9:30pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 49
(Yea i feel the same way i)
10:23pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen jumped at the sound of Death the Kid's name. "You fought Death the Kid?! Wow!" she exclaimed.
10:24pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 478
She immdetiately remembered. "That's who she is.." she muttered. "Death the Kid and i share a mother.. he's my half brother, and Maka's my half sister.. Whoa this is getting freaky..."
3:15pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari glanced at Faylen, "Yeah. I fought him, and I lost" he smiled as he remembered the fight, "I've never been so out-clas:sed"
3:15pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari glanced at Faylen, "Yeah. I fought him, and I lost" he smiled as he remembered the fight, "I've never been so out-clas:sed"
3:15pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari glanced at Faylen, "Yeah. I fought him, and I lost" he smiled as he remembered the fight, "I've never been so out-clas:sed"
3:15pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari glanced at Faylen, "Yeah. I fought him, and I lost" he smiled as he remembered the fight, "I've never been so out-clas:sed"
5:36pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Niccolai glanced back to look at the head of the hammer he held, his sister's face reflecting against the hook. She smiled, then looked towards Ikari and Lance "Let's do this, brother!" Niccolai nodded, then effortlessly swung the hooked hammer to hold it in front of him, watching the meister and his new weapon. Then he grinned suddenly, his visible eye narrowing slightly before he suddenly rushed forward and spun around once, swinging his hammer with one hand and reaching out to shoot his soul force out like their father had taught them to do, aiding in the force behind the swing.
5:48pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 375
Sure, the conversation that Ikari and Faylen were having was interesting, but Lance saw a weapon flying right at him. "Ikari!" Lance slightly used some his energy to try and get his meisters attention, knowing that he only had a split second to act.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:44pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 478
(Sometimes Faylen's personality changes. At times she acts like a sweet and innocent girl. At other times, she acts exactly like Death the Kid.) Faylen all of a sudden sneezed. She moved the hair on one side of her head to evenly match it with the other side. "Argh!!" she fussed. The hair kept falling out of place. "It won't stay where i want it to!!" She stamped her foot. She just felt like ripping out her hair. "It's so... So.... ASYMMETRIC!!!" Her voice was rising to an angered yell.
1:18pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari ducked the hammer but got hit with Niccolai's soul wavelength. He grunted as he was knocked backwards, however, he stayed on is feet. Ikari giggled at the pain, he enjoyed fighting, the adrenaline rush it gave him, everything about battle he loved. He rushed at Niccolai, slashing at his feet. Ikari then swung his right hand toward Niccolai's left side. The blue bolts of energy moved into his hand. "Wave Pulse" he said as the blow connected
2:34pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 49
(thats his soulwavelength attack, the reason his wave length is blue will be revealed later)
3:08pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 582
(Koga wants to join but idk if i can)
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
5:58pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 101
(Lol someones alittle *Twitch* sadistic XD)
7:16pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Lance loved the feeling of finally being used by a meister, and as he slightly watched Ikari, he noticed what he had said. 'Wave Pulse' I wonder what that i- he watched as Ikari's hand was covered in blue bolts of energy that moved down his arm. Cool. Lance smirked and narrowed his eyes as he saw what was happening.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:55pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Nicolai simply laughed and jumped back, pushing off with one foot to twist back and land on the hammer end of the weapon he held, turning to aim a kick at Ikari's jaw before he jumped back to his feet and twisted around again, quickly swinging Stella as he grinned. "You might want to use something our dad didn't teach you. everything he taught you, he taught us!" he said, his visible green eye holding a strangely 'Stein-esque' look within them. "Otherwise, we have the upper hand!"
9:03pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen's Death the Kid moment completely died when she sneezed again. She returned to her normal sweet state, not knowing about the sudden personality change.
9:10pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Stein moved over, watching the fight with interest. "Niccolai's figured out how to use Stella's size to his advantage, mixing soul wavelength hits with his agility, flexibility, and quick thinking," he murmured, crossing his arms as a small, analytical smile crossed his features before he looked down at Faylen. "So, Faylen, have you been successful in your search for a weapon yet?" he asked, changing his thought processes.
10:39pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen frowned slightly. "Not really.." she said, still frowing. She let her hair fall back over the corner of her eye and sighed. "People can't handle my sudden changes... I hate that..." she muttered.
1:15pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari somersaulted back away from Niccolai "Okay..." he changed stances again, he stood like a swordsman getting ready to draw his sword. "Lance, I want to try it. Lets use soul resonace, my style of fighting is useless. Stein taught me and Niccolai at the same time. We need to change it up. Do something he isn't expecting, get it?" he said with a sadistic grin, looking directly into Niccolai's visible eye