5:27pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 4,258
Medusa grabbed Crona's arm and yanked him up as the mice drew on Stein's face. "Now come on, I really do need to see you." She began dragging him towards the door. Uggh, I need Stein to move. She thought to herself, now nearing the door. Spirit was suddenly between the door and Medusa. "The Professor said no. Corona is to stay in clas.s, sorry to disappoint you." His face was hard and his eyes cold, an unusual ex pression for him. What are you going to do with him, nothing good can come out of it I presume. He grimaced slightly as he heard the squeaks of the mice.
5:34pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 5:34pm Nov 27 2010)
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Posts: 486
Stein turned the nail in his head. He thought for a moment and then said "Well, normally I'd murder them, but clas.s is about ot start, and they're already gone." He slid over near Spirit. "Miss Medusa-sama? I'm sorry, but students are not to b pulled out of cl*censored* for any reason. You must have written permission from Lord Death. Students are to stay in cla.ss otherwise." I wonder what Medusa would do with Crona, had she had the chance. I wouldn't have minded seeing that. No, what am I saying? I have strict orders from Shinigami-sama. "Oh, and Soul? See me after cla.ss."
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
5:57pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"Written permission huh. I guess it can wait, sorry Corona our little chat has to wait." Medusa scowled and released her graps on Corona's arm. She shoved her way past Spirit and glared at Stein. "Well, he wont be in clas.s forever will he. If I cant get that written permission, make sure that you send him to me after clas.s." She hissed before stalking back down the hall way to her office. I will pry that brat from you sometime Stein. You will let your gaurd down, then I will snatch him up. After all I am Medusa. Spirit sank to his knees with a sigh. "I dont like her, not one bit. She remind you of anybody Stein? Well what ever, I will let you begin clas.s, I must talk to Lord Death. See ya kids." He got up and left the room, walking in the opposite direction that Medusa had.
6:02pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 6:02pm Nov 27 2010)
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Posts: 486
Stein watched Medusa leave, and comically added, "See you later than!" and rolled into cla.ss. "Alright cla.ss," Stein said with a demonic grin, "time to dissect!" Liz turned away as Stein began demonstrating how to cut apart the bird's limbs. She looked over to see a nauseated Kid. Appearantly, he's faring even worse than me.
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
6:17pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm Nov 27 2010)
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Posts: 59
Soul shrugged. Maka scowled. Crona stared blankly on, and the mice even started to shudder. Blair just looked at the bird, her mouth watering. Whenever Stein looked away, she'd try to sneak up to the bird and steal it. Patty laughed at Kid. "Look at his face! It's green!" she mocked. She tapped Maka's shoulder. "Do you have any markers?" she asked evily. Maka gave her a purple one and Patty pulled off the cap. She drew a line on one side of his face and a circle on the other. She put a X on his forehead. "Done!" she decided, putting the cap back on and giving it back to Maka. "Can i have a blue one?" she asked. Maka gave her the marker, a little indecisive. Patty snatched it and took off the cap. She aimed it at Steins face and threw it; it his his forehead. She ducked down, aware that Stein would kill her. Maka just slapped her hand across her face and continued to read. Soul laughed so hard, he almost got a nosebleed. Maka slammed her book shut. "Maka.... CHOP!" she said, hitting Soul on the head again. Soul fell over and this time he really did get a nosebleed. "Serves you right." she said, angrily opening her book again. Blair crept up to the bird, not knowing of the clas.s staring at her. Kim Diehl was about to stand up, but Blair had already grabbed the bird and was dashing out of the room. "Blair!" Maka yelled. Blair looked back, smiled, and ran.Now Crona had a real reson to worry. Kim looked in the direction the cat went. "Odd kitty." she said. Maka looked at her. "Tell me about it." she muttered. Why can't my life be normal for a change? she thought.

