12:19pm Jun 28 2011
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Hmm, I am not too keen on roleplays completely centered around romance. I get bored of them quickly... I'm up for anything else though. :D
12:21pm Jun 28 2011
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I miss the old roleplay with Jake and Bree. They were fun. :D
Love is all we need~
12:22pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 4,258
Lol, they were akward but cute. <333
7:16pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Hey Wolfie! I'm good with doing it here! Would you like to start?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:33pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Sure.)) Chihiro stood at the spirit gate. For years, she had come back time and time again, every day, trying to get back into the Spirit World. She felt something new this time, though. The leaves at her feet brustled into the tunnel, traveling throught the gate. "It's pulling you in..." She said, repeating the words that she had said five years ago, when she was still but a kid. Chihiro ran through the spirit gate, smiling as she did so. Ever since she left the Spirit World, she felt as if she didn't belong in the human world. She entered into the green fields of grass, and saw the city on the other side of the small stream. She crossed the stream, hopping from rock to rock like she did in the past, and made it to the city that lied just before the bath house. She looked down at her arm, about to pinch herself. And then she noticed it. She was see through. She gasped. "No," she said, frowning. "No no no no no!" She looked around. The last time she had been here, Haku had given her food so that she wouldn't disappear. However, if she took the food, she was scared that Yubaba would turn her into a pig.
Love is all we need~
8:07pm Jun 28 2011
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Haku had been strolling along the bank of the river, preparing for the rush that came every night. Things at the Bathhouse had been busier than ever since he had taken over ownership after Yubabba passed away. He was contenplating dinner when he saw a curious sight. It was a petite, dark-haired girl who seemed more familiar to him than his own hand. He watched for a few moments as she hopped across the stepping stones, which were even now shrinking as the water rose. When he heard her cry out, however, he knew who she was. There was no mistaking that cry. "Chihiro!"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:12pm Jun 28 2011
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Chihiro looked up at the mention of her name. She caught the sight of a boy, who was vaguely familiar to her. She tilted her head, and then it all came flooding back to her. "Haku!" Chihiro ran to her long lost friend. She stopped just short of him. "Haku, where can I get some food? I can't just take it, because Yubaba would turn me into a pig!" The poor girl was frantic. She was shaking, and tears were running down her face. Her whole body was translucent by now.
Love is all we need~
8:56pm Jun 28 2011
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((Bump. :D))
Love is all we need~
10:27pm Jun 28 2011
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((Sorry! Went for ice cream with the husband!)) Haku reached out and pulled the girl close to him, the same way he had done all those years ago. "Come on. I'll get you something." He led Chihiro through the streets, not trying to hide her. "Here." Haku handed her a piece of rice cake he had pulled from his pouch as they walked. "I'll get you some real food in just a moment. Yubaba is dead. She used up too much magic to sustain her health that time you were here. It allowed her to age, and finally die. But I do have some friends who would be GLAD to see you." He led her to the boiler room where she could be warm and comfortable.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:47pm Jun 28 2011
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Chihiro was so upset that by the time Haku held her close, she didn't blush at all. She watched the scenery and all of the spirits pass by. She took the rice cake, and gulped it down in two bites. She was still shaking, but she stopped when Haku led her into a very familiar place; the boiler room. She looked over to Kamaji, who was still working with all six of his arms. "Kamaji!" She ran over to the spider-like man, stopping just in front of his working area, which was boxed in with wood higher than her head. Kamaji looked at the girl curiously. "Who are you?" He asked, adjusting his small glasses with one of his arms that wasn't tied up with his work. "Wouldn't you remember your own granddaughter?" Chihiro asked, rocking back and forth on her heels. Her crying had dried up by then. Now she was just very, very happy to see everyone. "Ch-Chihiro!" Kamaji pulled her up to him with two of his arms in a huge hug. "It's great to see you again! Rin will be so happy to see you!" He set her down. Chihiro's hair was all messed up now, so she fixed it by running her fingers through it.
Love is all we need~
10:55pm Jun 28 2011
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Haku had already gone to fetch the others. He was followed by Rin, Boh (who had discovered he liked being a mouse), and the soot bird. They all reentered the room, just as Kamaji set Chihiro down. Haku stood back smiling silently as he watched the reunion of friends. Rin was screaming Chihiro's name and Boh mouse and soot bird were squeeking delightedly. "You're back! You're back! Will you stay eith us this time?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:01pm Jun 28 2011
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Chihiro hugged everyone, and kissed Boh's little mousy head. She then placed him, along with Yu-bird on her shoulder. She almost got hugged to death by Rin, but she didn't care. At least she would've died happy. She listened to what they asked. She looked upon each of their faces, her eyes resting on Haku. "Yes."
Love is all we need~
11:19pm Jun 28 2011
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Haku smiled at her, face unsure. "Are you sure about that, Chihiro?" he asked, stepping forward to look her in the eyes. "What about your family?" He exchanged concerned looks with the others. The last time Chihiro had been here, the only thing that had mattered to her was her family. Now she wanted to leave them? What could have happened?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:21pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Ever since I left the spirit world, I didn't talk much with anyone. Soon, my family became foreign to me. You guys are my family." Chihiro smiled. She couldn't help it. She ran up to Haku and gave him the biggest hug ever. She said clearly for everyone to hear, "I missed you guys."
Love is all we need~
11:27pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lurkeh lurkeh lurk. I be mega troll today<3))
11:37pm Jun 28 2011
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((Hey, Emie! Go lurk on Story Time, haha. We fall into the story now, if Jake says the words with Sureya... Maybe we can land on Levi and Jade?)) "We missed you too," Haku said, allowing himself only a moment to hold her close. She had been something almost mythical to him for so many years that he couldn't believe that she was here now. And she was staying! His heart flipped. He wondered if she had ever thought of him, but disregarded the though. Surely not. "Come, you must be famished. Rin, will you take her to the green suite? Kamaji, we'll be back in a few hours to see you."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:44pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Chihiro smiled, and finally pulled away. However, she wished that she could've just hugged him forever. She hadn't seen Haku in five years. Five years. She looked at Rin, who was jumping up and down, clearly excited. She held out her hand for Chihiro to take. Chihiro took her hand, and began to walk to the green suite. They took the elevator, and Chihiro saw the radish spirit once again. They walked over the bridge-like structure above the bath area, and got on another elevator that took them up to the level where Yubaba's room used to be, before she died. Rin stopped in front of the door, and said, "Wait until you see what we did with Yubaba's room. It's even better than it used to be." She smiled, and opened the door. They had turned the room into a large dining-hall like area, and there were still several rooms branching off of it. On the large, long table in the middle of the room layed a feast fit for a king. Chihiro nearly fainted. How could a whole bath house full of people eat this much food?
Love is all we need~
1:30am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Haku went downstairs to give his usual adress to the spirits who worked in his Bath House. After he was done informing them of the night's expected visitors, he informed everyone of Chihiro's return. There was wild celebration everywhere. Still smiling, he returned upstairs and saw Chihiro gaping at the food in the dining hall. "You're still hungry, are you not, Chihiro?" He came to her and placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the table. "Eat, my friend, and have no fear here."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:43am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Chihiro was surprised when Haku came up behind her. When he put his hand on her back, it gave her chills. She smiled, and sat down at the table. She piled multiple items of food onto her plate, tempted to just eat it before she actually put it on her plate. She picked up her fork, and began to eat. She noticed that Rin had left. "Where are all of the bath house workers? Don't they eat in here, too?"
Love is all we need~
10:31pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Haku smiled at her. "Yes, they do, but they will come on their lunch breaks. The shift is just begining so it will be a couple hours before they come to eat. What do you think? Since I came into control of the Bath House, I have made several changes. I'll show you around after you have eaten and rested."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!