11:49am Apr 24 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Jasmine restrained her wings slightly, so as to make her flight almost completely silent. She then buzzed around the room for a moment and then returned to the corner near the ceiling where her dinner-plate sized pet spider rested.
"I'm going for a bit of a look around." she whispered. "I'll be back soon." Tula spelt out the sign-language for 'be careful'.
"Ha! Nobody's gonna get me." Jasmine said, adamantly. "Besides, if anyone tries to harm me I'll just turn into a Gorgonopsid and bite 'em in half!" She buzzed out of the door and looked around. She thought she could hear some sort of commotion nearby. Curious, she went to investigate.
"Anyone comes for me and I'll give 'em what-for!" Jasmine muttered to herself.
1:17am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 301
Jack turned into his human form and went to Vega "Are you okay?" said Jack
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
1:50am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 895
Vega was unresponsive. He could still think, only his body couldn't move. While no one knew what he though, he wondered if Erica liked him back.
[[Next post can revive him.]]
3:44am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 301
Jack turned into his eagle form and tried to unlock the door, but then torturer came in and said"Hah Smitter so you're trying to escape? Well i think NOT!" that was the last thing Jack remembered before being tazed and falling to the floor.
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
4:49am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Erica's ears pulled back, her eyes, a softer red than those of her brother, widened slightly. Slowly, she shifted into her winged kitsune form, curling herself around Vega to help him relax a bit more. A soft whimper escaped her when a human entered the room and tazed one of the other shifters, Jack she thought his name was. She watched as her brother grew angry, but didn't change from his nekomimi appearance.
She watched him leap onto the human and pin him to the floor, snarling and hissing as the human lashed out at him.he scratched and bit at the man until the human fled, leaving him to make his way over to the tazed eagle and lift him up. he walked over to where his sister lie with Vega, setting the eagle back down and moving to gently stroke the colorful fur his sister had in her winged kitsune form, his black ears pulling back rather ssadly. They were trated like animals here, and he knew it upset his precious little sister. He hated seeing her sad, knowing she was upset, and being unable to do anything...

2:10pm Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 4,873
{Change Spirit's name to Amy.}
Amy bit her lip and sighed. She leaned against the wall, exzactly, not being noticed, just like when she was little. Everyone ignored her, everyone hated her, what for? Nothing, she had done nothing to knoweone. A tear swept down her face, flash back's filled her mind, and eye's. She hit her head against the wall, another tear ran down her face. She put her hand on her head, still crying. Ok, ok... calm down, calm down ,Amy, it's okey. she thought. She shut her eye's, trying to forget everything she had gone through, and keep her eye's open on the present, and future. Another tear swept down her face, she put her hand down and sighed.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
5:54pm Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Lily ignored all of the events around her and sighed as she put her head to her knees and Midnight slithered down onto the ground by her feet and looked at her.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:09pm Apr 27 2012
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Posts: 895
Vega was helpless. His crush was scared to death, Jack was tazed and Sean is trying to kill himself again. Peachy. A spasm ran through his body. Looks like he was coming back. He shifted to red panda and nuzzled Erica.
11:42pm Apr 27 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Lily shifted into her panther form and hung her head as she looked at the ground angerily,"No one here under stands a shifter and how much human they have in their blood.",she muttered and Midnight nodded before slithering up around her neck once more,"Maybe you do though.",she said as Midnight placed her head between her shoulder blades.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:46pm Apr 27 2012
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Posts: 4,873
Amy quickly shifted into her wolf form and growled. She nawed on the bar's, the humen's quickly rushed up and stuck a dart into her leg. She jumped and growled, she walked to the corner and curled up. She sighed, and looked at Vega, conferting Erica, she quickly growled, and started thinking, why everyone hated her so much. Was it becuse she could shift? Were they jelous?
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
2:01am May 9 2012
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Posts: 301
Jack was carried out of the cell and put in a little animal cage like the one you put a dog or a cat in. "Let me out! Come on let me out! Now!" Jack screeched clawing at the bars unable to turn to human or wolf he was stuck as a bird or squirrel like a man in a straight jacket.......
