10:35pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 10:36pm Feb 4 2010)
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Posts: 867
Past the rough ocean,there lies an island filled with trees of all kinds.Windfall island.In it,there are a variety of waterfalls that connect to small,fresh water rivers.Wolves surround Windfall island along with many other animals that mate every year,and there's a large lake called Windrise lake,for the winds there rise with power,but only when the winds are strong.The island hasn't been visited by humans for hundreds of years,each year,the island getting bigger,still undiscovered.Will the wolves there find eachother and make a pack?So far,there are no wolf packs...who knows.... Welcome to my rp...
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10:40pm Feb 4 2010
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((Hrrr... Join...? And, um, how fantasy is this? o:))
10:42pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 11:20pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 867
Bios: Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Your past: Any crush?:
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:43pm Feb 4 2010
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Posts: 867
((Ooo~yes! umm...as much fantasy as you want,though it can be either...))
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10:47pm Feb 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I SHALL JOIN THEN! 8D -steals a pitcure of a Vanyawolf and uses it- Ivan~ You shall be a wolfy naoooo~ <3 -makes bios lol-))
10:57pm Feb 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Ivan Braginsky (AKA Vanya. ;3) Age: Unknown Gender: MALE Looks:  Your past: Look at the past of the country of Russia. :D Any crush?: NOPE. Unless you want to add in a Chinawolf? ;3 ((YES. Ivan AKA Russia of Axis Powers Hetalia all wolfinized. And I gotta go. -poof-))
11:02pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 9:25pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 867
((I'll make my bio too! Name:Zane Age:adult Gender:Male Looks: Your past:He has been in Winfall island since puphood,and liked to roam around alot.He sometimes got into things he shouldn't have and got scolded by his mother who pas.sed away when he was younger.He has now learned to live alone and hunts for himself. any crush?:...not yet ------- Name:Ruka Age:adult Gender:Female Looks: Your past:She was born near where Zane was and they were puphood friends.She used to admire him as her older brother,but now she has feelings for another Any crush?:Kalik mwa!
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:03pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 9:25pm Feb 5 2010)
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 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:27pm Feb 5 2010
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 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
3:44pm Feb 6 2010
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Name: Kalik/Maru
Age: 3 years
Gender: M/F
Looks:  ((Kalik is oon the right, Maru is on the left))
Your past: Nothing of any importance
Any crush?: OPEN/Ivan Name:Ever Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Looks: Your past:nothing of importance
Any crush?: Zane <3 Name: Khalida ((immortal)
Gender: Female
Looks:  Your past: Dark and twisted
Any crush?:OPen ((can she be immortal))
3:46pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 867
((ok!shall we wait for more or just start?))
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3:54pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I wanna start!!)) Khalida walked around the green density of the forest. The chains around her legs clinked and prey spooked. There was no point in it trying to run away. She was the fastest wol. Faster than any she had seen before. She ran and lept at the deers throat tackling it, her chains giving her extraweight. (kalik and Maru are siblings)) Kalik dozed in the sun of the afternoon. The rock he and maru lay on was hot, getting hotter, too hot. Before he knew it it was burning his paws he yelped and tried to awake Maru. She was still. She didn't move. He cried out and tried to push her off the burning rock. "Hey Kalik stop that" Maru snapped at her brother. "What?" Kalik woofed. "You're having nightmares again aren't you?" Maru asked tenderly. Kalik just stared at the ground not saying anything.
4:05pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 867
((you can pick colors if you want)) Zane walks through the forest,admiring the way the water in the river he's walikng alongside runs through the banks.He watches the sun rise higher up in the sky and sits down,curling his tail over his paws.He lets the sunlight flittering through the openings of the leaves on the trees over his head run by his pelt,sniffing the fresh,forest scented air.He twitches his nose and smells some unfamiliar scent. Ruka runs through the forest,feeling free,running with the winds,and stops,seeing two wolves,one red and one grey."What's up?"she asks in a freely manner,looking at the two with curious eyes.