My fursona, Paranoid.
6:58pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 486
Stein rolled after Blair and strangled her until she gave the bird back. "That's a good cat, give me the bird," Stein said nonchalantly as he choked Blair. Stein rolled back to clas.s, and continued cutting it apart. "Just ignore it, you can wash it off immediately after cl*censored*. I'll even come with you to help. You'll have perfect symmetry again very soon. If you ignore it for a few more minutes, she'll get bored and stop," Liz whisperd to Kid, whose face was turning greener by the second. Kid tried to ignore Patty's work. Just listen to Liz, she'll help me soon. If I can wait a few minutes, I'll have my symmetry again. Kid was very close to breaking, when the bell rang. He grabbed Liz's arm and raced to the bathroom to wash off the marker. "Liz, please get a towel ready!" "Alright, Kid." Liz made sure to put eight drops of soap ona paper towel, exactly in the middle. Kid scrubbed everything off. "I'm going to kill Patty!"
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
7:59pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 59
Blair scowled at Stein. "Can i just have a little piece?" she asked. "If not i'll rip you to shreds." she threatened, extending her claws. Soul walked over to Stein. "You wanted to see me?" he asked. Maka picked up Blair, who was fidgeting in her grip. She jumped out of her arms and clawed Stein's face. "Blair!" Maka said quickly, grabbing the cat. The mice filed into the room again, still six. They picked up the remnants of the bird and dashed out of the room. "Maka..? Do you think there's something wrong with those mice?" Soul asked. Maka shrugged. "At least i gave Patty those washable markers instread of permanent ones.." she murmured. She walked out of the cl*censored*room, closely followed by Blair and Patty. Patty decided to stay away from Kid for a few days. "I'm gonna stay at your house, if that's okay." Patty said. Maka just nodded. Crona tentatively walked over to Medusa. "What is it you wanted earier?" he asked in a firm, clear voice.

My fursona, Paranoid.
8:17pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"Your new as.signment. Seeing as Stein and them are doing their best to keep us separate I want you to get all the information you can get out of them. Basically you will spy on them, do you understand me Corona. Tell me everything they are planning, why they are planning it and keep them off of my lead. Do you understand?" Medusa said in her usual, cool tone. "Ragnarok will be listening in too, just in case you miss something ok. Good luck. Oh and dont forget to take these, once in the morning, once at night." She held out a bag full of pills that would strengthen the black blood within Corona. "Sir, Medusa is trying very hard to get to Corona. From what I can tell, its nothing good, you should have seen the look she gave me when I didnt let her leave with the kid. Stein might know more about her than I do and we came up with an excuse to keep him away from her during clas.s but we have nothing for when the bell rings. Any suggestions my lord?" Spirit asked, standing in front of Lord Death. "Well, I dont know. Maybe we should tell Maka, it might be dangerous keeping her in the dark when she is so close to this danger. Unfortuneatly we cant do anything about Medusa right now, so we must continue with how we are currently working. Sorry Spirit to have dragged Maka into all this, I know it must make you worry. But she is a tough girl, she can stand her own against Medusa if the time came, at least long enough for someone to come and help." Lord Death sighed, slightly annoyed at the current situation.
8:32pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 59
Crona held the bag. "T-thank you.." he said, in a not-so-clear voice. "I'll do my best."

My fursona, Paranoid.
9:53pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 486
((sorry, can't post right now. I'll post later!))
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
8:56am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((DOnt really know what to do with a one liner... Growl, one liner))
12:06pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 59
Crona looked up at Medusa. "I'll try my best, i promise you that." he said. Ragnarok held up his hand in a salute. "Me too!" he said. "But Crona." he added, still looking at Medusa. "This idiot can't do anything!" he complained. Crona's eye twitched. "If you weren't inside of me, I'd kill you!" he threatened. Ragnarok just turned and scowled. "I can't believe you said that!" he joked. "Shut up, Ragnarok." Crona said angrily. Ragnarok was about to say something scathing, but thought the best of it. "Whatever." he grumbled, going back inside of Crona. "Finally!" Crona sighed.

