7:58pm Feb 8 2010
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Zane took a bite out of the rabbit,savouring the taste of freshly killed rabbit in his mouth, "This is good!"he said between mouthfulls and paused looking at the other hungry wolves."Y-You want some?"he asked looking straightly at Ever.He smiled.
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8:09pm Feb 8 2010
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Ever nodded and looked into Zane's nright eyes. She tucked into her share after downing what was rightfully hers she sat. "That was great. Thanks Khalida" The orange jackle wollf nodded and woofed, "Ima head home" and she ran off.
8:17pm Feb 8 2010
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"What do you want to do?I-I mean if you want to go out for a walk or something.."Zane blushed and padded around in a circle.Well,she is pretty!He thought to himself,sniffing the air once again. Ruka yawned and stretched,"That was a good nap!"she woofed."Hey,wake up!"she nudged Kalik.She gave up and padded over to the lake,then lapped up some water."Gah!It's cold!" she shivered as a cold breeze of wind brushed against her warm,white pelt.
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9:06pm Feb 9 2010
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Zane looked to his right,hearing some noise of some sort,"Who's there?"he barked,his fur rising on his back.I hope it's not anything evil!he thought as he padded cautiously forward. Out in front of him was a ferocious wildcat."What's a cat doing Here?!"he barked,confused. He never thought he'd see one of these cats in his life.The wildcat spat and rose it's voice,coming on all sides,were 5 other wildcats.
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9:24pm Feb 9 2010
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Ever rose to her paws as fast as she could, "Get out of here" She snarled at the wildcat, "You killed my sister, do you need to take my friend's life to?" She saw the glint of hate in its black eyes. She howled out a warning howl that her friends would knoww and launched herself into the m*censored* of cats. ((She won't die don't worrry ;P)) Khalida heard a quick high howl and ran towards the sound, it was the warning howl her Ever, Kalik and Maru had made when they were pups. She turned swiftly and dashed back towards her friend, "Ever! I;m coming!" for once in her life, her chains seemed to be dragginf her along. She dug her claws into the ground and oushed herself harder. Once she approached she saw Zane standing thre looking in horror, "Get in or get out." she snarled and jumped oon the lead wildcat her chains smashing it on the head. Kalik and Marue had also heard the quick howl, but only slightly. Maru got up immediatly, Kalik. That's uour howl. We've got to go. Khalida or Ever could be in danger" Kalik was too busy talking with Ruka to notice the howl,he flicked his ears to rid of the noise before being interupted by his sister. After listening to her he woofed quickly to the pretty white wolf, "You can come if you want. If you do be preparedto fight." He turned and dashed off towardEver with his sister at his heels.
9:41pm Feb 9 2010
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((ok!That's good!)) Zane bared his fangs and got into fighting position.He snarled menacingly,jumping into the fro.A wildcat grazed her claws on his flank,and he yelped,but turned quickly and slashed at the cat's hear with his fangs.He fought back to back with Ever,fighting like a cyclone together.One of the cats pounced on Ever,but Zane snapped its neck with a single bite.The cat limply slid off her back,and Ever struck at one that was sneaking up on Zane. Ruka arrived at the scene with Kalik and Maru,"What?!Wildcats?"The large cats spat and yowled as the wolves fought furiously,driving them off,one by one,but slowly.Ruka bit one that was sneaking up on Kalik on the snout,but the cat lashed back with his foreclaws.Ruka then drove it on it's back,biting and sratching the cat,and it got to the point where the cat scratched Ruka's soft belly with its back claws,leaving deep cuts engraved.Ruka yelped in pain,and quickly stepped back,letting the wildcat gain its strength back and cut her face,engraving a deep cut from jaw to the bottom of her mouth.Ruka got infuriated,"That's it!"she howled,and jumped on the cat,driving her fangs into the cat's neck,blood splurting out.The cat backed away,slowly falling to the ground and died.
