3:37pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 464
Saria yawned and opened her eyes into the fresh world.She was lying in the clearing with green gras.s everywhere around her."Ah!Such a beautiful day!"she woofed to herself,looking up at the sky."I wonder what there is to do around here..."she stood up and stretched. Ashikata shook himself as a giant,dragon-like,wolf-eared beast flung him to a rock.He ran to it,biting the thing's paw and ripping it from the creature.I've never seen such a thing before in my life! he thought as the creature howled in pain and Ashikata ripped at it again,this time,the creature opened its jaws and let out an ear-splitting howl.Ashikata growled and snarled,until he bit the creature's neck,spilling out blood and the thing died in black,shadow dust.
3:45pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 867
"Yeah,I'm ok,"Shotoku woofed and looked into Suiko's eyes."What happened?"he woofed as he stood up,shaking himself of the dust and leaves. "I think you bumped into this tree,"Suiko woofed and looked in the direction of the white and blue wolf ahead.She padded over to the dead creature and sniffed it,but quickly moved back due to the horrible stench.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:09pm Mar 5 2010
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((awoo! anyone? *howls* ))
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5:25pm Mar 6 2010
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Zane walked back to Ever with the rabbits in his jaws and carefully put them close to her. He sat down and started chewing on them,while he heard some rustling in the leaves and turned his head.What was standing there was a mouse...a small mouse.Zane ignored it and went back to eating. "I found a pup!"Ruka woofed happily as she saw Kalik and told him the news."Her name is Yoru."She put down the white pup in front of him.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:36pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 117
((may i join? took some time to read all those awesome writing.. i wanna join! XD))
12:26am Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 12:29am Mar 7 2010)
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Name: Kohet Age: Pup Gender: Female Looks: White body with blue "wind-like" patterns on her side. She has yellow wings, which she has no memory of the origin of them. Your past: Kohet was born from the sky and the sea, she appeared as a child of the winds, on the coast of Windfall island. Lost but defiant, she finds Topaz wandering around. Any crush?: Secret crush on Topaz!
9:06am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 867
(('tis accepted!yay!))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:19am Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 9:20am Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 64
((should Topaz come in?))
 Click, please!
10:53am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 117
11:13am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 117
Shivering in the night's cold, Kohet stood up on the damp sand, looking around naturally. She flapped her small, bright yellow wings and shook her wet body. Hesitantly, she walked towards the woods. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air, smelling a variety of odors, from mushrooms to prey-blood to.. to.. wolf! Opening her eyes wide, she found a brown dog-like creature with orange wings in a distance. As curious a pup is, she "quietly" dashed toward the creature and stopped behind a tree. Staring, she found the creature to be a wolf. A very... gorgeous... wolf. She couldn't stop herself from blushing, and her heart pounded against her small chest. Who is he? she thought, still staring.
1:40pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 64
Topaz heard some sound behind him and turned,sniffing the air.He caught the scent of a wolf pup and headed towards the tree,where the scent was coming from."Who are you?"he woofed as he found a small,white,winged pup staring at him.
 Click, please!
5:26pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 5:28pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 117
"O-orange! I mean! Kohet!" she fell backwards, stumbling on a piece of rock. ((heres a pic i found of possibly Kohet's adulthood. tle="ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting"> ))
5:42pm Mar 7 2010
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(( Recap please. C: ))
9:56pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 867
((Yuki made some new wolves:Ashikata and Saria and I did too,but I think you already know them ok,this is what happened:Ashikata got caught in some fight with the reptile-beast creature and Saria was enjoying her life in some clearing with gras.s around her.Meanwhile,Suiko found out about the creature Rain fought with and met him,though she still wants to know who Spirit is.Shotoku went to seek Akane.))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:02pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 867
((and what happened above was that a new wolf pup appeared and got in love with Topaz.They just met.))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:50pm Mar 7 2010
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(( Oh, Okay. c: )) Venom's immortal body was angered, being done with this lifeless thing, it left Spirits almost dead body behind, and ventured on as a disgusting reptile beast. Spirit was tainted by the poison of Venom. She was forever trapped in the half wolf, half reptile body. Meanwhile, Venom had a job to complete. It binded the shadows to come upon Rain. Slashing him with its deadly claws hidden underneath a shadow, it bit, slashed, and ripped at Rain. Whilst Spirits fading soul was tainted by the thoughts of Rain's death.
10:56pm Mar 7 2010
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(( Venom:  ))
4:16pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 130
I can't die! Rain thought as Venom ripped at him,and stood up as the poisonous thing stopped to look at the intruder.She was a black and white wolf with an orange tail and neck,and she had red-orange eyes.She was Suiko.Rain took the chance to run,though he limped and his wounds hurt badly,he kept going and headed to Spirit's body.He saw Shotoku behind the tree,"Hey,you!Can you help me drag Spirit to a safe place?"he asked the pup. ((is that ok,Horo?))
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
5:02pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 867
"Yeah...but first,what's your name?"Shotoku woofed and padded over quickly before Venom could see.He took the wolf by the scruff and started pulling,though he had a hard time pulling a heavy wolf to a place far away."Any help,please?"he woofed through his teeth. Suiko snarled at Venom,seeing that he could kill in seconds and howled.She did a loop around him and ran over to help Rain walk."Shotoku,I'll take the wolf and you help Rain,"she woofed and padded over to Spirit,dragging her across the river nearby.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:02pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 867
((Eastern,there are 5 new wolves:Saria(pup),Ashikata(grown),Suiko(grown),Shotoku(pup), and Akane(pup).Suiko looked for Shotoku and found him talking with Akane.Rain meanwhile battled with a reptile beast,and is wounded,but stood up swaying.He was being attacked by Venom,but escaped a little distance away.Venom also got rid of Spirit's body and got into his own.Shotoku arrived with Suiko,but bumped into a tree,and then regained conciousenss,but Rain showed up,asking for help.Suiko was the one who distracted Venom and let Rain escape,and then ran away herself.She caught up to Rain and helped him carry Spirit.))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3