWMA, he is the one that got me in here" he smiled as he said "That was a good fight"
8:06pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 375
Lance felt everything, the power, the wave lengths surging between him and his meister, and the adrenaline that moved through his veins as he waited for the fight to begin. "Well, this should be my hardest fight, and my first."he smiled again, not being used in a real fight due to his missing meister, until now. "Come on you two, let's fight." he finally put all his energy in his weapon form, causing the image of himself in the blade to temporarely leave until after the fight was finished. "This should be interesting." he wispered.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:23pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari was of the same mind as Lance, every muscle in his body was relaxed waiting for the moment it needed to fire off. "Lance, do you have a special technique I can use in a fight?" he asked. "and do you know how to resonate yet?"
8:49pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 375
"I wouldn't say yes, but not no either, trying to acheive a soul resonance right now might end badly, but......I might be able to if I can really focus." he then went back to thinking about what had happened not to long ago, remembering why he came to DWMA in the first place. "And well uh, I can only acheive 'Whitch Hunt'...that's about it." he nervously chuckled, but recovered. Lance focused on the twins for a moment, just in case they were to do anything soon. ((Lance is of course going to later on get way more special technique's, but because he's a newbie, he only has that one. Not sure how it would work with a katana, but it would be pretty awesome none-the-less ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:07pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 49
"You are right" ikari said as he changed stances taking lance in his left hand, blade pointing back behind him. "i guess we'll try something else" his right hand had blue sparks jumping over it from his soul wavelength. (That would be pretty cool and i have an idea of how that would work)
9:29pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 375
((Oh really, cools. Share the details whenever you can. And imma wait for the others to post before I do, don't wanna post too much in a row))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*