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
6:36pm May 9 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Lily's ears twitched as a human came in and she thought of something crazy as she shifted back to human form and walked over to the man. Midnight slithered into the shadows away from them and watched fearfully. "Hey you!",Lily said loudly,making the man turn and look at her,"You need to know this...",she said pointing a finger at him and then crossing her arms. "We are just as human as you are and do not desserve to be treated like this!",she yelled. In response the man pulled his tazzer from his belt and zapped her with it,causing her to fall to the ground and pass out from the shock. The man left as Midnight slithered up onto Lily's chest and looked at her with a fear never seen in her eyes before.
(I am changing Lily's black pants to black short shorts and she almost always keeps her cloak closed,ussually.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
6:56pm May 9 2012
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Posts: 4,873
Amy slowly fell into a deep sleep, a hummen slowly opened the door and drug her out. He shut it back and drug her into a near cage, big ehoughf for 20 people to fit in. A few minnet's later she woke up in wolf form and looked around growling at everything that passed by, another hummen came in and walked to her with a gun and a tazor "Don't try nothing." he roughfully growled over the smoke he puffed out of his houth and into Amy's cage. He pulled five rope's from his bag he carried along with him. He also pulled out duck tape and taped her mouth shut. He tied a rope to into a lasso and tied one around her neck and to a bar of the cage, another onto her paw and to a another bar, then all of the other paw's, to whre she couldent move or shift back to hummen. She groaned with a very loud growl that echoed throught the whole area. She snorted and looked around at every hummen that passed, growling at them all still.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:46am May 10 2012
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Posts: 301
(copiers) Jack screeched and yelled as loud as he could for as long as he could he was sure the people in the cell could hear
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
8:28pm May 11 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(I did not copy and Lily is still in the original cage thingy.)
Midnight stuck her head to Lily's chest and tried to feel for her heart beat. She felt to beat and her eyes lost their fear and filled with a need to help. So the cobra slipped through a crack in the wall and slithered towards the smell of Jack.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:03am May 14 2012
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Posts: 301
(well as soon as i got tazed two other people got tazed) Jack finally gave up after ten minutes and when it seemed like he'd be there forever he saw Midnight slither in the room "Midnight! I've never been so happy to see a snake."
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!
3:46pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 4,873
{I din't even read your post's smart one, and she DIDN'T get tazed, read my posts beter!}
Amy looked around with a large sigh, she knew non of the people here. She sighed stairing at all the hummen's looking at her every time she growled.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
9:03pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Before you posted I thought of the idea,but sorry I copyedish.)
Midnight looked the way she came and then at him and acted out Lily and the human and her getting tazed and falling to the ground. She then made a sign language that meant 'Help,please.' and curled up with her head raised.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:05pm May 15 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Jasmine could tell something was wrong. She was not concerned, however, because in Gorgonopsid form she could easily bite someone in half. There was some dramatic commotion nearby, and she went to investigate. She wondered what she would find. However, she saw one of her captors from around a corner. Growling, she glared defiantly back at them. The captor looked slightly bored.
"Not ANOTHER escape attempt, surely, Jasmine?" they muttered. "Yoiu have quite the reputation now, you know."
"That's the basic idea." Jasmine snarled, and ran at them. The captor had not expected this, and turned to run bhut Jasmine grabbed him in her jaws and threw him against a wall. He slumped, unconscious, but alive. Satisfied, Jasmine turned around to run at full speed down the corridor.
Big mistake. She had forgotten about the wall just behind her. She cursed her awful short-term memory.
Jasmine, still in the form of a Gorgonopsid, crashed through the wall. Bricks flew through the air. Tula, her pet Golden Orb Weaver Spider, had apparently followed her and she dropped onto Jasmine's back from the ceiling. Jasmine looked around.

2:52am May 16 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 301
Jack reached out with his talon and unlocked the cage "Yes!" Jack flew out and went to the original cage and unlocked that cage then Jack felt a very strong shock and fell to the ground and felt being kicked and he hit the wall on the other side of the cage and he blacked out.
what time ? adventure ti- peanut butter jelly time!!!!