12:44am Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirits limp cold body was drug all over gods green creation, Finally coming to a gentle stop. Venom, Meanwhile was angered furiously. Amazingly bringing squirming poison tentacles bursting out of the ground. Everywhere imaginable there m*censored* struck through the ground. Venom lashed at every living creature it could get its slimy hands on.
1:06am Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 117
1:08pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( You could post, hon. ;o ))
3:39pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 117
((waitin for Saph. lawl))
8:05pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 64
"Well hello,Kohet!"Topaz greeted and picked the pup up by the scruff,putting her upright.He looked back at the bushes,sniffing the air and noticing some kind of strange,new scent.Other wolves were nearby."Excuse me for a moment..."Topaz woofed as he padded over to the bushes,poking his head on the other side.There,he saw some wolves dragging another wolf.I was right! he thought.
 Click, please!
9:58pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 130
"Wake up,Spirit!"Rain woofed,standing over her and hoped she would wake up.His wounds stung a little,for Suiko had healed them how she could.Even though some poison lurked in his veins,the treatment had gotten rid of the back poisons and the rest were healing quickly.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
10:48pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 117
"Aroo?" Kohet caught up with this orange-winged wolf, eager to find out what he was so interested in. She plodded the soft, wet moss, quickening the pace to catch up with Topaz. When she broke out of the trance his wagging tail had put her into, she stopped. She could smell a strong, strange scent. As Kohet hesitantly neared where Topaz was standing, more unfamiliar scents twisted her nose. She stuck her head like Topaz, into the bushes, and found more wolves. "Who are they?" she asked, looking at Topaz, who held an interesting facial ex pression.
11:02pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 64
"No one I know..."Topaz woofed,hearing Kohet as he looked at the wolves and stepped out to greet them.Even though they were injured and all,he decided to come in,bowing his head in greeting."Hello!My name is Topaz,"he woofed,smiling.
 Click, please!
12:00am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit's eyes slowly opened. Revealing slit, amber eyes. She picked up her head and looked around. "Wha... What happened?!" She said. Her body was full of power and she thumped her tail on the ground. She stood up, quite unsteady on her feet. She shook her pelt. Looking down at Rain, She realized that she had grown tremendously. She gazed at Rain. "Damn your small." She said, Squinting her eyes to make sure she wasn't still dreaming. She walked around a bit. A sheering pain entered her pack. "AH!! Grr... GRRRAAHH!!!" She growled. two purple and black wings bursted from her back, sending blood flying. Suddenly, A unearthly growl came from Spirit. She turned around, her slit eyes at pin point range. She hissed at Rain. Then, out of the blue she lunged at him and bit into his snout hard. She began twitching and creating hisses and growls. Her claws came out, like a cats claws can come from there sheaths. Spirit looked up at Rain, both eyes fire red. "GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN RAIN!!!" She said. As rain still stood, she got more angered. (( Hay. Lets say that while Venom was in Spirits body, she left a virus thats making her evil until the virus can be killed. And it ain't a nice virus. :c ))
9:29pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 867
((I wouldn't like to mess wi' him!)) Suiko pulled senseless Rain out of Spirit's way as she placed her paw swiftly where he had been just a few mili-seconds ago."Come on,Shotoku!"she barked between her teeth,fearing he may get killed by the virus controlling Spirit. "Gah!"Shotoku slipped on some leaves,and fell into a deep hole on the ground,big enough only for a pup his size to enter.He shook himself after he landed a rough landing on some rocks beneath."What is this place?"he woofed to himself,seeing it was a place of wonder. Crystals filled the ceiling,along with many vines dangling down from it.A clear,icy-blue pool of water lay just ahead of him,and the tunnel had a floor carpeted with fresh leaves and soft gra$$."This is my paradise!"Shotoku woofed happily as a rabbit hopped its way to him,not noticing him.It's probably blind... he thought as he ran to it and made a quick kill,chowing down and enjoying the flavor.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
1:37pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 117
Kohet's eyes widened as she saw the gigantic monster lumbering towards where Topaz was. "Topaz!" Kohet ran to him, who had started to flee from the monster. Her small wings flapped involuntarily, levitating her light body. Her paws came off the ground and started galloping the air, taking her instantly to where Topaz was.
9:48pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 117
((bump.. where is you guys?))
10:05pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 867
((ho!sorry I've not been here!I've been playing my Pokemon Platinum,leveling up mah glaceon which is now level 90))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:58pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Bump.. e.e ))