My fursona, Paranoid.
12:06pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 59
(there, it's not a one-liner :3)

My fursona, Paranoid.
12:20pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((Fine oh fine, i will post now.)) Medusa smiled deviously. "You two should learn to get along. You will, after all, be together for a very, very long time. Ragnarok will help you by being your extra eyes and ears. It is very important that you dont fight on this mission, do you understand. Good, now get going." She turned around, not caring to watch her child go. How very right you are Ragnarok, but his small size makes others under-estimate him giving your strong attacks the element of surprise. She thought to herself with a smile. "Yes, maybe we should tell her. She is a smart girl, the more information she has, the better off we all will be. I will go find her right now." Spirit said, exiting the room. "Maaaaka, oh Maaaaka! Papa needs to talk to you." He called out in his usual voice. "I should only hope so Spirit. I do hope we have made the right decision, that this information will help keep her, and others, safe until we have solid proof that Nurse Medusa is indeed a witch." Lord Death said to himself before calling Stein. "Hey, Hi, how are you? Good to see you. So, how are you holding up over there." He said to the image of Stein in his mirror.
12:39pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 59
Maka frowned. "What is it, Papa?" she said, walking over to her father. She frowned deeper at the thought of her father taking her somewhere "special" for the day. "You know what's weird, Papa?" she asked. "Crona and I became friends after a battle. It would heave been very strange if we hadn't. He's a nice kid." she added.

My fursona, Paranoid.
1:00pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"Ya, I'm sure he is nice. Listen, I want to take you somewhere where there isnt anybody to hear what I have to tell you. Information that Lord Death and I wish you to know, and before you refuse let me tell you its for the safety of you and your friends. Will you hear me out, if so then I will meet you at your apartment later tonight. Gave a great day Maka and... never mind, it can wait." Spirit frowned, upset that he had made the decision to tell her then chickened out. This will give me time to carefully word my warnings anyway, I should be happy for the time I have bought myself. He sighed but forced a smile onto his face. "Well, see you later then."
2:32pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 59
Maka could tell something was troubling her father. "What is it, Papa?" she asked. She was scared this "somewhere" was someplace.. scary. She looked bahind her to see Kim and Soul walking up to her. "What was that all about?" Soul asked. Maka shrugged.She wasn't gonna tell Soul about what her father said. "Nothing." she lied. Crona held his arm and sighed. "If it was nothing, it was nothing. Let it go, Soul." he sighed.

My fursona, Paranoid.
3:44pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 3:49pm Nov 28 2010)
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Posts: 486
"Alright, Sinigami-sama. According to Liz, Kid had some issues, but they were sorted out. Medusa-sama came during cl*censored*, asking if she could see Chrona. I told her that all students were to remain in cl*censored*, unless written permission from you is provided. She walked away, appearing very unpleased. I attempted to keep tracks on Medusa-sama, and have put up bugs in all the rooms, and around Death City. Video cameras are being placed as we speak. If Medusa drops her guard once, we'll catch her. And how are things over on your end?" Stein thougt for a moment, and then added, "And also, regarding the threat of a possible witch, targeting Maka and her friends, may I have permission from both you and Death Sythe to help make Maka and Soul's wavelengths stronger. I would like to hold practice sessions privately with the two of them, until they are able to match wavelenghts together, and with other partners, at any demanding moment. I believe this may as.sist in their safety."
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
3:51pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"They are fine Stein. I am aware of that situation, I just spoke to Spirit a little bit ago and we came to an agreement about Maka. Since she is watching over Crona for the time being, we thought it be best to trust her with this information we already have, for safety measures." Lord Death answered, though now beginning to wonder if it were the right choice.
4:15pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 4:20pm Nov 28 2010)
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Posts: 486
Stein nodded. "Yes, Shinigami-sama. If you are telling Maka, I as.sume I should continue to keep an eye on them? One last question: if you are telling Maka, are you going to tell Soul?" Kid began packing up his things, looking for Patty, yet at the same time, wanting to avoid her. However, Kid had to get home soon, and he couldn't leave with just one of the Thompson twins. Since it was getting dark, riding Beezlebub seemed like the best idea, with the sisters in weapon form, but he needed both. Liz helped look for Patty, though she was very angry with her sister at the moment.
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC