10:02pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 9:54am Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 867
Past the rough oceans, there lies a big island filled with trees and animals of all kinds. Windfall island it is called. In this island, there are a variety of magnificent waterfalls that connect to small,fresh water rivers. Wolves surround Windfall Island and trot here and there, along with many other animals that mate every year. This season, there is plentiful prey giving lots of life to the carnivores that live in the spot, and a large lake called Windrise lake lies in the middle of it all. Windfall Island hasn't been visited nor charted by humans ever since it was born, though it has been getting bigger every now and then. Will the wolves there find each other and make a pack, or fight for territory? So far, there aren't any wolf packs in the area...who knows... Bios: Name: Age Gender: Your Looks: Your Past: Any Crush?: And Now, The Rules: ~This can be as fantasy as you want ~Please avoid posting one sentence posts, but if you do because you're hopeless, I understand ~You don't have to ask to join ~You can rp without me! :D ~Don't say Winged Kuriboh is ugly, or else! D:< erm...that is it! Wolves: ~Zane (Horo) ~Ruka (Horo) ~Wubbzy (Krilla) ~Dharc (Yuki) ~Dawn (nono) ~Din (Twolf) ~Rua (Twolf) ~Flame (Sapphire) ~Haze (Sapphire) ~Hikaru (Sapphire) ~Crispin (iheart) ~Eclipse (iheart) ~Tsuki (Rika) ~Hoshii (Rika) ~Allen (Rika) ~Nails (Detneth) ~Spirit (Lauren) ~Cierra (Ashdog) ~Faron (Horo) ~Blue (Horo)
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:09pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 867
Name:Zane Age:young adult Gender:male Your Looks: Your Past:He has been in Windfall Island ever since puphood and liked to roam around the forests alot. He sometimes got into things he shouldn't have and in one chance, he led some cougars into the camp without wanting to and that caused his parents and packmates to get seriously injured and hate him, or killed.He had learned to live and hunt alone and hunts for himself. Any Crush?:not yet --------- Name:Ruka Age:young adult Gender:female Your Looks: Your Past:She was born in Zane's deceased pack, and has followed him ever since the cougar incident, hoping one day for him to notice her and become good friends. Any Crush?:nope
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:15pm Mar 27 2010
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10:15pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 464
((me join?))
10:16pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 867
((yep! both of ye'))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:39pm Mar 27 2010
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Name: Wubbzy Age: Adult Gender: Male Your Looks:  Your Past: Nothing much... Any Crush?: None yet...
10:55pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 464
Name:Dharc Age:young adult Gender:male Your Looks: Your Past:He was born in a small den just north east of the cougars' den in between some trees. Once, he tried to go scare the big cats, but instead got half-killed by a kit. An older wolf then came to save him, and he got healed by her, though he never saw her again after one night. He left in search for his mother, but never found her either. It turned out, he had left for three days, and his mother gave up hope, so she left. He then learned to survive on his own and rabbits was the only thing on his menu. Any Crush?:Ruka
11:04pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 867
((both are in! :3))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
12:14am Mar 28 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:15am Mar 28 2010
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 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
12:21am Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 12:24am Mar 28 2010)
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Name: Dawn Age: Young adult Gender: Female Your Looks: http://erwil.deviantart.com/art/Wolf-Midna-54973209 Your Past: As a pup she was unwanted because of her differences, her pack left her alone and animals almost killed her. as an instinct she randomly used her powers, and scared them away. Now she roams looking for a handsome mate. Any Crush?: Zane Other: she can produce hypnotizing rays from her eyes
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:25am Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 12:27am Mar 28 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
((Can we RP? Im bored..))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:20am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((Have you made the mix-Dawn react in the other rp, 3no?))
