9:14pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 867
((morning!yay!)) Ruka woke up in the mist of the foggy morning.She had good dreams the last night and she was up and ready to go.After stretching herself,she walked around the small camp,a few trees surrounded the area.She padded out and instantly caught the scent of deer,but she knew she couldn't catch one by herself.Though she could try,and then again,she wasn't agile enough to make the kill.As she walked along the edge of the river,she noticed some small fish and pounced on one.She bit the fish,but spit the scales out,and didn't like the taste.Even though it was a fish and she was also hungry,she ate it anyways,most of the scales dropped by her on the side of the stream.Ruka decided to cover herself with the scales,rubbing off her scent in case any offending wolf came by.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:59pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 867
((haloo? *howls in an empty wheat field*))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:44pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Not really sure what ot do now. xD; I mean, Ivan's still having a bit of a breakdown, and Split is pretty much wolfanized shadows. e.o -jams to Cinema Bizarre- ILOVEYOUSTRIFY~ <3))
9:34pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 867
Zane woke up,feeling dazed.He stood up and looked around,seeing Ever was still at his side."Best go out and hunt..." he said as he walked out the den and into the forest,smelling nothing of prey.That's weird...there's always much prey around here in the early mornings. he thought to himself and padded along the stream,meeting with Ruka along the way."Good morning!" "Hello Zane!"Ruka woofed happily,her fishy breath reaching Zane's nose,making him sneeze. "What's the matter?"she asked,seeing he sneezed for no reason. "What did you eat?!"Zane woofed as he smelled the fishy scent of Ruka's breath."Was it fish?"he asked and padded away to the other side of the soft-running stream.He caught the scent of deer in the air,but he wasn't hungry at the moment.Better wait for later. As he turned to the opposite of the deer's direction,he noticed another deer.Ah well!I'd might as well scare them!he thought and walked right into the deer,scaring it away.Zane padded the way he wanted to go,not caring where he went this time,he just wanted to get someplace.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
2:23pm Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 2:23pm Feb 19 2010)
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Posts: 64
((Oooo~can I join?))
 Click, please!
5:17pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 867
((yes ye' can!))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:47pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 64
Name:Topaz Age:young adult Gender:male Looks: Your Past:He used to be a captured wolf,in a cage,laughed at by humans and poked by sticks.The humans used to spit and taunt him,until one day he got furious and his fury ripped the cage,revealing two large,orange wings on his back.He flew away after dealing some damage to the human who caught him since pup hood.He flew to an island he had heard about from his parents when he was little,before the human had destroyed his home and family. AnyCrush?:Kahilda...x3
 Click, please!
10:33pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Ever woke up to find Zane out of the den. She padded out of the large warm cave limping, "Zane? You there?" she whimpered softly as she turned aroud. The wounds on her back were still very painfull and deep. Khalida was agitated and worried about Ever, so to ease the pain she let out a long, mournfull howl, "Ooooo" she called, once, twice, three times. Once the finally got it out of her system she trotted off, her chians chinking slightly. She scented another wolf, Male. She thought.
10:51pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 64
Topaz wandered around the forest,willing to answer any female call.Then he heard another wolf's call and howled back.She's close by he thought,padding through the trees to get to his destination.He peeked behind some bushes and saw the most beautiful wolf he had ever seen. He sniffed the air and she smelled of vanilla blossoms.She's beautiful! he thought,but as he gazed at her,he fell to the ground,dazed.He blew his cover.
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10:54pm Feb 19 2010
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Khalida snarled at the newcomer before realizing he was no threat, "Helllo there. Might I ask what your name is?"
11:13pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit looked back. The soft wind gently ruffling her bang's. She was giving up hope. "Face it spirit. No one loves you." A crystal clear tear eased away from her shining violet eye. Another soon to come from the amber one. Her glowing markings lit up the area around her. The voices in her head laughed at her and teased her. "SHUT UP!!" She snarled. Lighting up the night with the sudden fury. She shook the sudden sounds from her head and glared into the brush.
12:24am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 64
Topaz looked up at the friendly wolf,"I'm Topaz,what's yours?"he asked,funnily standing up and sniffing the wolf in front of him from a distance.
 Click, please!
12:31am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 130
Name:Rain Age:adult Gender:male Looks:
Your past:He was born in the forest of Windfall island,and his mother was killed by a feline.His father acted like his mother then,but he wasn't exactly like her.Rain began to explore the world at 2 weeks and half,and when he was older,he ran into an old tree with spirits around.He had been living near the tree since then. Any Crush?:Spirit...sorta' (he likes her though)
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
12:36am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 130
Rain trotted among the trees,looking to see if he caught any wolves while walking along.He howled a long,deep howl,seeing if anyone would respond,but the only thing he heard were the clouds overhead.They were bunching up.Rain...he thought as he looked to the darkening sky.He tripped over a root and fell on some bushes,revealing a black and white wolf on the other side.Wow.. he thought,"Uh...hi..."he woofed over to the strange wolf as he stood up.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
12:39am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit was giving up hope. She sat down. Nature winding around her. The wind whipped around her, the earth curled around her paws. The being of health, that was grateful to the land, was angry, and so was nature. Her eyes eased open, the wind punishing her with its whip. She used up the last bit of strength left in her. With nature having its fit's, she released her long morningful howl. And with that, she fell with a thud. Not dead, but p*censored*ed out from her life. As she did so, mother nature returned to her natural state.
12:42am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit's senses where down. She could not feel the wolf nearby, as she usally does.
12:59am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 130
Rain padded close to the unconscious wolf,listening for a breath.He heard something,and decided to stay by her side the whole time.The sky brought the rain down,and he had to find shelter somewhere.He saw a den nearby and dragged Spirit to it,curling down next to her soaked body.I hope this'll do...
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:31am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
As Spirit's eyes slowly opened, instinct drove her to give a unearthly hiss. Until she jerked up and circled him, did she stop. Fangs on hold, and her tail semi high. "Who are you." She barked. Her nature driving her to be vicious until she finds out who he, or she is.
10:58am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 130
((Rainis a he)) Rain woke up to the sound of wolf's voice,"Wha?..."he woofed as he looked straight into the eyes of an angry wolf."I'm Rain..."he woofed and stood up."I saved you from the rain outside and brought you in here,"he said,hoping the she-wolf would lower her defenses.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
11:01am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( I said he was a he. o_O ))
Spirit looked out into the rain, lowering her high senses. She scanned him over. "I'm Spirit." She said.