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10:09pm Feb 9 2010
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Ever lept at the leading wildcat, the one that killed her sister and snraledsavagely, "You killed my sister, I kill you" she lept at it aiming for the jugular, but was thrown aside by it. She lay limp on te ground next to a tree. Khalida saw her friend flying and lept at the savage she-cat. She dug her lo0ng claws onto the cats back and rode it like a cowboy riding a bronc. Her chains smashed against its sides and she bit its neck. The cougar faltered to the ground. Khalida leep off and snarled into its unhearing ears, "You killed her sister, I kill you"
10:52pm Feb 9 2010
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Zane ran over to Ever,"Ever!Are you ok?!"he licked her wound where the cougar had hit her and stood next to her,biting every cat that came in his way.He became infuriated with this,and he killed three wildcats in one strike,"You don't dare hurt my friend!"he snarled and bared his fangs,his yellow eyes,sparkling with danger,seeing every move the wildcats made. Ruka finished off the last cat and padded over to Kalik and layed down next to him,panting heavily."That was tough!"she woofed tired with the wounds on her body.She tried to lick them,but each time she touched her wounds,they stung like a wasp stinging her."Ouch!Dang those cats can put up a fight!"she barked.
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10:58pm Feb 9 2010
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((May I join? o3o ))
11:03pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 867
((yuss you can!!))
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11:03pm Feb 9 2010
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(( Thx. ))
11:07pm Feb 9 2010
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Name: Spirit Mundael Age: Adult Gender: Female Looks: Your past: Do you really want to know? Any crush?: Looking.
11:27pm Feb 9 2010
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 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:56pm Feb 11 2010
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Zane sniffed the air,and settled down.He licked his wounds,then asked the other wolves,"What're your names?"He sniffed the air again,sure he caught a scent of other wolves,but ignored it. "My name's Ruka!"the white she-wolf woofed happily."What's yours?"she asked,curious of everything.She soon caught the scent of another wolf nearby too,"What's that smell?"she woofed,and turned to the bush behind her,and out came a black and white wolf from cover. "Who are you?"
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8:47am Feb 12 2010
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Ever opened her eyes drowsily, "Z-zane? Khalida?" she tried to stand up but failed. Her body wasn't currently strong enough to hold herself up so she settled by resting her head against a lare tree, so she could at least se what was happening.
11:19pm Feb 12 2010
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Zane ran over to Ever,"Are you ok?!"he woofed alarmed."I won't let anything happen to you!"he barked as he dragged Ever into a nearby den that he fixed earlier,"You'll be safe here!"he woofed quietly,"What'll I give you?!"he told himself,not sure what to do right now.He howled for another wolf nearby to help him with the situation at that moment.He didn't know much about herbs nor anything medicinal. Ruka heard Zane's howl for help,b and howled back,saying she didn't know anything about medicinal plants."Hey,Kalik,do you know anything about herbs?"she asked as she frisked around,trying to find the den.
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11:24pm Feb 12 2010
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Spirit padded about, Her purple marking's shining beautifully. She scanned the area with her violet eye's that shone like diamond's. She smirked and walked p*censored*ed some wolves. She hopped onto a rock, the sun shining onto her fur as if it where encrusted with gem's. She released her long, velvety smooth howl into the air. She looked at the ground and lie down.
11:31pm Feb 12 2010
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Ever blniked greatfully at him, "I just need some marigold, cobwebs, poppy seeds and some horsetail" Her vision was kind of blurred looking around the den she woofed, "Relly you didn't have to do this for me" Kalik looked at Ruka and whined, "No but Maru and Ever do. Khalida might now a bit too I'm not sure"
11:35pm Feb 12 2010
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Ivan padded through the trees, making sure his scarf didn't trail along the ground. He smied slightly, brilliant violet eyes scanning his surroundings. It was so much warmer here than the snowy place he had originally come from. He decided that he like it here very much, and that he was going to stay here. ((Yes. Might add in another male~ ;3))
11:35pm Feb 12 2010
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This time, Spirit howled much louder. It was a mating howl. And she meant it. The wind blew her long bang's around on her face. revealing her eye's. One violet and one amber.