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4:12pm Feb 6 2010
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"Nothing much" Kalik woofs at the new wolf. "Just trying to convince my sister here that the sun affects me when I sleep" She is quite beautiful, Kalik thought to himself as Ruka asked the quetion, "This is my sister Maru and I'm called Kalik. What's your name?" Khalida lifts her nose to the air after eating her portion of the fresh prey, Someone I don't know. Grolwing Khalida woofed angrily, "Who's there?" Ever awoke from her nap in the wet forst. She sniffed the ir, Nothing unusaul. She thought. Just a normal day for me I guess.
4:25pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 867
"My name's Ruka!"she says as she walks over to Kalik and sniffs him curiously."Hey,you wanna' play something?"she asks playfully,smelling the air while she sits down and wags her tai. Zane meanwhile lies down,and hears the question,sitting up guickly and up perks his ears."My name's Zane and who are you,may I ask"he howls and sees an orange wolf walking out of the bushes.He eyes her curiously,not sure wether to trust her or not.She seems okay...he thinks as the strange wolf comes closer,stopping a foxlength away.
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9:36pm Feb 6 2010
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"Greetings Ruka" woofed Kalik playfully, "What would you like to do?" He looked over at Maru who rolled her eyes before standing up and approaching Ruka. "Hello Ruka" she barked playfully, "Where in Windfall are you from?" she sniffed the air as if expecting something bad, "I don't think I've seen you around here." "Why do you need to know?" snapped Khalida. She looked at the white and red male and sighed, "If you must know, my name is Khalida and I do not appreciate you tr*censored*pas.sing on my territory."Sighing again she sits down, attempting to be friendly she stuck her paw out, chains dangling on the ground, " Forget about what I said about the territory. It's a pleasure to meet you." Upon sniffing the air Ever catches the scent of Khalida, one of her best friends since puphoods and follows her scent until she see's the orange Jackle wolf sitting with another handsome male. "Hello Khalida. Are you going to introduce meto your friend?" she woofed out winking at Zane.
9:50pm Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 8:24pm Feb 7 2010)
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Zane blushes as he sees the preety,red and white she-wolf,"H-hi!"he stammers as he puts his ears to the sides of his head,and Ever brushes against him in a greeting."I'm Zane,and you?"he asks,forgetting about Khalida and standing up,sniffing the air. Ruka smiles and barks,"I'm from the north where there's lots and lots of snow!Though I really like the rain..."she looks at the sky,a distant look in her eyes."It's been a long time since I've been there...If I'd ever have the chance,I'd run there,back home.I wonder how my family's doing"she howls and lies down,sighing and closing her eyes as the cool,fresh breeze of wind brushes against her pelt,her white fur shining in the sunlight.
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10:09pm Feb 6 2010
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"Ever, that's what I'm called," Ever speaks in a very childlike tone. Seeing his blush she decides to have some fun, she looks over at Khalida with a questionng glance and she nod to show its nothing serious, "Well Zane, It's really nice to meet you." shedrags the tip of her toe in the dirt absent mindedly, "How come I've never seen you before?" Khalida watches in hilarity as Zane looks flustered and Ever continues to flrt. Maru put her noes back down after scenting nothing but the warm air, "That's...col." she luaghs embaras.se, "Pardon the pun."
8:34pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 867
"Well,I come from not far away,actually,I lived close up from here.It's a surprise you haven't seen me,"Zane woofs back.He stands up and asks,"You hungry?"as he turns to sniff the air.He catches a brief scent of rabbit and follows it.Must be around here!he thinks as he hears the burrowing claws of a rabbit.He sniffs once again and drops in stalking position as he sees the brown rabbit,a fox-length away from him,burrowing busily in front of some bushes.Peh!That's a stupid rabbit!Why couldn't he burrow behind those bushes!
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8:08am Feb 8 2010
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Khalida also catches the scent of the rabbit on her nose and before Zane could leap or punce she ran after it, catching and killing it with a swift bite to the throat. She then sragged it back to the other wolves and murmured, "Go ahead. I've eaten already."