10:55am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 867
((mm...we can start. Who wants to begin?))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:23am Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 11:25am Mar 28 2010)
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Posts: 464
Dharc looked up at the sky from where he was lying on the soft gra$$. He wasn't hungry at the time, and only wanted some taste of freedom which he always was in. As the clouds pa$$ed overhead, a flock of geese flew in his direction and settled down close to him by Windrise Lake. Why not catch one? I haven't tasted bird before... He slowly got up and silently stalked the big birds, careful to not disturb them as they wet their feathers. Spotting a small, young one, he ran to it at a high speed and slashed its neck with his sharp fangs. When he felt it drop dead in his jaws, he swiftly ran away from the geese, since they would cause serious damage to a lone wolf like him. Dharc settled down some couple of yards away from the flock as they stayed where they were, just as if nothing happened, and munched away on his fresh meal.
12:51pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 867
Zane sighed as the noon winds blew on him and sat down near some tree roots to his right. He swished his tail once and sniffed the cool air, catching some scent of another wolf close by. While listening to the sounds he could pick up, he was unaware of a white wolf lurking behind him and in a blur, the white wolf attacked. Zane growled and snarled, jumping to his left as the wolf jumped at him, yellow eyes glowing. Ruka snarled as she attacked the wolf she had been following without knowing why. She liked the sensation of the aura in the air and stood still, studying her opponent closely. After a few seconds, she ran and jumped high onto a ledge above the other wolf. Her golden eyes gleamed in the sunlight as she jumped-tackled the red wolf below her. "Haha! I've finally found you!" she woofed happily as she stood up and stood above the dazzled wolf. "I have followed you for 2 seasons until I thought I had lost you some place in the woods," she barked and smiled. When she listened to the wind's messages, she heard a slight woof of some wolf out in the distance. "Well, I'll see you later!" she woofed as she trotted along the paths the winds brought to her from the west.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
5:49pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Mar 28 2010)
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Posts: 130
Name:Din Age:young adult Gender:female Your Looks: Your Past:She used to be a lone wolf until she met with Rua. They became best friends since then and go together everywhere they go. Any Crush?:nope Other:none ----------- Name:Rua Age:young adult Gender:male Your Looks: Your Past:He was wandering around the forests of Windfall Island, until he came upon Din and fell in love with her. She didn't pay much attention to him for long, but when he ran in circles around her, he accidentally spread his wings and knocked her down, which made her laugh and they became friends. He didn't tell her about his crush....yet. Any Crush?:Din Other:he has his shadow side (dark side)
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
5:55pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 867
((they're in, Twolf! :D))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
6:19pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 130
Din smiled as she felt Rua's wings beat the wind by her side and saw him take off. She ran alongside him on the side of Windrise Lake, and little did they know they were just at the other side of the huge lake from where another wolf lay. As he flew higher, she slowed down and sat on the earth, panting from the long run. When Rua turned and flew back, she could hear some twigs breaking behind her and a swift rush of paws as she got knocked out by something. "Rua..." she whispered and darkness overtook her. "Din!" Rua barked as he saw the cougar hit her with its paws and its weight brought her down. He swiftly landed and outstretched his wings as he ran towards the cat at a high speed and clenched his teeth as the cat rolled over and scratched his right wing. "You're going to pay for this!" he barked, tucking in his wings at his sides and jumping at the cat. Right when his fangs buried deep in the cougar's flesh, he felt an agonizing pain on his hid leg and tried to look, but was too focused on biting down on the cat's upper neck. I must kill this one before it warns the others... he thought and flapped his wings hard, making dust fly everywhere in a small cyclone that blinded the cat's eyes. Rua released his grip and jumped to the side as the cat charged at him blindly. "Now you're dead!" he woofed angrily and tore at its neck, biting the main pulse.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
6:34pm Mar 28 2010
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Wubbzy sat upon the warm, shining golden sand of one of the island's many beautiful and mysterious beaches. He stared into the salty sea water and sighed at his reflection. He was mateless, and everyone else went chasing after everyone else. He felt as if he was doomed to never have a mate. He then sulked into his cave which he called his den. He curled up around a relatively giant diamond and stared at it's rugged surfaces until he fell asleep.