2:34pm Apr 15 2011
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Niccolai laughed and relaxed his stance, resting his hammer against his shoulder as he watched Ikari and Lance. He grinnned, tilting his head slightly. "This is going to get interesting," he said as he glanced at the head of the hammer, smiling when Stella laughed. "Well, brother, looks like we get to show off out soul resonance, too," she said, brown eyes lit up with interest.
3:54pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 375
Lance smirked, showing only half a smile. "Could be risky, but let's do it." he calmed down, trying to make all his emotions settle into one feeling. Lance felt Ikari's wavelenghts, and started to match up with his, finding it slightly difficult due to Ikari not doing it yet. He tried drowning out the noise of Niccolai and Stella talking, making sure nothing threw him off balance.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:33pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari felt Lance's soul wave length. "Okay I guess this is the moment of truth" he said as he let his wavelength over flow. the blue energy expanded over his body it even traveled down Lance's blade and back up again causing a cork-screw effect over the blade, "Soul Resonance!"
8:54pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 375
"Soul Resonance!" Lance said exactly when Ikari did, noticing the blue energy seeming to nearly surge through him now. He kept resonating until he thought they couldn't do it anymore. Lance felt every inch of himself more clearly, as though his power and senses multiplied my a hundred, and it felt good.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:03pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen suddenly shifted her gaze from Ikari to Niccolai. She didn't realize it, but her eyes filled with a sense of longing that she couldn't comprehend.
9:32pm Apr 15 2011
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Niccolai grinned, then looked to his sister once again. She nodded, and he lifted her from hsi shouler to hold her out, closing his eye before wind began to whip around him and Stella, the force of the wind moving his hair out of his face to show his blind eye, as well as the scar that went across it. "Soul resonance!" he and Stella called out at the same time, their souls mixing together in a big, flashing ball of bright green light that surrounded them, Niccolai's stance changing as his strangely long hair whipped around him.
9:38pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen watched the training partners, then realized she was all alone.
9:40pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 478
She clutched the larged stuffed rabbit she had to her chest. She wished she wasn't alone. She wanted a partner, to master her weapon form. She was half weapon, but turned into a dark blue scythe.
9:56pm Apr 15 2011
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Stein glanced towards Faylen and blinked when he noticed the look in her eyes. He tilted his head slightly, seeming interested by it as he thought about what it was, then recalled the look and nodded, smiling a bit wider as his green eyes moved to his son and daughter, watching their battle. So...did this girl have a crush on his son...? ((Derp. x.x))
9:58pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(('She can fight with soul wavelengths. So far, she has not found a weapon. ' Faylen's a Meister, not a weapon, Dragon. ouo;))
10:08pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 478
(I must have messed up... Sorry.. Wrong words..) Faylen looked towards Stein. A sudden flash of light signaled something.. perhaps she was asking something, or telling Stein to stop staring at her?
10:09pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Stein just glanced at her. He's watching Stella and Niccolai now. ouo;))
10:33pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 478
(Sorry >-< I'm completely out of my mind today...)
1:55pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 49
Ikari felt Lance's soul "He is a powerful weapon" he thought as the resonance continued. "This is intense" he said to Lance. Ikari felt like he was chaged with energy. The amount energy he had control of now was amazing. He felt whole, in control of himself.
2:56pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 375
"Yeah, you tell me." he said, feeling the quick change that occured in only a few seconds. The size and shape grew, the blade getting impossibly sharper, and getting longer, the dragon on the blade got bigger in size, the colour changing from red, to crimson. "This is what I'm talking about." Lance said out loud, smiling slightly, but controlling his wave lengths as much as he could, he felt Ikari's bind with his, making everything fall together.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:05pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 478
Faylen looked back to Niccolai, her eyes filled with the smae deep admiration. She nearly popped the head off her rabbit.
5:31pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Niccolai glanced at Stella and smiled, watching as the hammer grew into a large mallet, the hook growing and sharpening on one side to become scythe-like, the flat end growing sharp violet spikes. Niccolai laughed softly, green eye focused onto Ikari as he brought the mallet down to hold it like a scythe, falling into a different battle stance as he grinned. "Well, this is starting to get good," he chuckled.
5:48pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 49
(we need to rename the technique. im open to suggestions)
6:49pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 101
Myou stopped running feeling a sudden surge of Wavelengths hit her like a train. Swet slid down her face as she turned around with Ashi-Taka. "T-that's emense, it's too big to be one Resonance, maybe two or three.....No just two, but they're strong. I have to see this with my own eyes." she said more to herself rather than Ashi-Taka. With that she ran back, but tripped before even running 6 steps. "Ouch." she mumbled as Ashi-Taka shook his head at his clumsy master.
4:54pm Apr 20 2011
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