6:41pm Apr 2 2010
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Cierra sniffed the air, trying to find some deer. She found the scent of a buck, and some footprints, and followed it. aahhh, finally she thought, and raced towards the source of the smell
7:04pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 867
((haha! Sapphire, you're funny! x3 *giggles*))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:08pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Cierra spotted the buck, but something about it was strange, like it was white! near it, a brown doe and a young cream fawn skipped. Cierra couldn't find it in herself to hurt the white buck or the other two deer, and went off searching for other deer.
9:33am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 130
Din lied down and went to sleep with the owls' coon and the wind's songs. She had been dreaming of following moose and scaring them away, which made her feel happy and at home. She felt Rua's wings droop over her and felt warm,while her companion slept away too.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
9:53am Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 9:53am Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 867
((I'mma make anuther un!)) Name:Faron Gender:Female Age:older teen Your Looks: Your Past:She was abandoned as a pup, but then found Blue, who promised to be at her side in anytime of danger. They've been together ever since. Any Crush?:nepo (read it backwards) Other:She likes to howl very much :3 --------- Name:Blue Gender:Female Age: young adult Your Looks: (Guess who it is! And yes, I couldn't find a prettier picture of a black wolf! ;3) Your Past:She fled her mother when she was young, because she felt that her mother was evil in ways. When she was walking down a small river, she head whimpers and sobs behind a tree, so she went to check it out. Who she found was eventually a small, younger wolf pup, so she vowed to protect her, since she was a bit older than Faron. Any Crush?:open Other:She's sweet and has a good heart, but when called out to battle, she can be vicious and make a merciless kill.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:04am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 867
Blue woofed over at Faron, her companion, to circle the deer from behind and she'd attack from the front. She knew deer were dangerous prey because of their sharp hooves and strong legs, though still not as heavy as a moose was. She howled sharply to attack immediately and jumped for the deer's flank. She raked it with her fangs and held on with her claws, until she got a firm grip and barked over to Faron who had the deer from the neck. Together, they swung their body weight over to one side and knocked the deer down with one swoop. Faron quickly leaped over the deer, and held it's neck tightly with her jaws while Blue pinned it down with her body. After a few,single, final kicks from the deer, it calmed down and left the world. "Yes!" she howled in satisfaction. "But I'm still not satisfied! Hey, Blue,we should call ourselves Team Satisfaction!" she barked joyfully and ripped off a piece of deer coat. She swallowed chunks of meat hungrily and licked her lips.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:08am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 64
((ooo...sorry! I'll edit right away!))
 Click, please!
10:14am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 64
"You stay here!" Hikaru barked as she ran over to Wubbzy's side and grimaced at the sight of the demonic-wolf thing, snarling and taunting them with its huge, dirty claws. Hikaru growled menacingly and bared her teeth at the thing, while she ran at it and teared its hand apart with her sharp fangs. Wow...this thing's tough! she thought as she was flung away to a nearby tree, blood trickling down her forehead and making a small puddle on the ground.
 Click, please!
10:53am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 64
Name:Crimson Gender:male Age:older teen-young adult Your Looks: Your Past:He left his mother and father when he was a pup for adventure, and he found many interesting things on the island. He grew up, knowing only the series of winds and his name. Any Crush?:Faron Other:nope
 Click, please!
10:58am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 64
Crimson walked the sides of an old, fallen tree trunk and padded along the frequently windy leaves that blew on him. He jumped down and instantly caught the scent of freshly killed deer in the air. He ran to it, frisking about near the place, when he tumbled out of the bushes and landed on a cute looking,brown wolf. "Oh, sorry! I really am! It's just that I followed the scent of the deer, and I was hungry and I ran out, without thinking," he blurted out as he stood up and blushed.
 Click, please!
1:17pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 867
((he's in, Sapphire! cute wolfeh!)) "Gah! It's okay! You don't really have to apologize!" Faron responded and stood, sniffing him from a distance. "You from around here?" she asked, curious of this wolf that she'd never seen. Blue stared at the newcomer with an icy cold glare saying,'don't do anything bad,or you'll end up with no tail or head' and turned away.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
4:33pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Cierra eventually caught the scent of a young elk, and started to follow it. She saw the elk, just walking along. Dinners ready, She thought, laughing to herself, and jumped a the elk. The elk toppled rather quickly, not putting up much of a fight.